STEM新实验室将 巡回马州各学校

17-04-03 计划的未来领导者(Advancing Tomorrow's Leaders in STEM program)、与大学暨职业的研讨会等。...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 This saying comes from China's age-old and profound culture. It is a virtue that should always be...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 former British colony’s return to China in 1997. Beijing, however, has always seen its anointed candidate...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 Easter Han Dynasty (25 – 220 AD) was such a role model. One year during Zhongli Yi's tenure as Guiji...


17-04-02 。但是过度刺激也不行,因刺激效应在明显递减,刺激空间在缩小,过度刺激只能给未来埋下更大的隐患。夏斌强调,从债务链的险情看,中国已存在系统性金融风险。托宾Q系数“托宾Q”系数也称托宾Q比率(Tobin’s Q...

“跑车”SUV中的王者 2017 Range Rover EVOQUE

17-04-01 cargo, and it hauls at pretty good speed besides.It's been said the modern automobile is a study in...

纽约保护移民 成立辩护基金

17-03-30 New York的共同执行总监巴尔德斯(JavierValdés)认为,州府仍然有更多工作要做,“在移民社区受到攻击的情况下,我们赞扬私人慈善团体提供的无偿法律援助,但州长及州参议员并未提供急切需要的资源...


17-03-24 cloth.释义:孟子的母亲曾三次搬家,是为了使孟子有个好的学习环境。一次孟子逃学,孟母就折断了织布的机杼来教育孟子。子不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。What's a father?A good...

The Rarest of Buddha Statues at the Met Museum

17-03-24 Chinese artifacts in the Met Museum’s collection, one sculpture from antiquity stands out for its cultural...

  A Nun Guides a Donation

17-03-25 did not want believers to donate to her temple. Instead, she went to people’s homes to promote...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 and Japan tops the world. Japan’s prefabricated construction technology therefore has the advantage in...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 that Shi Xiang's music was so appealing that birds would dance to its rhythm and fish in the pond...

Masters of Disguise:Best Hidden Bars and Restaurants in New York City

17-03-24 authorities. Others are modern creations by their whimsical owners. Here’s a list of well camouflaged bars and...


17-03-24 , Manhattanb/t 47th St & 48th St Hell's Kitchen, Midtown West从这家杂货店外可看不出来里面还有一家餐厅,但你可以在这家Hell’s...

年轻华裔CEO 加大伯克利分校40岁以下校友捐款最多的记录

17-03-24 商学院(UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business)对外宣布,他们收到华裔校友周凯文(Kevin Chou,音译)和妻子陈康妮(Connie Chen,音译)向母校捐赠...

想在美国租房 法律知识不可少

17-03-23 人对出租人提出告知(required notice),以及承租人在出租人不进行修缮时的选择(tenant's options)。 当承租人发现住宅出现必须修缮的问题时,必须以书面方式告知出租人...


17-03-23 ”(County’s Age-Friendly Initiative),集思广意的收集关于制定和宣传这计划的最好方法, 以便为居民带来最大的利益。论坛将于上午9:00至12:30在银泉市公民大厦(Silver...

一张DC地铁通票  更多大学生或可无限搭乘

17-03-23 University),以及乔治王子县社区大学(Prince George’s Community College)。但不表示所有学校都会通过,沿用这个以学期为有效期限(semester-long)的无限制车票。地铁局...

霍金续写〝渐冻人〞传奇  揭开他轮椅的科技秘密

17-03-23 。当时医生判断霍金只能活两三年,可他后来却坚强的一直活了下来。但疾病使霍金的身体严重变形,头只能朝右边倾斜,肩膀左低右高,双手紧紧并在当中,握着手掌大小的拟声器键盘,两脚则朝内扭曲,嘴几乎歪成S形。霍金全身...


17-03-22 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分 活动内容如下:1. 本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week:《金刚战士》(Power Rangers/Saban's Power...


17-03-22 【看中国纽约讯】美国大型零售连锁商店Target(塔吉特),预计将于10月份在曼哈顿的先锋广场(Herald Square)开设新店。恰好比邻梅西百货(Macy’s),具体店址:曼哈顿西34街...


17-03-18 : FindlayNew Towne Mall: New PhiladelphiaRichmond Town Square: Richmond HeightsSt. Mary’s Square: St....

让未来提前到来 2017 New Tesla Model X

17-03-19 X has ample seating for seven adults and all of their gear. And it’s ludicrously fast, accelerating...

Be Noble and Incorruptible: Do Not Pocket Lost Gold

17-03-19 BC), Yanling Jizi, the brother of Zhu Fan, King of Wu Kingdom, once was out on patrol and saw a gold...

Free of Self-Interest and Jealousy

17-03-18 was known as Zhao Kuangyin. When Zhao Kuangyin heard of Lu Yuqin's talents, he recommended Lu to...

Solving the Secret Behind the Chinese Gold Market

17-03-18 ] in 2004,” said Jansen.Private HoardAccording to Jansen’s estimates, total private holdings, including...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune The Duke of Zhou (Zhou Gong) was the brother of King...

执行川普令 美移民局打击K-1签证及假结婚

17-03-17 ,移民局除了将案件移交给移民和海关执法局(ICE)进行刑事调查外,还可以送交美国联邦检察官办公室(U.S. Attorney’s Office)以起诉案件当事人,包括美国公民或永久居民及外国人。移民局...

巧建太极星象村 种种神奇无人解

17-03-17 布局神塘水俞源村位于典型的山区,平地狭小局促,全村以一条山溪为水源。刘伯温认为,俞源村四周山脉环绕,本是灵瑞之地,但这条直直的溪流带走了灵瑞之气,所以村里总是灾难不断。他将溪流改为S型,以溪流为界线设立...

中国堕胎数惊人 每天逾6.3万未出生婴儿丧命

17-03-14 已出生的和未出生的。妇女权利无国界组织(Women's Rights Without Frontiers)主席利特尔约翰(Reggie Littlejohn)说,当许多女孩还在母亲子宫里的时候...


17-03-13 在美国,除了极少数的城市,如纽约市、华盛顿特区,可以不开车以外,绝大多数地方没有车就“寸步难行”。开车必须有驾照(driver’s license)。而且,驾照就是身份证...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 , governing a nation, and conquering one's enemies," one must first cultivate one's moral...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 one's desires and greed. The following are stories about Confucius and his disciples that illustrate...

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 Gary Feuerberg, courtesy of Epoch Times China's broken promises since admission to WTO...

美国税局十亿退税无人领 有没有你的?

17-03-09s My Refund?)”...

“爱心妈妈”还是“痞子”女霸 ——慈善背后交织的是非善恶

17-03-09 孤儿。”一个官员都如此讳莫如深,李利娟看来果然不是一般的人物。一位爱心人士在参观李利娟的爱心福利院时,看到了停在院子里的一辆路虎、一辆宾士,“宾士是S开头的,得值一百多万。”李利娟的丈夫手腕上戴著一块...


17-03-09 等级:A+   学生老师比:6:1   学费:走读:$48,080 住校:$56,5457. 特拉华州(Delaware, DE)   最佳私立高中:St. Andrew’s School   地点:中...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 rebelled and pillaged recklessly, none of the rebels dared to pillage Hong Hao's house. They said that...

美国报税季 报税表格详解及所需材料

17-03-03 :针对美国公民和美国绿卡持有者1.基本项‧去年的纳税申报表(S)‧社会安全号码(SSC)‧带照片的ID证件‧如果你想直接存入退税款,携带支票本。2.收入项‧雇主给的W-2‧失业补偿说明‧SSA-1099表格,有一...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 people's already marginal existence. 2) Many officials even collaborated in order to amass more personal...