善化的力量/The Power of Kindness

20-06-22   path  in  fits  of  rage.  He  grabbed  others'  property  and  money  at  will,  and  everyone...

至孝感化强盗弃恶而去/A Band of Thieves Was Moved by Filial Piety

20-06-22 having anything to eat. Zhao followed the robbers, hoping to give them some money instead as they had not...


19-01-24 Madison Avenue (34th St and Madison Ave)。网站:nypl.org/money。4.美酒烤肉节 Beer, Bourbon, BBQ Festival...


19-01-17 Library)。地址:188 Madison Avenue (34th St and Madison Ave)。网站:nypl.org/money。3.马丁路德金日 Martin Luther King Day...


17-01-12 和费用:  办理时间约30天或更长时间,105美元。接受信用卡(VISA丶MasterCard)丶现金支票( Money Order丶Cashier’s check )丶公司支票丶现金。支票抬头请写...


16-11-28 装有2017鸡年吉利钱的信封。网路图片为了庆贺将于2017年1月18日开始的中国黄历新年,美国财政部印钞局印刷出有收藏价值的特别版美钞---鸡年「吉利钱」(Lucky Money)。美国之音报导...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

16-11-20 Li only made a few cents off of every 10 liters of rice, and he used most of that money to support...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 his hometown to mourn his mother’s death. However, since he did not have enough money to pay for his...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 government. What is one power of the  federal government?根据我国宪法,有些权力属于联邦政府 。联邦政府的一项权力是什么?To print money印制钞票To...

A Taoist Talks About Destiny 神奇道人论命理

16-10-31 once took a boat to cross a river. On the boat, there was a Taoist. In order to save some money...

习洪会11月1日登场 国民党7人名单公布

16-10-29 的可能性。此外,蔡正元还将与王鸿薇在30日上午举行记者会,回应本次出访的相关问题。习洪会即将于11月1日登场,两岸关注。图为习近平10月15日出访印度。(MONEY SHARMA/AFP/Getty...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 at stores, book taxis, send money to friends, split restaurant bills, read news, and book a karaoke...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 for giving money is 40%. The virtue for rejecting lust is 60%." Therefore, we can see that saving...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 governments all make money on land sales as all land in China is state-owned. Between 2003 and 2015, their...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 a moral person. Besides why do I need so much money? As the saying goes, the subordinates follow what the...

坏消息不断 韩国大牌化妆品爱茉莉遭重创

16-10-02 继三星、韩进海运等大企业之后,中国人喜爱的韩国大牌跨国化妆品集团公司爱茉莉太平洋近来也屡遭重创。继“毒牙膏”事件,又传出其旗下品牌遭韩国卫生部门处分的消息。9月30日,据MONEY TODAY报导...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 given her parents the betrothal money to make it official. Later Liu Tingshi won the provincial level of...

涉全球数亿美元骗局 PacNet被美司法部调查

16-09-22 、受害者数量是马多夫庞氏骗局受害者60倍的玛丽亚‧杜瓦(Maria Duval)案。CNN Money曾报导,这个法国的神秘女子玛丽亚‧杜瓦,从20年前就可以通过邮件进行全球诈骗。她声称自己具有通灵能力...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 money for burial, Li always took care of it with his own money. The government had granted him many...

Valuing Virtue over Money 见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 Valuing Virtue over Money In the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644 AD), there was a scholar named He Yue....

20年, 英国从金牌榜36杀到第2,背后一场砸钱的游戏...

16-08-24 争取到了36%的投资增长。对体操项目的投资从悉尼奥运会之前的590万英镑猛增到现在的1460万英镑。他们用钱的目标很明确:你能拿奖,我就出钱,拿不了奖,我就不在你身上浪费money了。像是足球、篮球、水球...


16-08-17 When he becomes rich, how does he spend his money? Whom he spend the money on?  People are thrifty when...


16-08-15 对自己在美国之外工作以及居住的影响)。 7.申请费。现在的价格是290美元,支票check/money order要开给美国国土安全部(U.S. Department ofHomeland Security...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 money nor power all his life." With those words, the two divine beings flew up and disappeared...


16-01-06 、Let's not waste our time.咱们别浪费时间了。282、May I ask some questions? 我可以问几个问题吗?283、Money is not everything....


15-09-07 文/许郑孝祺继英国杂志《经济学人》(The Economist)公布了一年一度的世界十大宜居城市名单之后,美国《财经杂志》(Money)也于本周公布了美国最宜居的城市名单。在本次宜居城市名单中...


15-02-15 民用航空管理局(Civil Aviation Authority)还是要求航空公司注重乘客的福利,无论怎样,都要以乘客的安全为主。7. 修正“错误”航班不多花钱“省钱专家”(Money Saving...

美每年20亿彩票金无人领 数百人与富豪擦肩而过

15-02-10 据美国媒体报道,美国每年都有约20亿美元的彩票奖金无人认领,尽管大部分彩票面值仅有1至5元,但其中也不乏让中奖者从此改变生活的数额。  据CNN Money报道,雅各布森(Brett...


15-02-09money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。(2) spend time...

拿下江绵恒最新进程 离最后只有两步

15-02-09 money born)有这样一段描述:“江绵恒20世纪90年代早期返回上海,他受到了外国投资者的追捧,他们认定他是这个国家最有价值的合资伙伴。现在,他控制了上海联和投资有限公司,这是一个运营上非常类似于私募...


15-02-07 )。为了honey(亲爱的,宝贝),节省money(钱,支出)。有个boy(男孩),玩着toy(玩具),心中joy(喜悦)。跳进soy(黄豆,酱油),尽情enjoy(享受)。一只hare(野兔),居然dare...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 had a lofty character. He proved himself as a man that could be trusted with money and could be...


15-01-16 account 和 money market account (MMA) –相当于活期帐户。通常来说saving account的利息会低一些,但帐户要求的minimum balance会少一些,不能通过支票转帐...

移民美国: 生活一辈子挣多少钱才能衣食无忧(图)

15-01-15 《How Much is Enough - Money and the Good Life》的书。而在北美华人圈的网络论坛上,这个问题更是每隔一阵就会被提出来,用网络“行话”讲,是那种“月经帖子”,象是有人...


15-01-12 顾雅明表示,他以前开药店时,就发现,无证的市民不可以申请银行卡,付款要用邮局汇票(money order),给生活带来不方便。现在可以申请身份证,这些问题就解决了。他表示欢迎和支持市长...


15-01-06 的经济学家就写过一本《How Much is Enough – Money and the Good Life》的书。而在北美华人圈的网络论坛上,这个问题更是每隔一阵就会被提出来,用网络“行话”讲,是那种...




14-12-10 而已。 25. 银行帐户多了对信用记录好不好?信用报告里没有savings、checking、money market和CD帐户的记录。 26. 房贷车贷可以shop around吗?可以。14天以内的同类型...

行在纽约 - 飞机场的路标介绍

14-11-07 Airline Lounges航空公司休息室、Exit离开、Ground Transportation地面交通Arrivals抵港、Departures出发、Information信息、Money...