Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 enough.By 2004/2005 physical energy and transport shortages put the brakes on China’s investment spree.But...

Oil Price to Rally Sharply Amid Supply Shortage, Says Expert

18-11-08 expert.Washington imposed sanctions on more than 700 people and entities throughout Iran’s energy sector and its...

One’s Fate Changes with One’s Heart

18-09-10 there. After greetings, the fortuneteller said, “Mister appears full of energy with radiating features....


18-08-23 及鸿海总裁郭台铭在白宫共同宣布的鸿海(Foxconn)于威斯康辛州100亿美金投资案、以及台湾中油股份有限公司(CPC)与美国钱尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Energy)长达25年、涉及250亿美金...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 1)

18-08-05 “The magistrate has dark energy on his face and he may not live past one year. The good thing is that...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 3)

18-08-05 country instead of spending energy on family issues. Although Empress Zhangsun grew up in a rich family...


18-07-19 , unseen but known, profound.Base Earth energy running millions of years unbound, Only being here I now...


18-07-01 Ultrasonic Weapons,USW)以及电磁频谱(electromagnetic spectrum)武器,都被归类为“定向能武器”(Directed Energy Weapons,DEW)。这些武器具有多种...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 category of directed energy weapons (DEW), which also include a range of weapons on the electromagnetic...

夏日炎炎 节能省钱有要诀

18-06-01 125美元,燃气热水器用户也可省下75美元。购买效率高的电器同时,根据自己家庭需要,购买合适型号的电热水器或空调等电器很重要。在购买电器时,往往能看到一个EF值,其实是能源因数Energy Factor...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 latest bid.EDP is an integral part of Portugal’s energy and business infrastructure. It’s not only...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 human body as a complete system. The theory of channels and collaterals, time and energy flow charts...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 new energy vehicles; electrical generation and transmission equipment; agricultural machinery and...


18-02-26 绿色纽约节能计划,是纽约州能源开发研究署(New York State Energy Research and Development Authority)发起的“绿色纽约”项目(Green Job...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 firing.The rail gun is an experimental weapon that uses electromagnetic energy, instead of explosive power...

舒适更省钱   8招为你的住宅节能  

18-01-29 、任何接合点、阁楼的管路出口等处,有没有裂缝或孔洞。5.使用高效节能电器购买有美国环保署认证节能标章“Energy Star”的电器,取代家中10年以上的老旧电器,可以省下很多电费。此外,如果您要卖房,买主...

美对中贸易:重视执法、停止谈判   对太阳能板课关税祭旗

18-01-25 反应不一美国太阳能行业除了制造商,还有大量的安装公司。而后者占了行业现有26-37万份工作里的绝大多数。代表该行业的太阳能工业协会(Solar Energy Industries Association...

Russia Obstructing US Action on North Korea

17-11-02 a critical source of energy and diplomatic support, arguing against stiffer sanctions at the United...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 director of the FBI, the agency was investigating a Russian campaign to grow its nuclear energy business in...

粗犷实用的多功能越野车 2017

17-10-20 zones help absorb energy and redirect it away from passengers. Seven airbags-multistage driver and front...


17-10-16 (White Oak Technology Park) 投资7.5亿美元建立一个新数据中心。同时,脸书公司与多米尼电力公司(Dominion Energy) 签署的可再生能源关税协议,将导致数亿美元的额外投资...

受电动车普及冲击 2025年省掉伊朗产油量

17-10-13 整体车市恐微不足道;国际能源总署(IEA,International Energy Agency)数据显示,去年全球电动汽车销量大增40%,但约200万辆电动汽车仅占全球轻型汽车市场的0.2%。巴尔金...

Falun Gong Becomes an Honors Course at American University

17-10-06 (mind-nature, or inborn quality), acupuncture, acupuncture points, energy, gong, etc. The students are very...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 sent people to warn Fan, "Since you are not a censor, do not waste your energy debating about...

Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 a weapon, and when focused and digitally enhanced, the sound waves “can be turned into a destructive energy...


16-08-12 」翻译成:「I didn't hold back…I used all of my mystic energy!」而澳洲传媒则译成:「No no,not at all…I've been...


16-07-30 、携带式发电机与特别贴有能源之星(Energy Star)标签的电器用品。马州将有整整一周的免销售税日期,从8月14日至20日。凡购买衣物、鞋类价值在$100以下者,免销售税,学校用品则不包括在免税...

应付气温 飙升的节能小窍门

16-07-16 公司(Potomac Edison energy company)提醒民众,千万不要把第二个冰箱放在车库。夏天车库温度很容易超过100度,冰箱要加倍工作才能维持低温。如果需要第二个冰箱,最好放在地下室。...


16-06-15 ,整个宇宙的构成中,我们常说的物质占4.9%,而暗物质(dark matter)则占26.8%,还有68.3%是暗能量(dark energy)。在宇宙学中,暗物质(dark matter),是指...

研究:宇宙膨胀比预期快 最终或撕毁自己

16-06-03 ),比宇宙初期快了5%至9%。这表示再过98亿年后,宇宙天体之间的距离将会增至两倍。此一发现促使科学家重新思考人们对宇宙的了解,尤其是与暗物质(dark matter)和暗能量(dark energy...

股价跌幅甚于煤炭股 太阳能行业亏损加剧

16-05-10 Energy)也警告其公司债可能违约。特斯拉创办人马斯克持有的太阳城公司(SolarCity)则因在七个月内三度下修安装数量而于周二(10日)股价重挫25%至16.94美元,今年来下跌66.8%。美国第二大...

助中共发展核项目 美华裔工程师被起诉

16-04-15 ,以及一项在美国充当“外国政府”代理的罪名。政府文件显示,何艾伦受雇于中广核电集团(China General Nuclear Power Group),同时在美国经营一家名为国际能源技术(Energy...


16-03-05 世界上最大的天然气生产商之一,切萨皮克能源公司(Chesapeake Energy Corp)的创办人奥布里.麦克伦登(Aubrey McClendon)在3月2日死于俄克拉何马市外的一个车祸...

美能源业风云人物车祸去世 一天前刚被起诉

16-03-02 美国第二大天然气生产商、切萨皮克能源公司(Chesapeake Energy)创始人及前首席执行长奥伯雷‧麦克伦登(Aubrey McClendon)周三在一场车祸中去世。就在一天前,他遭到起诉...


16-02-27 他的论文〈A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight〉中,提出一种他命名为DE-STAR (Directed Energy System for Targeting of...

大陆人轻信加国华人企业 移民失败投资无回

16-02-23 在2012年5月至2014年8月期间违规。 秦勋东担任未来太阳能发展公司的董事。该公司于2011年5月在多伦多注册成立。另外,秦勋东是加拿大西地能源有限公司(Cenith Energy)的总裁兼董事,该公司...

D.C.警告民众 勿食本地岩鱼

16-02-20 (Department of Energy and Environment)已宣布将其纳入禁止食用的名单。长期暴露于多氯联苯,已经被公认会使人、动物得到癌症及造成许多健康问题。D.C. 议会的议员,同时也是能源与环境部...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 Liang cultivated by adhering to the book's teachings. He attained great powers and energy and could...


16-01-12 (Peabody Energy)和美国最大铁矿砂厂商克里夫天然资源公司(Cliffs Natural Resources)则分别重挫约20%和12%。有鉴于煤炭价格骤降、污染控管法令趋严、中国需求降温以及来自天然气...


16-01-11 来摧毁:地球!分开一个由引力作用聚合在一起的物体所需要消耗的能量被称为“结合能”(binding energy),举例而言,地球的结合能大约为2.2 x 10^32焦耳,这是一个非常巨大的数字。那么再来...