
15-12-26 of $500 million making him second only to Michael Jordan for richest NBA player of all-time. )魔术师的绰号...

Zhao Sheng, the Tao Seeker(2) 赵升求道 摘桃

15-12-25 challenge and replied, "It is impossible, Master." Only Zhao Sheng thought differently. He thought...

Unfilial and Murder-Plotting Mayor Struck by Lightning

15-12-11 Liu Shenfu said, "In the beginning when he was appointed as mayor, he only brought his wife with...


15-12-10 【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】缅街新开通的巴士专用车道(Bus Only),马路左右两条车道从早7点到晚7点,禁止非巴士使用。11月30日,市议员顾雅明表示关注巴士专用车道的使用情况,希望在方方面面改善...


15-12-08 direct that life-sustaining measures that would serve only to prolong my dying be withheld or...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 Li's family had to pay the debt again based on the terms of the note, and only then did they get the...


15-12-02 【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】缅街新开通的巴士专用车道(Bus Only),马路左右两条车道从早7点到晚7点,禁止非巴士使用。11月30日,市议员顾雅明表示关注巴士专用车道的使用情况,希望在方方面面改善...


15-10-27 近日,纽约市交通局在法拉盛缅街,从495长岛高速辅路的哈里斯哈汀快速路 (Horace Harding Expressway)至北方大道一段划出一条南北双向的巴士专用道(Bus Only)。41大道...


15-10-12 卖主)、“BY-OWNER ONLY”(私人卖主)和“BY-DEALER ONLY”(经销商)。进入广告区,广告区的左边可根据买主的要求细化查询。比如:价格(PRICE)左格填写最小,右格的是最大;品牌...

【英文对照赏析】心诚敬畏 可感苍天 Sincerity and Reverence Can Touch Heaven

15-10-11 and saw that a cloud was starting to form. After only a moment, there was thunder, lightning, and...

视频:英文版《传奇》 耳朵都要醉了

15-09-07 You only looked at me and I was yours只那一眼,你便将我俘虏But when I turned around可在我转身时You were nowhere to be...

视频:治愈系经典《Only Time》,曾经陪我度过无数个失眠的夜晚

15-09-01 的感情终于暴发了出来,写下了触及灵魂的旋律《Only Time》。她,就是世界上大名鼎鼎的爱尔兰女歌手恩雅(Enya)。  请欣赏这首抚慰了无数脆弱心灵的乐曲,画面音乐绝美,令人回味无穷。歌词及翻译...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 have speculated that Emperor Tang Taizong’s magnificent rule was not only due to his vast cabinet of...

曼哈顿 Meatpacking吃喝玩乐全攻略(二)

15-08-22 Only。3.服装  2000年,一批高端服装店入住了Meatpacking街区,从那时开始,这里就成为了和SoHo差不多的购物地。建议你可以去逛逛Theory在这儿像仓库一样的店,或者是去华盛顿街...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 the fortune-teller, saying that he was famous only in name.When the two were about to have dinner...


15-08-04 了)到Silos(也停业了)再到Video Only(别想多了,只是卖录像带的),不管在哪里做销售,我基本上都是业绩最好的,因为我花了所有业余时间去了解我卖的东西。不上班的时候,我会去其他卖电子产品的店看看他们的...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 brought me these coins. I only hope the children can be successful even without their father around. I...

【英文对照赏析】善良怜悯 正气清廉  Zhong Liyi, a Man of Compassion, Honesty and Righteousness  

15-07-24 Only Zhong Liyi remained behind, personally taking care of the patients and getting them medicine. The...


15-07-06 burthens, or by civil incapacitations, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and are...


15-06-22 Lead the Only Chinese Democracy)统统打了马赛克。“凤凰网”昨天以“蔡英文登上《时代》封面,自称下一任“总统””为标题,在引用《时代杂志》封面图片报导这则新闻时,除了把封面标题...


15-06-20 讨论。然而,香港注册并有中资背景的“凤凰网”在报导时,却将杂志封面上“她将领导唯一华人民主”(She Could Lead the Only Chinese Democracy)标题打上马赛克。法国...

曼哈顿旅游新宠  Meatpacking District

15-06-12 Line, 和Serafina Meatpacking。如果你想要有点完全不同的体验,推荐你去Raines Law Room和Employees Only。时尚2000年,一批高端服装店入住了...


15-04-23 Initially when I saw my CT scan, I figured I had only a few months to live. The scan looked bad. I looked...


15-04-07 ?如果是想通过车主直接买,可以上,选择自己的城市,然后在for sale里找到cars and trucks,点进去,然后选择BY-OWNER ONLY,这时候你就进入了你所...


15-03-15 temporary but defeat is permanent. And defeat only occurs when you give up.没有完成的方案和不断的失败不可避免的会削弱你的自尊。如果你决定做...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 many tragedies. Empress Dowager Ma was the only exception. She learned from history and forbade her...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 and became mentally unstable. The third daughter of Ma Yuan was only 13 years old at the time but she...


15-01-26 创立于1789年,被公认为世上最古老的钻石商Backes&Strauss,全力支持2013年度摩纳哥“Only Watch慈善拍卖会”,并捐赠为是次慈善拍卖活动而特别订制的一枚独一无二腕表...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 ancient Chinese motto shared among not only the elite stratum of the learned men, but also among common...


15-01-24 会很大声的对你说“Customer ONLY!!”“Go Buy Something” 还会给你坏脸色(但基本上纽约麦当劳的工作人员脸色都很坏,态度很烂)因为他们老是被问这个问题。二丶星巴克这是不得不说...


15-01-22 )、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《唯爱永生》(Only Lovers Left Alive),以及奉俊昊导演的《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)。在最后这部惊悚片中,斯文顿饰演残酷、狡猾的梅森部长(Minister...


15-01-20 啊!(当然了,也可能是下午,取决于你起床的时间)2. Only wearing one color of sock. 只穿一种颜色的袜子。因为袜子也要配色真的很烦啊!3. Using dry shampoo....


15-01-16 ,等到那一天,支票才可存入或兑现)。第二行前 一栏是收款人(也就是印有pay the order of 字样的那一栏),后一栏是阿拉伯数字填写的金额。第三行是用英文字母把数位拼出来,然后在后面加上only...


14-12-21 时,可先在背面背书处填上收款人帐号及“for deposit only”,以免遗失被兑现。正面memo处,则简略记录用途。5丶善用社区新闻及学校报纸从这些资讯上可以了解社区及学校最新动态及活动通知...


14-12-12 十年后的代价真的很大!(FYI ONLY)沐浴乳含防腐剂恐诱发乳癌每天洗澡都会用到的沐浴乳,每天和皮肤亲密接触,当心洗出病来!沐浴乳里面有种叫做PARABEN的成分,是用来防止沐浴乳变质的防腐剂...

香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明

14-12-01 metal bottles. These ludicrous acts that we witnessed yesterday only intensified our rage towards this...


14-11-06 。」而英國《每日電訊報》的Charles Spencer形容這部百老匯劇「令人縈繞於心卻又獲得內心平靜」,這些評價都極大引發外界對這部作品的期待。2.《這只是一齣戲》 (It’s Only A Play)地點...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵  Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 explained, "A subject is willing to present his honest opinion only when the emperor is wise and...


14-10-02 emperor. Wang not only didn't thank the emperor for the honor, but he said, "Your Majesty, I...


14-09-29 greedy is indeed a virtue. Only when you learn how to be content with what you have can you be innately...