
20-04-17 沃思堡动物园(Fort Worth Zoo)动物园将在社交媒体上分享具有教育意义及娱乐性的影片。其中,一只名叫 Hector 的巴塔哥尼亚的豚鼠是最有名气的。直播网站:instagram.com...

The Power of Faith

20-01-09 worth it for a black child?” In response, the captain shouted at his first officer: “Quiet!”The actions...


19-11-18 ,2018年2月3日早上6时45分左右,美国佛州居民Guy Clark远远看到,在沃兹湖码头(Lake Worth Pier)以南一哩处有影子。他担心有人发生意外,于是迅速跑上前查看,结果发现是一艘25呎长的...


19-08-28 -沃斯堡国际机场 (Dallas Ft Worth, TX)(Wiki-CC-BY-SA-4.0)(Wiki-CC-BY-SA-2.0)https://www.dailyrecord.com/story...


19-06-09 和酒水类哦)时间:6月7日~6月28日每周五8:00pm/8:30pm。地点:哥伦布公园Columbus Park。地址:Bayard, Baxter, Worth & Mulberry...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 moved by Zhan Gu's actions the owner's son immediately paid him an amount worth ten years'...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 Guo, “I heard that you have three miracle pills.  I will buy them with a silver ingot (worth 50 taels...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 others. At the beginning of the year, the rich man promised to give Zhang a cow for a year's worth of...


19-01-26 Barnett)在达拉斯/沃思堡地区(dallas / fort Worth)销售房地产。她认为,中国的购房者在该地区有著旺盛的需求。她说,尽管那里的大多数外国人买家仍然使用现金,但她也看到了抵押贷款正在增多...


18-12-29 ,鲜少与外界互动,只有在感觉安心的情况下,才会敞开心扉与人交流。本月初,马修与妈妈沃尔夫(Misty Wolf)出门到沃斯堡(Fort Worth)的商店逛街。当母子俩来到一家体育用品店时,妈妈看到店内...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 manager, is one of the world’s richest men. Forbes currently lists his net worth at $8.3 billion...

美地产榜出炉 纽约居末

18-09-24 , Washington)2. 科罗拉多州 丹佛 (Denver, Colorado)3. 得克萨斯州 沃思堡 (Fort Worth, Texas)4. 科罗拉多州 奥罗拉 (Aurora, Colorado)5....

China’s Real-Estate Sector Faces Massive Layoffs as Beijing Cools Housing Prices

18-09-10 year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange suspended nine real-estate companies’ corporate bonds, worth a total...

Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery

18-08-13 a prominent investor” there.In 1992, the investments amounted to one project worth less than $500,000. Two...

Political Uncertainty in Beijing as Annual Seaside Political Meeting Draws Near

18-07-21 United States announced that duties on $34 billion worth of Chinese imports would become effective...

China’s US Exports Weakens Amid Trade Tensions

18-07-10 $34 billion worth of Chinese goods. The tariffs will apply to more than 800 goods including machines...

Why Millions’ Worth of Precision Instruments at Prestigious Chinese University Suddenly

18-05-12 instruments worth 400 million yuan ($63 million) at China’s prestigious Peking University have begun to...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 imposing tariffs on 128 U.S. products worth $3 billion, including fruits, dried fruits, wine, and pork....

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory Related to Health (Part 1)

17-12-17 renowned medical books, Qian Jin Yao Fang (Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Liang of Gold) and Qian Jin Yi...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 worth buying, they could choose to invest their dollar balance in the American capital markets. In...

Integrity and Trust: A Virtue and a Responsibility

17-09-22 about "trust": "A promise is worth one thousand ounces of gold;" "Promises must...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 parliament delegates in China each has a net worth of more than 2 billion RMB yuan (US$300 million). Chinese...

  One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence

17-07-12 ;Everyone's merit is worth learning!" When offered advice, Yu often bowed to express his gratitude. In...

The Photographer Who Loves America

17-07-08 , do it right, otherwise it’s not worth it,” he said. The best advice he would give to younger...

The Value in Being Broad-Minded

17-06-24 , and same height. However, one is worth a thousand gold pieces and the other only 500 gold pieces.”“Why...


17-05-17 喜欢的。时间从,一直开放到六月。         时间:5月13日(周六)~6月9日(周五)早上11点到晚上9点         地点:Worth Square。         地址:5 Avenue...

Sacking of Chinese Insurance Regulator Foretells Further Financial House Cleaning

17-04-24 was worth $5.8 billion as of 2016, according to the Hurun Report.It’s unclear where Xiao stands...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 are worth less than the amount owed on the loan. The number of “underwater” car loans with negative...

Investigator of China Organ Harvesting Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

17-03-02 from living Falun Gong practitioners.“I owe the fact that there was a story worth telling to the world...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 was a connoisseur, highly praised Xu's singing: "This lady's singing is worth thousands...

美国电话推销新骗局 千万别答“是”

17-02-02 Worth女士接到这类电话,机灵得很,立即就挂掉了。截至目前,加拿大境内尚无这方面被骗的报导。 ...

梁彼得不用坐牢 被判5年缓刑

16-04-20 (Rae Downes Koshetz)两位资深律师为梁案辩护律师。梁彼得之前的律师Stephen Worth是巡警协会(PBA)的合约律师,梁母表示,因Stephen Worth要顾及太多警局的案件,担心...

首次在美国购房 最值得考虑的10个城市

16-03-18 ,这个城市因启动成本低而成为了年轻人创业的最佳城市,并已连续第二年被评为首次购房者选择的十大城市之一。十,得克萨斯州达拉斯、沃思堡(Dallas, Texas and Fort Worth, Texas...

人为什么要受教育? 教育的目的是什么?耶鲁校长教育论

16-02-13 的价值》(The Worth of the University) 讨论了大学在社会中的重要地位。同时莱文先生就此提出了美国经验的三个原则。第一个原则就是联邦政府,必须承担最基本的责任,对于基础科学...


15-12-26 富豪的球星。(With a net worth of about $1 billion, Michael Jordan is easily the richest NBA player of...

华裔警梁彼得枪杀黑人案 明年1月开审

15-09-30 ,听证会很快结束。梁彼得与随行的警察工会人士首先离场。粱的代表律师对记者表示,有信心胜诉。梁彼得代表律师Stephen Worth:〝这纯粹是一场意外,很显然粱并没有意图要攻击那个人。他只是做了一名警察...

美劳工节3500万人出行 油费却可省$14亿

15-09-03 -沃思堡国际机场(Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport)为例,这里是全球排名第9位的最繁忙机场,目前的每日客运量达到17万人、起降航班1845班次、货物吞吐量...

近华埠市民卡临时登记点申请速度快 周五结束

15-07-22 为80 Centre St.,5th Floor, (between Lenoard St and Worth St。),Manhattan NY 10013。侨报...

调查:百万富翁外移人数 中国居世界第一

15-07-15 的国家。这份报告揭示,从2000年至2014年间,世界各国高净值个人(High Net Worth Individuals,HNWI)移民与取得他国公民权的情况。所谓HNWI通常定义为拥有可投资资产(不含...