一心不可二用 One Must be Single-Minded

20-02-13 "Go" game. Living in the dark, little "Gu" fish do not have eyes, yet they have very...


19-07-02 了。当州议会在两党高度支持下于6月再度通过法案时,墨菲知道议会有足够的票数推翻他的否决,而决定签署法案。不过他呼吁他在议会里的支持者尽快通过一个修正法案,削减S150的涵盖范围。“黑钱”(dark money...


19-06-27 :《未成年Another Child》、《七罪追缉令Dark Figure of Crime》、《守护天使的故事Kokdu: A Story of Guardian Angels》、《美琪Maggie》、《钱...


19-03-21 After Dark许多知名美术馆都会在晚上举办“艺术之夜(Art After Dark)”,夜幕降临后,庄严肃穆的美术馆转瞬变成了一场欢乐派对——专业DJ、美食、美酒和艺术品在这里应有尽有。纽约的古根汉...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 with Soros as its centerpiece. It supports a sprawling activist infrastructure with so-called dark...

A Discussion of “Righteousness” (Part 2)

18-10-10 to think carefully and you cannot follow the CCP on the dark road to hell.” I asked him what he...


18-09-16 《华盛顿之星》(Washington Star)撰写过After Dark专栏,在那里他审视过本地区的音乐界。”思格文斯说。“作为一个孩子,他会带我去参加这些表演节目,所以我从那时候开始就见到像John...

Doing Good Deeds Earns a Deity's Respect

18-09-14 finished, he destroyed the stone. Soon after that, the skies turned dark and a rainstorm began. The selfish...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 1)

18-08-05 “The magistrate has dark energy on his face and he may not live past one year. The good thing is that...


18-07-03 ·伯克希尔。网站:tinyurl.com/ybodfa28。    *《暗流》 Dark River本片由克里欧·巴纳德导演自编自导,改编自罗斯·特瑞美2010年的同名小说。故事围绕一对力图摆脱过往家庭伤痛...


18-06-29 可以到Slow Mo 照相亭内照有创意的照片,与粉笔艺术家一起创作有趣的街头艺术。“In the Dark Circus Arts”将有马戏团空中表演,各种舞台将有来自盖瑟斯堡社区的当地人才的表演。有空调的...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 and police reports reveal shocking claims of sexual abuse, dark occult practices, and the involvement...

Former Clinton Foundation Executive Tied to Chinese Kindergartens Investigated for Child Abuse

17-12-02 locked up in a dark room at the kindergarten.”Allegations of abuse have been reported in two classes with...

The Monk Who Overslept

17-11-11 a moth for 50,000 years each. "In your previous lives you liked to live in dark places without light...

Chinese Airline Transports Human Organs on a Large Scale, Raising Questions About Organ Harvesting

17-10-20 spokesperson Wang Zhiyuan. “The explosive growth of the transplant industry is still ongoing. The dark secrets...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 of the Tang Dynasty wrote about people's lives and exposed the dark side of society...


17-09-28 ·普莱蒙/杰玛·梅斯。网站:tinyurl.com/y9q6l7nj。*《超级黑暗时代》 Super Dark Times本片为凯文·菲利普斯执导,欧文·坎贝尔主演青春惊悚片。青少年札克与贾许是从小到大...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 of the painter he was to become. It was there that he put aside the portrait studies and dark palette...


17-07-31 11101。 2、本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week:●《黑暗之塔》The Dark Tower这是一部2017年美国西部奇幻动作电影,索尼影业出品。由尼科莱·阿尔赛执导,并与阿奇...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 a basket and headed home. It was dark and snowy, and the ground was slippery. Just before he reached his...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 society with a dark, extremely corrupt administration. The Shang Dynasty was on the brink of ruin. The...


16-08-14 人类社会。据大众独立媒体Dark Journalist的近日报导,美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的天普大学(Temple University)的退休历史学教授大卫‧雅各布(David Jacobs)博士详细阐述他在...

7月的纽约就是全美最好玩的地方, 没有之一!

16-07-04 一直从下午1点到晚10点,烟火时间也只是说 after dark,会和不远处的纽约独立日烟火...

无法解释的 宇宙7大谜团

16-06-30 爆炸的构想图(Thinkstock)在宇宙学中,暗物质(dark matter),是指无法通过电磁波的观测进行研究,也就是不与电磁力产生作用的物质。到目前为止,科学家只能透过重力产生的效应, 推断宇宙...


16-06-15 ,整个宇宙的构成中,我们常说的物质占4.9%,而暗物质(dark matter)则占26.8%,还有68.3%是暗能量(dark energy)。在宇宙学中,暗物质(dark matter),是指...

研究:宇宙膨胀比预期快 最终或撕毁自己

16-06-03 国际研究团队发现,宇宙正以比人们预期快5%至9%的速率膨胀,这可能是一种被称为暗辐射(dark radiation)的神秘力量所引发的,其最终结果之一可能是宇宙将自己撕成碎片。透过美国国家航空航天局...

研究发现自然界存在第五种力 震动科学界

16-05-27 等)。报导说,现在克雷斯纳豪基的实验震动了整个科学界。多年来,有科学家提出第五种力,以弥补物理学标准模型无法解释暗物质的问题。但是人们发现修改引力理论已经不起作用了,所以引入了一个“暗物质光子”(Dark...


16-05-18 终会带来双面的影响,它对文化既有着巨大的毁坏力,却又扮演着向别国植入本国文化的角色,在世界格局的重组中又起着重要作用。中世纪的欧洲有段长达五百多年的被学界称为“黑暗时代”(Dark Ages)的文化断层...


16-01-15 获得宇宙存在暗物质的直接证据暗物质(Dark Matter),是一种比电子和光子还要小的物质,能够穿越电磁波和引力场,是宇宙的重要组成部分,代表了宇宙中26%的物质含量,而人类可见的只占宇宙总物质...


15-12-14 的形成。”在我们宇宙中,暗物质的量远远超过普通物质。每个星系都由暗物质晕(dark matter halo)包围,暗物质晕的质量高达太阳的一万亿倍,其范围达数十万光年。另据美国航空航天局12月1日的科研消息,5100...

感人至深:When you say nothing at all(一切尽在不言中)(视频)

15-11-25 这就是神奇的默契without saying a word you can light up the dark不言一语 就足以把黑暗驱离try as I may I could never explain...


15-09-28 heart 爱是答案 能治愈心伤gives you the light when the night is dark 在黑夜带给你光明Love is the answer and love is...

澳洲海边钓鱼 中国前运动员被浪卷走溺亡

15-09-02 Times)9月1日报导,8月30日下午1点半左右,邹利敏在南杜拉斯(South Durras)的黑暗海滩(Dark Beach)被海浪冲下岩石后遇难。警方表示,他在岩钓,但没有穿救生衣。下午2点半左右他被...

【英文对照赏析】Good and Evil Retribution from a Single Thought  善恶一念之间 报应毫厘不差

15-08-15 Even when one is alone in the dark, one must not have any bad thoughts, because divine beings are...


15-03-04 英国雷丁大学教授达克(Den Dark)发现的古建筑遗址,他认为这里是耶稣的出生地。  据德国《图片报》3月2日报道,在以色列加利利以北的丘陵地带有一处古建筑遗址,一名英国教授相信,这里是玛利亚和约...


15-02-27 , molasses, roasted chileDESSERTScoconutcream piecoconut chips, dark chocolate saucemeyer lemonbarscream...


15-02-27 chileDESSERTScoconut cream piecoconut chips, dark chocolate saucemeyer lemon barscream cheese mousse, poached sour...


14-12-29 》(Thor: The Dark World)2574.9万7. 《美国队长 : 冬日战士》(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)2562.8万8. 《大力神》(The...


14-09-29 thunder and lightning filled the sky, dark clouds boiled with turmoil, and ferocious claps of thunder...