A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

18-03-18 your term as the Mayor, you reduced the tax money and tax crops for civilians. This single act is...

   A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 1)

18-03-11 Confucius' classics and instead study medicine so that he would be able to earn money to support himself, as...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 appeared in front of him. The man said, "If you want to take this money, you must get a note from Sir...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 $3 million, and it took two years before they could even come up with that money,” he said.Another location...


18-02-09 青年领袖奖学金计划申请截至3月9日【看中国纽约讯】美国汇款服务公司速汇金(Money Gram)提供赞助的奖学金计划——2018年度纽约金融服务中心(FSCNY)青年领袖奖学金计划,已经开始接受申...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 our best to beg for money and each collect one gold coin. By the time we have collected 500 gold coins...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 ask the relevant department to give them money and cloth; when a general died in battle, he would...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 The attraction of money, the struggle for power, and the ups and downs of one's career, are truly...

Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 2)

18-01-01 money was used up from the travel. He begged along the way so they could return to Caonan Village in...


17-12-29 Upcoming Movie:*《金钱世界》 All the Money in the World本片改编自上世纪70年代一起真实的、曾轰动世界的豪门绑架事件。由金奖国际名导雷德利·斯科特执导;《当地球停止转动...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 retirement money to live the rest of his life, thinking he did not have many years left. He demanded that the...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 provided loans for private business owners and pocketed money for himself and his relatives, according to...

纽约地铁饱受诟病  MTA收入取之于民并未用之于民

17-11-30 ”(Manhattan Institute)最近公布的一份名为《不光是钱的问题——重新思考MTA的基础设施》(Not by Money Alone——Rethinking the MTA’s Infrastructure...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21 entertainment; it is just that I don't have the money to pursue it." The emperor further appreciated...

China’s New Leadership Lineup Leaves Out Key Members of Opposing Faction

17-11-02 also used public funds and tax money to offer free, spacious housing to department-level or higher...

Literature Anecdotes: Mi Yuanzhang Spirit   文苑逸事:米元章显灵

17-10-27 understanding. Now you fabricate counterfeit paintings to acquire money through deception. In thousands of years...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 , kickbacks, extortion and money laundering.”As the FBI watched, the campaign led Russia to the Clintons, and...

Reincarnated into a Horse to Settle a Debt

17-10-20  Wei Hanchen then counted the money he had earned from selling the little horse. It was just enough to...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 a sound money system and fixed exchange rates, which made capital investments easier by removing exchange...

Chinese Billionaire Dissident Guo Wengui Unleashes Accusations of Organ Harvesting by Top Officials in China

17-09-29 his money as a property developer in Beijing, his most notable asset being the torch-shaped Pangu...

The China Bitcoin Ban Explained

17-09-29 transfer money out of the country, bypassing the cash limit of $50,000.And although the price always...

便宜又能开好车 说一说汽车长期租赁

17-09-29 M4残值是新车的63%,也就是说三年折旧了厂方建议零售价的37%),这个百分比是车厂每个月定好的,没有商量的余地。除了残值之外,还有一个重要参数是“财务因子”(Money Factor,简称MF...


17-09-19 《金钱》杂志(MONEY)的年度“美国最佳居住地”榜单近日出炉。今年新泽西州有四个城镇荣登全美前100名的排名。该杂志每年综合各种数据,如犯罪率、家庭中位收入、族裔多样性等,来加权排名。该名单从每州...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08 path in fits of rage. He grabbed others' property and money at will, and everyone was afraid of...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 was shameful to pursue money or personal interests. Everyone was conscious about decency and shame. No...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 to defend a style. His goal is to win the fight to make money. He doesn't get money for...

影响提前退休的 10大财务陷阱(下)

17-08-23 或租赁保险、人寿保险、长期伤残以及长期护理等保险类别中有足够的保障。但是,过度投保并不可取。如果年薪不到100万美元,那么就不需要买1000万美元的人寿保险。9.没有立下遗嘱《Money》杂志曾报导说...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 from 2001 to 2016. It does not include the lost interest and returns if the money were invested in...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 ; and "think about morals when seeing money or benefits" and "be selfless and think for...

The Wise Use of Writing  Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 insisted, Mr. Wang became angry and said, "Do you think I did this for money?" He was very...


16-07-22 %。据《金钱》(Money)杂志报导,基于标普/凯斯-希勒房价指数(S&P/Case-Shiller Index),穆迪分析预测,到2016年12月时,美国20个大都市的房价较去年同期上涨的幅度有所不同...

台破获跨国洗钱集团 人肉运10亿台币到香港

16-06-30 车手携带500万元搭机到香港,交给香港14K黑帮操控的香港MONEY CHANGE外币兑换亭。 张宝堂供称,单日运送金额最高约4,000万元,每天赚取8万到10万元汇差。而这些香港的外币兑换亭...

2016房市预测 美20个大都市房价涨多少

16-06-15 %。据《金钱》(Money)杂志报导,基于标普/凯斯-希勒房价指数(S&P/Case-Shiller Index),穆迪分析预测,到2016年12月时,美国20个大都市的房价较去年同期上涨的幅度有所不同...

The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits

16-05-18 the document that made Fang Lansun a slave, and took her as a niece. He spent a lot of money to have...


16-05-09 1、本周新片速递 《金钱怪兽》Money Monster   本片由朱迪•大众特执导的一部讲述金钱、贪婪与人性的影片,由Jamie Linden编剧,背景设定为全球金融重镇华尔街,一位知名电视...


16-05-04 业务人员协商将此笔费用消除。●差额保险 Gap Insurance若租赁车被偷或严重毁损时,保险公司支付你的钱和你必须赔偿给租赁公司的金额,这之间会有价差,而差额保险会支付这段差距。●金钱要素 Money...


16-05-01 。不过可以先请教店员,说不定哪天技术又更新了。Money Order MoneyOrder又称为现金支票。在美国,支票的使用非常普遍。在超市的结账柜台就可以发现,即使是极小的金额,一部分的人宁愿使用支票,也不...


16-04-19 的监督而故意巨款零存,则属违法。那么我们怎样安置我们手上的现金不会有问题呢?有网友建议:如果你有多于10,000美金的合法现金要存,不妨直接跟银行说清楚,诚实报备之后存入。或到邮局去购买现金支票Money...


16-04-19 ,报备之后存入。3. 跟熟人进行置换,把现金给朋友,他开支票给你,支票的存取是不会引来麻烦的。4. 到邮局去购买现金支票Money Order,分为国内现金支票和国际现金支票两种,不存在有效期,丢失还可以...

中国银行涉走私45亿欧元赃款 意大利审查

16-04-11 ( 51.2亿美元)。路透社4月10日英文报导说,根据意大利法院透露的文件信息,代号为“金钱河”(River of Money)侦探组正在集中调查中国银行和一家资金中转商Money2Money之间的关系...