澳议员提交法案      禁人权恶棍入境

18-12-15 【看中国讯】澳洲工党议员丹比(Michael Danby)于12月3日在众议院提出《2018年国际人权与腐败(马格尼茨基制裁)法案》(The International Human Rights...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 a large and mysterious influx of political donations purportedly for her voting rights activities. Abrams...

Trump Approval Among Black Voters Rises to Record 40 Percent in Rasmussen Poll

18-11-02 opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.Goldwater was actually against segregation and racial discrimination...

YouTube Scraps Most Popular Channel on China Politics From Search Suggestions

18-10-15 the ruling communist regime, including topics deemed “sensitive,” such as its persecution of rights...

社区问答_655_ 简介劳资纠纷的投诉

18-09-09 -3880,周一至周五9:00AM~4:00PM。劳工厅特别成立了移民劳工维护局(Bureau of Immigrant Workers'Rights),它的主要功能是确保移民劳工获得法定工资,解决...

Congressional Hearing: US Tech Giants Fueling Emerging Xinjiang Human Rights Disaster

18-08-16 security guards, as most crematoriums would. They are hiring 50.“This is what a human rights catastrophe...

Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery

18-08-13 for many years later.Jiang is infamous for cracking down on human rights, most notoriously by banning...


18-07-07 (Civil Rights Act)第六编(Title VI)。第六编禁止在接受联邦财政援助的计划和活动中基于种族、肤色和国籍的歧视。 哈佛大学表示,其招生政策符合美国法律,并致力提高财政援助,以确保校内经济...


18-07-07 Rights)追究责任。 州长库莫的这份声明是在预产期的母亲被辞掉、其升职不被考虑,或不被给予住宿的情况下提出的。库莫称:“对怀孕妇女的歧视是非法的,而且我们会让所有的人都负全部责任。”纽约时报曾披露,上千名...


18-06-28 Rights Week:Immigrants”活动)时间:6月29日(周五)上午9:00~下午4:00。地点:阳边区皇后大道47-01号303室。...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 there for victims of the 9/11 attacks.Larijani heads the Iranian High Council for Human Rights, which...


18-06-09 委员会”( Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission)的裁决中写道,裁决只限于本案。他写道:“其它情形下的类似案件的结果必须等候法庭...


18-06-05 、也就是“杰作蛋糕店对科罗拉多民权委员会”( Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission)的裁决中写道,这项裁决只限于本案。 他写道...

Leaked Document Reveals Informant Culture on China’s Campuses

18-05-28 , including civil rights, freedom of the press, and civil society.Another directive, from the Ministry of...

社区问答_628_ 简介劳资纠纷的投诉

18-05-03 Immigrant Workers’ Rights),它的主要功能是确保移民劳工获得法定工资,解决雇主强迫员工超时工作、用小费抵薪以及侵占小费等劳资纠纷问题。单位长期超时工作且不执行最低工作标准的问题可向其投诉。中文...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 cheerful ladies playing Chinese waist drums.The persecution remains arguably the most severe human rights...

In Landmark Decision, Trump Admin Adds Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

18-03-31 congressional seats, government aid, and the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The citizenship data from the...

A Worrying Trend: Half of AIDS Victims in Beijing Are College Students

18-03-31 and covered up the severity of the AIDS epidemic, including cracking down on rights activists who...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 a unsavory past of human rights crimes in his former positions. Fu also does not have a legal background.A...

The Difficulty of Ending Gun Violence in the United States

18-03-18 highly unpopular actions on issues such as African American civil rights, abortion on demand, and driving...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 mistakes, but it doesn't mean turning a blind eye to rights and wrongs. It is the greatest...


18-01-28 卫生及公共服务部(Department of Health and Human Services,HHS)日前宣布,将在民权办公室(Office of Civil Rights,OCR)下设立一个新部门...

Author of Smuggled Letter That Called Attention to China Labor Camp Abuses Dies

18-01-09 rights abuse in China.That person revealed his true identity years later, when he had successfully...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 debilitating. Rights and wrongs, successes and failures, gains and losses bring joy, sadness, shock, surprise...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 Beijing-based Aizhixing health rights group, said that he did not dare to take part in public events supporting...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 (about $196 million).Yang’s poor human rights record, and questionable financial dealings, have fueled...

Pope Francis Removes Anti-Communist Archbishop from Key Vatican Post

17-10-20 opponent of the Chinese regime and its many violations of human rights and religious freedom. In recent...


17-10-19 ,但未获具体细节。中国维权律师关注组(China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group)日前消息称,高智晟亲属已委讬律师燕薪和张磊,担任高智晟失踪一案的代理人。人权组织...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 , a Taiwanese human rights activist who has been imprisoned in China since March of this year under charges of...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 out of Princeton that covers China’s democracy movement and rights issues....

Tillerson Releases International Religious Freedom Report

17-08-27 religious freedom in China. It calls attention to the situation of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 rights abuser, and a geopolitical foe?Facing stiff competition from low-cost Chinese manufacturers, many...

Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Disappeared, Says Wife

17-08-20 , not just me. To human nature, human rights, humanity, and heaven’s mandate, this is a prison. My...


17-02-18 Democracy,Rights,and Labor)汤姆.马林诺维斯基(Tom Malinowski)和“国际宗教自由大使”萨维斯坦大使(David Saperstein)。然而,即使如此,人权问题在约翰.克里...

Pro-Beijing Group’s Hate Campaign Includes Fliers, Banner, and Biting

17-02-11 deprivation of Falun Gong believers’ right to intrastate travel and other civil rights violations, their...

美国无证移民不一定被遣返 躲过有办法(图)

17-01-21 法律保护,处理得当的话,是可以躲过遣返的。据海外中文媒体援引《企业报》(The Press-Enterprise)的消息称,南加州移民团体正在举办“了解自身权益”(Know your Rights)讲座...

聘请更多移民法官 解决移民法庭过度延期审判

16-08-08 Triangle法案提议在未来3年,为招聘165位新移民法官增加预算。Human Rights First 表示估计需要524个法官团队解决法庭延审问题。整个移民法庭的花费只占总的185亿移民执法预算的4%,考虑到...


16-05-19 ,因此对美国民权运动起到了推波助澜的作用。1964年国会通过“民权法”(The Civil Rights Act),这个法案被从事管理和人力资源的学者认为是美国历史上除了宪法之外的最重要的法案。1962年...

美国会听证: “中国广泛使用酷刑”

16-04-23 ,虽然不一定能抹掉他/她们的梦魇和痛苦,但是至少可以帮助他/她们。他表示4月20日(周三),将要讨论并可能通过全球人权保护法案S-284(S. 284, Global Magnitsky Human Rights...


16-03-29 不同语言的“权利法案”(Bill of Rights)文件,这六种语言包含中文、西班牙文、韩文、俄文、海地文和意大利文。市议员可内基说,根据《纽约时报》的报导,英语程度有限的店主比其说流利英语的同行获得罚金...