
20-02-28 开放了两个旅客休息室,名为Primeclass Lounge,这是Priority Pass机场休息室会员资格的一部分。根据您的会员级别,入场费从免费到每次收取32美元不等。在肯尼迪国际机场(JFK...

针对稀土战 美国有何对策?

19-06-06 考量,美国加州的芒廷帕斯(Mountain Pass)年产5万吨稀土,却运到中国加工处理,现在这家美国公司正面临中国25%的关税。那美国如何应对稀土战呢?2010年中日钓鱼岛主权纠纷时,中国曾对日本...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 of Central Asia, west of the Yumen Pass, through which the Silk Road passed. It all began around the...

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 pass on, the stronger and leafier the family tree will grow.With career blooming, family thriving...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 The Jiayuguan Pass in China’s north west is one of the region's most splendid landmarks, being...

A Kind Heart is Rewarded for Saving an Abandoned Baby

19-01-17 evil-doers accumulate wealth and some genuinely good people live impoverished lives or pass away early....

热带风暴带来致命暴雨 美1700万人受影响

17-06-21 (Michael Guy)说,热带风暴警报覆盖至少1700万人,覆盖面包括从德克萨斯州San Luis Pass到阿拉巴马州-佛罗里达州边界地区。一些地区降雨量可达12英寸辛蒂风暴预计在周三晚或周四一大早登陆。美国...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 , denying him the majority needed to pass his agenda.On Dec. 31, the left-wing group Moveon.org, which...

Two Misconceptions that Lead People Astray

17-10-22 escorting prisoners who happened to pass by the bridge during the rain. He kept quiet and withdrew to the...


17-05-20 进行洽谈。Cheniere周五(12日)股价一度跳涨5%至49.50美元,创下2月来新高。而且自2016年2月Cheniere的Sabine Pass码头启用以来,股价已大涨逾一倍。Cheniere周五收升...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 allowed others to pass through first. Upon entering a city, the men and women travelled on opposite sides...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 , "This is a list of names that will pass the examination this fall. If a name appeared here and that...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 accumulating virtue to pass onto my heirs." When he was appointed Chief Magistrate of the Shu Region, most...

一张DC地铁通票  更多大学生或可无限搭乘

17-03-23 大学生的无限制地铁通票特别优惠今年秋季或可遍及大华府地区。地铁局(Metro Board)将投票决定,是否延长大学车票试点计划(University Pass pilot program...


17-03-18 : Stillwater俄勒冈州(5家)宾夕法尼亚州(7家)南卡罗来纳州(2家)Astoria Downtown: AstoriaGrants Pass Shopping Center: Grants PassLa...

Chinese P2P Lending Bubble Quietly Bursts

17-01-16 pass the regulatory review process and remain viable by next year, according to estimates by the South...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 central enterprise is to seed and pass along subversive ideas, and then rely on participants in chatrooms...


16-10-04 的物价全面下降了50%似的。好吧,这件事PASS,咱们来看分项数据。大家都知道老蛮我最重视的就是工业数据。无工不富嘛,人口大国,唯有制造业才能提供足够的就业机会,才不会导致失业潮的出现,才不会沦落到人吃人...

Secret NYC

16-09-06 the sidewalk that has been ticking away for over a century and New Yorkers unseeingly pass over it....

Valuing Virtue over Money  见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 pass it on to the eunuch. Valuing trustworthiness over money is being moral, just, and following the...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 of very good fortune. When he reaches 17 he will pass the entrance exam for a government-official...


16-01-08 哩,在洛杉矶县北部天使国家森林一带,转而向东延伸到圣伯纳汀诺县的Cajon Pass,靠近现在的15号公路附近。据记载,那次地震前后摇动三分钟左右,导致土壤液化,部分地区下沉严重,一些地区树木连根拔起...


16-01-04 额外租金$4美金,逾1小时以上请见Citibike中文简介。*买24-Hour Pass和 7-Day Pass须付美金$101的押金2)1年会员:$95美金,期间无限次租借,一次租用时间限45分钟内。...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 he was about to pass away, he told his two sons, "The money we borrowed from Chen Liangdong has...

美国老年人 在哪些方面可享受优惠

15-10-19 2,000多处景点和国家公园门票优惠。(Fotolia)年满62岁的老年人,仅花费10美元就可以购得一个终生通票(Senior Pass),在全美2,000多处景点和国家公园,以及一些露营地、游泳馆,享受免费...

迪斯尼乐园涨价 年票涨至1049美元

15-10-05 美元。迪士尼白金通卡(Platinum Plus Pass)年票没有日期限制,售价为829美元,包括迪士尼的四个主题公园、两个水上乐园的门票和停车费。迪士尼世界的停车费从17美元涨至20美元。迪士尼...


15-09-28 it's not only what it seems I am honest to my heart我的真心不止像看到的这样i need to let the winter just pass...

欢乐纽约购  买什么最划算?

15-08-29 ,当然不同的配置优惠便宜度不同,记住购买要限量哦,为亲朋好友代购考虑到过海关的问题,最好还是部分邮寄。其它如各种ipad也都便宜几百或上千元(人民币)不等。3.纽约City Pass票:在官方网站或下述景点购买...

美西部四州野火延烧 千人逃离“灰雨”

15-08-17 ,烧毁了38,793英亩林地,只有30%的火势被控制住。11处野火迫使冰河通道(Glacier Pass)和霍尔曼通道(Holman Pass)之间的太平洋屋脊步道(Pacific Crest...

不懂尊重 所有深情都为零 (图)

15-07-04 ,从给老板家里找保姆、修网络,交电费,到老板儿子如何不成器,成天游手好闲什么也不做……没等他说完,我已在心里将他PASS掉。朋友所在公司的下属酒店曾招过一个前台领班,后来要求升职未遂,不但未做交接就甩手走人...


15-04-20 以上请见Citibike中文简介。* 买24-Hour Pass和 7-Day Pass须付美金$101的押金2)1年会员:$95美金,期间无限次租借,一次租用时间限45分钟内。...


15-03-06 ,新来的领导看了我之前被pass掉的方案,居然重新捡起来想要进行,女友和我重归于好,我们也决定了年底结婚。------早上醒来的时候,突然听到隔壁轰隆的声响,我开门去看,发现藤井夫妇在搬东西,〝你们这是...

美国驾照,路考全攻略  (注意事项,案例,考官指令)

15-02-27 自我感觉良好,就等着考官说“you pass”,结果等来的是“your parallel parking is not good enough.Ican’t let you pass”。   教训:考官希望你...

挑战极限 美国十大徒步旅行胜地

15-02-15 Whitney)。除了中段穆尔山口(Muir Pass)的约翰‧缪尔小屋(John Muir Hut)外,路上没有遮蔽处,背包客们应自带帐篷。在步道北段的小城和偏远景点可买到很多食物,应将其装入防熊食品罐,以备...


15-01-31 Pass 雄伟壮阔中国的古书《诗经》中有“百川沸腾,山冢碎崩。高谷为岸,深谷为陵”的描述;诗圣杜甫有“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的佳句;诗佛王维有“江流天地外,山色有中无”的名吟。高山的巍峨与壮观,是取之不尽...

3月地铁卡涨价 省钱有妙招

15-01-29 价格从$30调为$31,月票从$112调至$116.50。巴士价格也从$6上调至$6.50。桥梁以及隧道的费用上调4%-10%,EZ通行证(E-Z Pass)将上调25美分,铁路交通票价将上调...

美国运通卡 - 每人必备一张的信用卡

15-01-16 。不少大机场的VIP候机厅还提供淋浴甚至按摩等服务。现在介绍运通白金卡40,000 点开卡奖励(三个月消费$3000)享用Delta,运通Centurion VIP候机厅, 自动获得Priority Pass...

纽约市民卡申请须预约  申请者称程序简单

15-01-14 Evaluation)。持卡人可在纽约市美食天地(Food Bazaar)超市享受9.5折优惠,并将获得纽约通行证(New York Pass)的7.5折优惠。还有大苹果药房(BigAppleRx)、YMCA健身房等地...


14-12-15 互相辉映、随处可见悠闲的牛群,美景如画。瑞士格林德瓦美景(pixabay)造访格林德瓦可从兹怀斯文搭乘瑞士最著名的景观火车─黄金列车(Golden Pass Panorami),沿路欣赏美丽的阿尔卑斯山群峰...


14-12-08 。其他就是一些你的基本驾驶习惯的考察之类的。反正呢路考pass的总的原则就是要让考官感觉你的驾驶很smooth&safe。笔者去考的时候是找了当初听pre-license course的驾校借的车子并且他们有派教练...