
19-08-26 【看中国讯】2019年,超过170万美国人将被新诊断出患有癌症,但美国癌症协会癌症行动网络(ACS CAN,American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network...

The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 less than Yu Qian, was awarded Shihou (a high rank in society that could be passed on to one's...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 so insignificant. Certainly, from the legends and prophesies, it can be seen that a society is...


19-03-26 、与专业培训师合作、或和兽医一起、或者通过锻炼让牠们度过这一阶段。”根据美国防止残酷对待动物协会(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty and...


19-03-10 主办(the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center),并由屡获殊荣的Calidore弦乐四重奏现场示范演出。时间:3月3日(周日)下午2点。地点:法拉盛市政厅...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 needed to be prosperous for society to be peaceful. Government officials should be familiar with the...


17-07-29 ,如果将科学家发表在《英国皇家天文学会月刊》( Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)上的那些艰深学术语言转换一下,那就是〝我们银河系的一半物质来源...


17-07-24 featuring New Asia Chamber Music Society and Friends本活动由WAC Lighting 、The Glow Foundation、及纽约世界华人工商妇女企管协会...

中国NGO新法如梦魇 外国机构面临绝境

17-07-14 Geographic Society)表示,新法的实施,令其无法批准在中国大陆进行研究、对话和探索项目的申请。另一位来自中欧交换项目的德国NGO Stiftung Asienhaus的中国负责人称,这半年来自中国...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 society without considering the role postmodernism plays within it, “because postmodernism, in many ways...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 not at all hard to imagine that Chinese society would be much more pluralistic, democratic...

Music, the Blossoming of Virtue

17-06-11 political clarity. Music that follows the way of the gentlemen reflects the desire to give order to society...


17-05-10 ;s八板中国音乐协会(Ba Ban Chinese Music Society)将在现场带来怀旧金曲的演奏,八板中国音乐协会在二次大战时的上海,是文化融炉的最佳范例,将传统上海音乐融入西洋爵士及当时的...


17-05-06 1940's八板中国音乐协会(Ba Ban Chinese Music Society)将在现场带来怀旧金曲的演奏,八板中国音乐协会在二次大战时的上海,是文化融炉的最佳范例,将传统上海音乐融入西洋爵士...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 authorities simply fail to act. An increasingly dysfunctional society is resulting. ]No screenwriter could...

恐怖“换头术”年内动刀 专家批中国的耻辱

17-05-02 Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation)因为这类原因拒绝接收一个中国团队的研究论文。美国国际宗教自由委员会(USCIRF)日前发布的报告,引述2016年6月“停止中国...

Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous

17-05-01 truthfulness and promoting compassion, which was good for society and should not be persecuted. Plus, there was...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 where you are in society, which profession you choose and what kind of environment you are in, you can...


17-04-22 4月17日,“美国癌症协会行动网络”(the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network,简称ACS CAN)在市政厅前召开了发布会,公布了一项最新...


17-04-16 "。虽然如此,根据美国圣经公会(American Bible Society)和巴纳集团(Barna Group)近日做的调查,发现69%的美国成年人还是把复活节作为一个宗教节日来庆祝。然而调查...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 time of the Yellow Emperor, about 5,000 years ago, Chinese society advocated single colors. Confucius...

纽约市议会推半价捷运卡 将首惠贫困学生及退伍军人

17-04-07 Society)”一直都在努力争取官方对此的资助。因为计划实施后,将会有约80万纽约人受益。本次市议会提出的“公平票价”试点方案,首阶段的成本为5000万元。收入低于贫困线的7万2000名纽约市立大学学生将成为其...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 the divide and to ease the frustrations and to unite our society to move forward.”“Ultimately, it...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 society or nation. In traditional Chinese culture, cherishing citizens is what government officials were...

  A Nun Guides a Donation

17-03-25 wandered about in society, persuading people to practice compassion. It was interesting to note that she...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 non-economic factors of resistance are regarded as legitimate and correct, and often happen in a society, it...

后院草坪已过时  烤炉、Wi-Fi、App成趋

17-03-18 智能家居(smart-home)的高科技技术已不仅是室内的宠儿。总部位于华盛顿D.C.的景观建筑师美国协会(American Society of Landscape Architects)每年都会...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 loyally, and made great contributions to society and the nation. "Being at peace" and "...


17-02-20 ”(Community Service Society)的报告指出,58%的纽约贫困居民依赖地铁或公车维持生计。在2007到2015年间,车票的价格上调45%,涨价速度是纽约市平均工资上涨速度的6倍。纽约市长白思豪一月...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 society with a dark, extremely corrupt administration. The Shang Dynasty was on the brink of ruin. The...


16-04-05 Society)。  地址:333 E 47th St, between First and Second Aves, 10017。  路线:地铁E、M号线到 Lexington Ave-53rd St站,6号线...

威州关键决战 川普科鲁兹桑德斯受考验

16-03-29 没有重量级的民选官员为川普背书。川普的助手也没有回应要威州支持他的请求。至于民主党方面,Emerson College Polling Society最新的民调显示,希拉里在威州得票率达50%,稍稍领先于...


16-03-05 其他疫区。英国免疫学会(British Society for Immunology)发言人巴罗(Peter Barlow)说:“将相同结论套用于南美洲寨卡疫情前,仍需要进行大量的研究。”...


16-03-02 之间的因果关系。”不过,有些人提醒,这项研究结果并非决定性,可能无法直接应用于其他疫区。英国免疫学会(British Society for Immunology)发言人巴罗(Peter Barlow...

数百颗彗星威胁地球 比近地小行星更严重

16-03-01 了解那些彗星的时候了。”纳皮尔教授等人的研究发表于《皇家天文学学会会刊—天文学和地球物理学分册》(Royal Astronomical Society journal of Astronomy and...

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 when a person respects and loves his parents at home can he respect the elderly in society, humbly...


16-02-20 ”报告(The Integration of Immigrants into American Society)定义为:移民成员和接受社会之间走向相似的过程。移民融入社会后果好坏参半一般人都会以为,移民越...

苹果抗法院令 拒解密加州枪击案凶手手机

16-02-17 中心”(Berkman Center for Internet & Society)今年二月发布两份有关加密的研究报告,都同意在谨慎的前提下,增加美国政府解密取得信息的权力,以打击恶徒。美国电子...


16-02-03 【看中国纽约讯】近期,特别推荐读者如下纽约各项活动:1、布碌仑亚联会免费报税服务布碌仑亚联会(Asian Community United Society)为本次纽约州长库默在全州设置85个免费报税...


16-02-02 近半个世纪以来,斯坦福工程学教授伯纳德‧罗斯(Bernard Roth)都在教授一门叫做“社会设计师”(The Designer in Society)的课程,学生在课上会了解“设计性思维...