黑客入侵 “太阳风”席卷全美

20-12-17 实体,预计其他国家和行业也有受害者。“太阳风”与中共关系在sourceforge网站上《比较2020年中国顶级网络监控软件(Compare the Top Network Monitoring...

Election Fraud Rabbit Hole Goes Deep(已校对)

20-11-27 Malloch-Brown is known to be a top lieutenant of George Soros. He is a member of the Soros Open Society...


20-08-21 (Wiki/CC BY-SA 4.0) 纽约市曼哈顿地标之一的洛克菲勒中心的绝佳观景台“峭石之巅(The Top of the Rock)”也于8月6日(周四)重新开放,而且行业工人还享有特别优惠...

How the Chinese Leadership Could Take Shape at a Key Political Meeting

17-08-12 , most of the top provincial officials were linked with the Jiang faction. And Jiang’s faction still...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 damage in a trade war, but would come out on top in the end.“China would feel the impact of U.S....

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 another top shareholder in Vanke and has been building up its shares quickly over the last few months. Its...

以美国的消费水平 一年挣多少算富豪

16-12-10 的收入占美国人全部收入的20.1%。那么,在全美50个州中Top1%(富豪)和Top0.01%(超级富豪)的收入情况又是怎样的呢? 新墨西哥州Top 1%: $231,276Top .01...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 increase dramatically. By 2060, China will be among the top 15 oldest countries in the world, with 0.61...


16-11-21 、FTISLAND开唱,还有李锺硕的粉丝会等接力访台。11月,韩国演艺人员包括Gary姜熙建、SE7EN崔东旭、黄致列、韩团INFINITE、INX、TEEN TOP、Apink、EXO、兄妹组合AKMU乐童音乐家...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 Li Shimin's eldest brother and his opponent. Fang Xuanling, a top adviser to Li Shimin, worried...

纯粹越野情怀 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited              

16-11-14 flares, iconic seven-slot grille and removable doors and top, the 2017 Wrangler Unlimited is stylishly...

大陆爱奇艺申请落地 台文化部:不能许可

16-10-13 给主管机关文化部、NCC国家通讯传播委员会、陆委会、国家通讯传播委员会(NCC)咨询意见。台湾立法院教育及文化委员会今天上午邀文化部长郑丽君等报告备询,郑丽君针对“OTT(Over The Top)产业...

三星洗衣机也爆炸 美监管机构发警告

16-09-28 出现爆炸等“安全问题”。根据美国消费者产品安全委员会周三发布的声明表示,三星公司在2011年3月至2016年4月期间制造的顶开盖(TOP LOAD)洗衣机在某些特定情况下,如清洗被褥、大件物品或防水性的产品...

2017款奥迪Q7 无处不在的科技体验  The Audi Q7 It’s not lonely at the top

16-09-19 drive, class-leading horsepower1 and innovative driver assistance technologies, this IIHS Top Safety...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 —structural changes at the top level of the Communist Party.The current system of Communist Party rule...


16-09-04 line of sight at all times. Side and top view cameras give you a bird’s-eye perspective of the area...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 check it out. They were his cases indeed, what good luck! A letter was placed on top of one of the cases...

A Way to End Karmic Retribution

16-04-09 more karma on top of my existing karma.” Therefore, he said to the robber, “I will not take you...


16-04-07 公司的股东,它们分别是:Zennon Capital Management资本管理公司,Sino Reliance Networks Corporation 和Glory Top Investments...

巴拿马文件震动中南海 最新曝光曾庆红

16-04-06 ,Sino Reliance Networks Corporation 和 Glory Top 投资有限公司。涉及的另一现任江派常委是主管宣传的刘云山,其儿媳妇贾丽青是英属维京群岛注册的Ultra Time...


15-09-13 (swing)、大乐团(Big Band)时代的音乐、摇滚、和top 40的流行音乐与现代音乐的话,别错过Night and Day于9月27日(周日)的表演。地点在钻石农场公园(Diamond Farms...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 一个,用卡的话他会问你是debit还是credit,我一般都选credit,这样扣钱方便!4.饮料续杯地道的说法是top up而不是refill非词汇类这类就是“和你说的内容无关的”,比如你的连读、浊辅音...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 must use officers who can give honest criticisms." His top officer Wei Zheng was a very honest and...


15-05-18 。    世界小姐比赛以往设有沙滩决赛(Beach Beauty Final)(又称比基尼决赛),超模决赛(Top Model Final)才艺决赛(Talent Final),体育竞技决赛(Sports Final...

2015年美国TOP 50名校录取标准

15-04-18 美国有世界顶尖的大学。且看今年排名Top 50各校的录取标准:...


15-04-01 5家的TOP公司参与行业标准和规则制定,正本清源、行业自律,用政策服务用户。深圳市消费者委员会秘书长冯念文也认为:O2O这场革命不是新模式战胜旧模式,也不是互联网+战胜传统,而是新的商业文明在淘汰旧的商业...


15-03-13 巧克力布丁派也绝对值得一吃。”罗耶圆顶“派港”咖啡馆(Royers Round Top Cafe and Royers Pie Haven)——德得克萨斯州,圆顶小镇这个山地小镇原本只为古董淘客们所熟知...

全英奖影响英国排行榜 麦当娜创造新纪录(图)

15-03-02 Love》在上榜第一周空降第26位,从出道至今,麦当娜一共有七十一首歌曲入围英国榜前四十名,成为英国榜诞生以来拥有Top 40单曲数量最多的女歌手。  在本周的英国流行音乐专辑榜中,萨姆-史密斯的首张...


15-02-13 NY 11354。)(膳坊&朵颐 据说全美中餐馆排名top 10, 朵颐第8,膳坊第10)进去晚餐点了夫妻肺片, 水煮牛, 豆腐烧鱼(皖鱼), 成都凉粉, 二姐兔丁, 香辣鸭唇, 蒜泥白肉丶...


15-02-09 我们用什么品牌的加油站,其实小编只想说,因地区和个人喜好而已,但是前些年大的auotomaker组成了叫Top Tier Gas的联盟,成员有这些:http://t.cn/zYLXtnY 小编常加的是Shell...


15-02-07 pride(自豪)。清晨jog(慢跑),带上dog(狗),踩到frog(青蛙)。轻轻hop(跳),跳上top(顶部),唱起pop(流行音乐)。把眼close(闭上),用我nose(鼻子),去闻rose(玫瑰...


15-02-01 ,他祖父母的家中各处总有一碗碗的坚果。“那些带壳的核桃、榛子还有杏仁,”他说,“都是很有意大利味道的东西。”今年42岁的科森蒂诺已经成为了一名厨师,他曾经是Bravo系列节目“顶级大厨”(Top Chef...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 Shizong valued him as one of his top aides. Yang Bo had a son named Yang Junmin, who also won first place...


14-12-29  申请美国大学,费用是一个主要的考虑因素,以下列举百所大学费用一览,其中有55所大学费用超过每年6万美元,而且自然增长率一般在3—5%左右,何时进7,可能就在一两年的时间。  Top 100...


14-12-01 Macy's家有4.5夸脱的。想要小容量的可以来这里收。原价$499.99,邮寄返现后只要$264.99。所有记忆枕头和床垫隔垫(Mattress Top) 3折促销。所有型号的羽绒被,$179.99...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵  Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 emperor and his top officials were devoted to realizing Emperor Taizong's vision of ruling the...


14-10-02 third day, the Emperor ordered the top three finishers into the Royal Court and announced their names in...


14-09-27 9月亚洲艺术秋拍期间,纽约佳士得9月18日《浮翠流丹:美国私人珍藏掐丝珐琅》专场拍卖于北京时间9月18日晚间圆满结束。TOP 2lot 621 清乾隆 掐絲琺瑯仿古饕餮紋鳩車尊估价:USD 60...


14-09-27 9月亚洲艺术秋拍期间,纽约佳士得9月18日《浮翠流丹:美国私人珍藏掐丝珐琅》专场拍卖于北京时间9月18日晚间圆满结束。TOP 1lot 606 明十五至十六世纪初 掐丝珐琅摩伽罗纹辅首耳炉估价...