A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)
Yuan Liaofan asked him, “Why is that so?”
Monk Yun Gu said, “It is normal for an ordinary person to have greedy thoughts. Once greedy thoughts arise, they will be restricted by a pre-determined life and predictions. A person of ultimate kindness will no longer be restricted by a pre-arranged fate. In the first chapter of I Ching, it says, 'A family that keeps accumulating kindness and virtues will have more fortunes than the previous arrangement.' Therefore, one's fate can be changed. Buddhism provides clarity about the relationships between the ultimate kindness and ultimate evil. After one comprehends that, then one can control their own fate and create their own fortune. If I do evil, I will decrease the fortune I originally have; if I do good deeds, I will obtain fortune. Ancient poems and books also described this, and it is very real. In Buddhist scriptures, we learned that a person can be wealthy if he wants to; a person can have sons and daughters if he wants to; a person can live long if he wants to!”
These words awakened Yuan Liaofan who had lived in illusion for years. He started to follow these words to change his life. Since then, he was very careful about his conduct. Even in places where no one else was around, he would do well so as not to offend heaven and earth. When he encountered people who disliked him and slandered him, he would take it calmly, and would not try to debate it with others.
One year after he met Monk Yun Gu, he attended the Imperial exam. According to Mr. Kong's prediction, he would rank third in this exam; however, he was number one when the results came out. Mr. Kong did not say that Yuan would pass the next level of exam, which would give him an official post. That autumn, Yuan Liaofan passed the exam. These things did not belong to him in his pre-arranged life destiny.
Yuan Liaofan then vowed to do three thousand good deeds. With over ten years' effort, he finished doing the three thousand good deeds. He even had a son thereafter. He asked his wife to record the good deeds he had done. His wife did not know how to write, so she pressed a red circle with a goose feather on the calendar every time Yuan did a good deed. For example, when Yun gave away food to the poor, or when he bought a live animal and released it. Sometimes, there were over ten red circles in one day! A few years later, he passed the final Imperial exam and became a Jinshi, the highest level for scholars. He was appointed Mayor of Baodi County. At this point, he made another wish to do ten thousand good deeds.
At Baodi County, he prepared a booklet, which he called “Writings on Restraining the Heart.” That is, he was very strict with himself, and tried to discipline himself to not develop evil thoughts. Every morning when he handled civil lawsuits in the courtroom, he would ask his servants to deliver the booklet to his office desk. Every day, he would record all the good deeds and bad deeds he had done on that day in the booklet. When dusk came, he set the table in the backyard at home, changed into official clothes, and burned incense to pray to gods in heaven and also report on his conduct. He did this every day.
His wife was concerned that he had too many official duties to take care of and that he would not have enough time to do ten thousand good deeds. She said, “I used to do good deeds at home so you were able to accomplish the three thousand good deeds. Now you have vowed to do ten thousand good deeds, but there are not many good deeds to do in the courtroom. When will we be able to complete this vow?”
Yuan had a dream after the couple had this conversation. He met a god in his dream, and he told the god he might not have enough time to do ten thousand good deeds and explained the reason behind it. The god replied, “Within your term as the Mayor, you reduced the tax money and tax crops for civilians. This single act is enough to reach ten thousand good deeds.”
Indeed, Yuan thought that the taxation for farmers in Baodi County was too heavy, and he reduced it by almost 50%. He therefore had done a good deed for all the farmers in the county.
Hence, Yuan continued to do good deeds during the remainder of his life. Mr. Kong predicted that he would pass away at the age of 53, but he remained healthy until the age of 69. He wrote about his experience of changing his fate in the booklet Four Admonishing Statements of Liaofan, and he passed this book to his son and the later generations.
Yuan's story is quite thought provoking. In traditional Chinese culture, the key theme of many stories is “kindness will be repaid with kindness, and evil will be repaid with tragedy.” There are countless examples noted throughout ancient books and texts. Yuan Liaofan's personal experience, about which he made the effort to document, is just one such example. To this day, Four Admonishing Statements of Liaofan continues to influence each generation of Chinese people and it is an excellent counter to atheist beliefs.
原来宝坻县的田,每亩本来要收银两分三厘七毫,袁了凡觉得百姓钱出得太多,生活太苦,所以就把全县的田清理一遍;每亩田应缴的钱粮,减到了一分四厘六毫,这件事情确实是有的;就这样, 袁了凡一生不断地做善事,孔先生算他到五十三岁时应该寿终正寝,但他到六十九岁身体还好好的很健康,并且把自己身体力行改变命运的事,写成了一本小册子《了凡四训》,传给他的儿子天启和后人。
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

    上一篇: Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

    下一篇: 文台宝塔的传说 五马拖车穴      

