One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 provincial-level imperial examination seven times but failed to become a juren ("recommended man,"...

大陆网民爱翻墙了解真相 中共欲推“大百科”夺话语权

17-05-04 Facebook、推特Twitter,还有世界最大财经网彭博社Bloomberg、世界最大视频网YouTube、美国著名媒体《纽约时报》New York Times、世界最大图片分享网站Instagram...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 Charlotte Cuthbertson, courtesy of Epoch Times NEW YORK—Jesús de León remembers clearly when his...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 be a good person. Do good deeds and keep a compassionate heart at all times, and virtue will grow....

Sacking of Chinese Insurance Regulator Foretells Further Financial House Cleaning

17-04-24 Zhongnanhai—the headquarters compound of the CCP and the State Council—told The Epoch Times that Xi is...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 already have a mirror many thousand times better than this Qin mirror!" Fang Xuanling was confused...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 mistakes. The honesty and courage Liu Shu manifested were truly commendable. Since ancient times, all those...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 ancient times, the color yellow has been inseparably linked with Chinese traditional culture. During the...

硬派越野之典范 2017 ALL-NEW DISCOVERY

17-04-09 Discovery Sport also stands out from its rivals with a third-row seat for those times when you have a couple...

北京阴霾伤身 纽时特派叹无奈

17-04-06 诉说自身的无奈遭遇。狄雨霏日前在《纽时》的“时报内情”(Times Insider)专栏,分享了她与家人在大陆生活的无奈心情。她说,因为工作关系,携家带口搬到大陆,身为母亲,她感叹说自己对孩子很内疚...

密传〝川习会〞或达共识:斩首金正恩  中国旁观

17-04-05 。他们多年来一直耍美国。中国(中共)没帮什么忙。〞外界分析,川普的这番讲话根本就不给北京一点面子。近日,川普接受《金融时报》(Financial Times)专访时表示,在首场川习会上,他会向习近平提出金正恩核武威胁...

川普警告对朝鲜动手 预示将与习有大交易?

17-04-04 ,或者对朝鲜发动先发制人的军事打击。川普2日接受《金融时报》(Financial Times)专访时表示,在本周稍晚会见习近平时,他会向习提出朝鲜核问题。川普说,“中共对朝鲜有很大的影响力”,“如果他们决定提供...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 election day, The Epoch Times learned from sources close to the Xi leadership that Xi had sent several...

The Rarest of Buddha Statues at the Met Museum

17-03-24 inside Longxing templeLongxing Temple was renamed several times over the years. It was originally named...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 times was required to master. The Chinese guqin, in fact, was a musical instrument that a Chinese...

Masters of Disguise:Best Hidden Bars and Restaurants in New York City

17-03-24 Entrance to FreemansYou may have walked past these store fronts and entry ways many times, and not...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 willful and you must never give in to your worldly desires. You must be modest at all times because...


17-03-16   “精采绝伦!一旦他们充满律动且情感丰富的旋律在剧院里奔腾,你一定会忍不住在座位上骚动。”——摘自《纽约时报》 The New York Times评论。  在美国的狂欢节庆(Mardi Gras)中...


17-03-10 在座位上骚动。”——摘自《纽约时报》 The New York Times评论。在美国的狂欢节庆(Mardi Gras)中,绝对少不了现代柴迪科音乐(Zydeco)的手风琴歌手杰佛瑞‧布萨尔德...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 representative came back many times to offer him the land. Still Zengzi maintained his refusal. The...

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 Gary Feuerberg, courtesy of Epoch Times China's broken promises since admission to WTO...

Investigator of China Organ Harvesting Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

17-03-02 15 years, and that the number of organ transplants is six to 10 times higher than the official...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 )—a sister media with Epoch Times—believes that the suspension of North Korean coal imports allows Chinese...

加速清剿IS 美防长秘访伊拉克

17-02-23 在实地帮助打击“伊斯兰国”,这一途径可加速对“伊斯兰国”极端恐怖组织的战斗。五角大楼发言人告诉美国《军事时报》(Military Times)说:“我们正在对总统指导下的战胜ISIS新战略进行30天的审查...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 Service Exam but "He was behind other students and failed three times in the county (lowest level...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 officials in Hong Kong also fear being suddenly whisked away to Beijing. Epoch Times has learned from...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 times and under all circumstances. For those who have committed serious mistakes, the implication is far...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 points on his back and applied moxibustion seven times on each spot. The patient began to walk quickly...

昂山素季的法律顾问被暗杀 凶手动机不明

17-01-29— The Myanmar Times (@TheMyanmarTimes) 2017年1月29日...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 , but very difficult to shake the Yue army!" Several times, Yue Fei sent Yue Yun to transport rice...

A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 within.But that’s a strategy that has proven faulty.Earlier this month, the New York Times app was taken down...


17-01-23 Station站。  网站:。 3.《纽约时报》旅游展 NY Times Travel Show         最后,给大家介绍个超级有趣的活动!也是好吃君的最爱...


16-04-02 从去年10月至今,中国游泳队再爆5例兴奋剂阳性案丑闻。(网络图片)【看中国记者黎紫曦综合报导】英国《泰晤士报》(Times)3月25日披露,从去年10月至今,中国游泳队出现5例兴奋剂阳性案丑闻。但该...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 times and thought for a moment. Then he picked up his brush and wrote the essay without stopping. The...


16-03-18 集团是一个总部设在墨尔本的传媒公司,不过超过一半股权由北京持有,跟中国国营媒体关系密切。稍后,一名来自澳洲《金融时报》(Financial Times)记者因为不满一直举手却没能提问,当场用中文怒呛...

Zhuge Liang and His Teacher 诸葛亮求学

16-02-20 Everyday at noon the rooster would crow three times and Sir Shuijing would end his lesson as soon as he...

  时报广场隅  坐看云起时  访意大利餐名厨迪诺·瑞吉(2)

16-02-17 可以呈现出来。例如披萨饼,我们要让人尝到远远超过99分一片、或连锁店水平的食物,体现出真正的纽约披萨。时报广场的保罗意大利餐馆(Paul's on Times Square)位于西42街136号...

时报广场隅  坐看云起时  访意大利餐名厨迪诺·瑞吉

16-02-17 的行程。看完这"世界的十字路口"后,附近也有许多地道的美食。时报广场的保罗意大利餐馆(Paul's on Times Square)是名厨迪诺(Dino Redzic)和他的伙伴保罗(Paul...

不需买玩具 自己在家就可以“打印”

16-02-15 》(Tech Times)2月13日报导,美泰表示,这款和3D 设计软件公司欧特克(Autodesk)合作开发的儿童专用3D打印机——“ThingMaker”,将在亚马逊(Amazon)网站销售,价格...

令完成向美泄密曝光 令计划或面临重判

16-02-09 》(Financial Times)4日报导,令完成已向美国情报部门提供了部分情报,其中包括中国发射核武器的程序,中国领导人的个人生活和保卫安排,中国领导人所住的中南海大院的保卫安排等。两名了解情报情况的人士称,美国...