
20-01-01 终于在2019年12月关门。首席执行官Ryan Grepper表示,未收到货的客户可以要求赔偿当初支付的200美元中的20美元。5. 三星Galaxy Note 7(2017)Galaxy Note...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 desperately trying to make money. In fact, they have not figured out what money is. Money is simply a note...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 give advice. [Note: In ancient China, there was a nine-grade system for high-level government officials...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 and overreaction.What this prevailing narrative fails to note, however, is the long history of such...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 3)

18-05-03 emperors.  Emperor Taizong also wrote other classic articles to his children, such as “Sincere Note to King...


18-03-11 排行榜第一,以一分之差,赢过Google Pixel 2。目前排行第3名的是拿下97分的iPhone X,第4名至第10名依序为:华为Mate 10 Pro、iPhone 8 Plus、三星Note...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 [Editor's note: Chinese coins had a hole in the center and were threaded on strings to be carried.] He...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 to pay him back, Zi Rudao would burn the note and tell them to forget about it. He often told his...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 reports note that when Maxwell and his business partner Kurt Wallersteiner were running their...

三星 S9 2月发布  Note 9 传将搭载“萤幕指纹感测”新技术

18-01-27 韩媒曾报导指出,三星已提交萤幕指纹解锁技术的独家专利申请,推测预计在下半年登场的 Galaxy Note 9,将可望成为首款搭载该专利技术的旗舰机款。近日,有关这项萤幕指纹辨识专利的技术图已于网路抢先...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 , wrote in Note on Yueyang Pavilion, "One does not feel pleased about material gains, nor does he...

  About Chinese History

17-12-08 note down every word and act of yours." Liu Ji, who was a Men Shi Lang (an official who was...


17-11-24 长达两周,让Toyota不费吹灰之力便大获全胜。以往在前十名排行榜常客的Nissan Note及Serena,纷纷跌落榜外,Nissan Note才在9月以超过1.5万辆成绩拿下第一名,10月就受到停工...

以旧换新 购取iPhone X

17-11-03 获得300美元的减价,还有LG G6,去年的Google Pixel或摩托罗拉Z2 Force“以旧换新”也可减价300美元。更旧一些的手机,比如Galaxy S6,S6 Edge, Note 5将有资格...

谷歌Pixel 2手机亮相:高级相机、可捏侧面,但没耳机插座

17-10-04 为了跟苹果iPhone X、三星Galaxy Note 8和LG V30拚市场,谷歌终于公布了两款全新的Pixel手机。新的手机使用最新的Android Oreo系统,加了防水功能和可捏的侧面...


17-08-04 拥有向你讨债的权利• 它要求你偿还的金额是正确的NCSLT能证明你欠钱吗?这取决于他们是否可以提供你当初签署的借条副本(promissory note)。它如何证明贷款所有权?这取决于他们是否能提出...

  2017年纽约梅西独立日烟花秀 堪称史上最大最精彩

17-06-29 的“独立日节庆(Festival of Independence)”,以及附近的Blue Note Jazz Festival。晚上,茶余饭后,在这海阔天空的场所欣赏烟花也实属一种惬意的享受。3、曼哈顿18街...

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 this newspaper note that Wu and Zhou are now divorced, although Wu and Anbang have publicly denied such...

A8充电起火 三星:非电池自燃

17-06-05 全球震惊的事件,无非韩国三星电子(Samsung)旗舰手机Galaxy Note 7的自燃与召回事件。Galaxy Note 7于2015年传出起火事件,后来虽然大规模召回并更换电池,但此机型永久停产...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 Gansu was experiencing a serious drought. He wrote a note and prayed to the Heavens, "If I, the...

Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+评测

17-04-08 后。不过今次测试接近一小时,机身都没有半点发热。而且,Samsung公布了一系列新的检测方式,以防Note 7悲剧再次发生。近年Android的手机设计总是欠缺了一种平衡感觉,东一块西一块的,容易令买家有两极化...

  A Nun Guides a Donation

17-03-25 wandered about in society, persuading people to practice compassion. It was interesting to note that she...


17-03-03 就已使他们几乎逃不过审判。李在镕被起诉,使得还在寻求从全球召回Note 7的商业败笔翻身的南韩最大企业三星,再次面临新的不确定因素。48岁的李在镕在父亲2014年心脏病发后,已实际执掌整个企业集团。匈牙利...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 Shang and ordered him to supervise the construction of the "Deer Platform" [Note: a deer...

谜底揭晓:三星Note 7着火的真正原因

17-01-23 三星公司于1月23日公布其Galaxy Note 7着火的官方调查结果。正如预期,造成去年9-10月手机回收的火灾原因是手机的电池。为了表示慎重,三星与三家独立电子产品测试公司合作,动用了700名...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 let it go." On his wife's prompt, Qin thought he could wait no longer. He sent a note to the...


16-05-28 出现转变,直到最近该公司还是中国最火烫的新创公司,2014年还以450亿美元的估值,成为全球估值第2大的新创公司,仅次于优步(Uber)。去年初雷军在记者会上指出,小米的新机Mi Note比苹果iPhone还好,但该机...


16-05-22 充分利用了它的高度。与它的姐妹GLA-Class SUV相比,B-Class的空间在把后座放倒后要大16%,若不放倒,更要多20%,而它的长度反而要短5厘米。*7、2015日产Versa Note这款前驱...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 ! A vat of vinegar!” [Note: In both ancient and modern Chinese expression, vinegar is a metaphor for...

Everyone's Fortune Is Predestined

16-03-27 He threw a fit trying to find who the culprit was when a government employee found a note in a corner...

非常省油的2016 Nissan Versa Note

16-03-06 Versa Note 2013年在北美车展上问世时,人们对它在北美市场抛弃Tiida转向Note的做法感到有些意外。这也清楚地表明,Nissan对其主打北美市场的入门级车款做出向实用化方向的调整...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 despite his wealth. You need to get back the original promissory note to avoid any trouble in the...

搭雾霾话题 小米推二代空气清净机

15-11-24 Note 3。(图小米提供) 中央社记者江明晏传真 104年11月24日小米今天推出的红米Note3是小米第一款全金属手机,共银白、金色与深灰三色,16G售价人民币899(约新台币4495元)。5.5吋萤幕...

买智能手机 五种方法更省钱

15-08-23 Target 和Best Buy,这些零售商通常都提供优惠价。3. 等待有些智能手机的最优惠价格是在其刚面市后的一个月,所以如果你不需抢购最新的,还是等到价格回落后再买比较划算。比如三星Galaxy Note...

新机上市表现欠佳 三星股价跌至去年10月来最低

15-08-18   本周一,三星股价再次下跌3.2%,跌至去年10月28日以来的最低点110.4万圆。本年度三星股价已经下跌17%,并正走向第三次年度衰退。  上周,配备弧形屏幕的Galaxy Note 5与S6...

三星发布Note 5/S6 Edge+以及新的手机支付系统

15-08-14   周四,三星发布了两款全新智能手机:Note 5 以及S6 Edge Plus,两款手机都有着更大的屏幕;前者包含有一支电容笔,后者有着双曲面屏幕的设计,“包裹”住手机边缘。  据悉,三星...

三星Galaxy Note 5新手机今日纽约亮相

15-08-13 三星将于8月13日美东时间早上11时,在纽约推出新智能手机Galaxy Note 5和Galaxy 6 Edge Plus,正式和消费者见面。(Getty Images)三星将于8月13日美东时间...

苹果并非最好选择 5款最适合学生的手机 图

15-08-10 ,及其对应的800万像素前置镜头。小米Note参考价格:1999元小米Note是小米的一款旗舰机型,这款新机凭借着标准版、竹制版、女神版、顶配版各种不同版本的不断推新出陈赢得了不同消费群体的喜爱,进而取得不错的销量长期霸占...


15-07-31 缓一缓,因为再过不到一个月的时间就有更新、更好的手机即将推出。以下特别整理了5款虽然看起来很棒,但“现在千万不要买”的手机,以免到时后悔莫及!三星Galaxy Note 4三星Galaxy Note...

网络照片泄密 三星新Galaxy S6像iPhone6

15-02-28 。但是,这并不代表该照片是假的。之前三星的智能手机就曾推出两款机型:一是Note Edge弧形设计;一是没有侧弯屏幕的Note。如果这些照片是真的,按常理推三星应该会出两款机种:弯曲屏幕的Galaxy S6...