
20-07-30 (Pxfuel/Free for commercial use)7月27日(周一)~9月4日(周五),纽约市将逐渐开放12条街道,提供给社区民众进行夏日休闲娱乐活动,如:亲子活动、寓教于乐的文体活动...

美防长肯定美印国防合作关系 将增强亚洲部署

20-07-24 (International Institute for Strategic Studies, IISS)发表讲话时表示:“我们非常密切地监视该地区的情况,我们很高兴看到双方都在试图避免情况的恶化。”美国于2016年宣布印度...


20-07-16 7月15日,纽约市儿童服务管理局(ACS)与非营利合作伙伴纽约儿童基金会(New Yorkers For Children),共同宣布了纽约市寄养和青少年司法系统中针对青少年的带薪暑期实习计划...

非裔作家:川普让黑人生活变更好 不是拜登

20-07-08 的资助。民主党从未为黑人社区做过什么柯威尔在他的著作《被视为理所当然》(Taken For Granted)中说,川普在2016年大选期间做了一些共和党人没有勇气做的事情,他要得到黑人的支持,直接谈到非裔...


20-07-03 皇后区的洛克威海滩(Pixabay/Free for commercial use)7月1日(周三),纽约市开放了市内8大公共海滩。民众可尽情于大海中畅游、消夏,时间为:早上10点~晚上6点(救生员...


20-07-03 (Pixabay/Free for commercial use)【看中国记者丁晓雨编译报导】因美国南部的中共肺炎(COVID-19)确诊病例持续快速增加,新泽西州6月30日(周二)宣布最新旅行...

墨菲又停止开放室内用餐 餐馆主怨声载道

20-07-03 (Pixabay/Free for commercial)新泽西州长墨菲(Phil Murphy)在6月29日(周一)的例行新闻发布会上表示,他必须“暂停”餐馆室内用餐的开放。他原本在前一周宣布于...

A Story of Filial Piety

19-01-25 support himself, he had to beg for a living. One day, when he was begging, he happened to run into Zhang...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 Zhongyan first arrived in Shaanxi to search for military talents, their subordinates highly recommended Di...


19-01-22 boundless seas of calamityLasting for countless agesWith devastating waves and stormsWhen the cosmos...

A Kind Heart is Rewarded for Saving an Abandoned Baby

19-01-17 , if a person lives for momentary pleasures, while not treasuring virtue or one’s conscience, this...

How Kindness Transformed a Thief

19-01-16 How Kindness Transformed a ThiefIt's not easy for people to change their ways once they'...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 increasingly popular practice for mind and body worldwide. Though many people know of the practice, few know...

华为解释推特事故 意外曝光翻墙秘密

19-01-14 无意曝光了翻墙的技巧,引发舆论关注。12月31日,华为在推特用英文发布推文祝贺新年,但该帖文下方却出现via Twitter for iPhone(自推特的iPhone客户端发出)的字样,表示该推文...


17-08-12 更多的努力来控制朝鲜表示失望,对此,华盛顿已经透露,要对那些与平壤做生意的中国企业施加新的制裁。“保护民主政体基金会”(Foundation for Defense of De-mocracies...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-12 for the high grounds in the river. Shun went there to fish. A year later, the fishermen learned to...

For the First Time, China Compensates Persecuted Victim’s Family

17-08-12 Xu Chensheng before she was persecuted by the Chinese regime for practicing the spiritual...

How the Chinese Leadership Could Take Shape at a Key Political Meeting

17-08-12 reduced former Chinese leader Hu Jintao (2003–2012) to a mere figurehead by installing for him an expanded...

Stories of the Ancients Honoring Their Teachers

17-08-12 his students, and for this reason, the ancient people of China had the saying, "A teacher for one...

美国移民改革 将带来哪些变化

17-08-10 参议员汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)和大卫·帕度(David Perdue)发起,英文名称是Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy,缩写...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 people, "My purpose for going to war was to save people from this life of misery and to get rid of...

开放仅13天 张家界玻璃桥不堪重负被迫关闭

16-09-03 以上。A tourist poses for a photograph on the world's highest and longest glass-bottomed bridge above...


16-08-30 ,在毕业秀的舞台上,这组名为「Design for Difference」的功能性服装让台下的师生惊呆了。能变成帐篷的大衣、能让妈妈腾出双手背着孩子的夹克、掉落水里时会鼓气变成救生衣的外套、能变成背包的外套...

Dai Zhou’s Devotion to the Law

16-08-30 capital city Chang'an was swarming with candidates for the civil service examinations. Some people...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 kindness of others. As a government official, Li cared little for his own fame and always gave the emperor...

Valuing Virtue over Money  见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 went to the place where he picked up the money and found someone looking for the money. He Yue asked...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 for a while. "The thieves must have run away. Where can I ever find them? Alas, let me admit bad...


16-08-29 )在俄亥俄州阿克伦的演讲中,川普指称,巨额捐款人曾通过该基金会与时任国务卿克林顿或她的高层助理进行特别的接触:「没有任何议题能更好地描述,我的对手有多么腐败,就是她在国务卿任上『付钱才有戏』(pay for...

北维州标准化 学习测验 成绩差异大

16-08-30 最终课程(end-of-course)测验中,以费尔法克斯县(Fairfax County)的托马斯•杰斐逊科技高中(Thomas Jefferson High School for Science...

当亡亲故友与你梦中相见 那是真的吗?

16-08-27 的100个案例》(One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death)中编入了很多事例。他指出,他选编的案例已经有人〝花费大量时间、金钱和耐心〞进行过仔细调查。〝他们是非常认...

Food is for Alleviating Hunger

16-08-21 Food is for Alleviating Hunger Liu Nanyuan was the director of the Ministry of Public Works in the...

“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble

16-08-21 , recommending Zhang for “Guangluxun,”  one of the nine most powerful minister positions in the imperial court...

Chiseling Caves to Cultivate the Tao

16-08-21 traveled to Wozhou (also known as Zhaozhou, or Zhao County in Hebei Province today). There he sat still for...

Even an Emperor Must Pay for His Misdeeds

16-08-21 Even an Emperor Must Pay for His Misdeeds Emperor Xuan (559 – 580 AD, ruling from 578 – 579 AD) of...


16-08-21 最近出版的美国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)一项新研究报告表示,食量较大与多种食物脂肪含量高,使美国男性平均...


16-08-18 维吉尼亚州的Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology、第二名为新泽西州的Academy for Math, Science, and...


16-08-17 Hou.  Di said, “I heard you were discussing about who would be the right arm for the Majesty. Who got...

A Way to End Karmic Retribution

16-04-09 anywhere. Aren't you Zhu Er? I would rather have you kill me. It's enough for you to kill just me....

15所毕业后起薪最高的美国大学 理工类居多

16-04-07 University)校址:纽约州波茨坦市(Potsdam)起薪中位数:$63,000职场生涯中期年薪中位数:$117,40015. 库柏高等科学艺术联盟学院(The Cooper Union for the...


16-04-07 ),以及宣导商业和环境责任的学生群体(Student Advocates for Business and Environmental Responsibility)。24. 塔夫茨大学(Tufts...