
19-04-18 (Socrates Sculpture Park)。费用:免费。网站:facebook.com。纽约天空村邻里复活节寻彩蛋活动Sky Village NYC Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt...

圣母院大火中有奇迹 神父英勇挽救圣物

19-04-17 (Jean-Francois Martins)说,“一切都安全无瑕,在我们非常糟糕的一天,我们有一个好消息。”福尼尔神父也因其勇敢的举动而被誉为英雄。“福尼尔神父真是一位英雄,”一名消防队员对天空新闻社(Sky News)说...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 , the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the sky and earth became dark. The tribe’s people waited...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 The Greatness of MankindLaozi said:"The Way is boundless, the sky is boundless, the earth is...

Xuan Zang's Compassion Overcame Ruthless Bandits

18-12-27 compassion of Xuan Zang moved the heavenly beings. The weather suddenly changed. The sky darkened, a strong...

从大麻到大篷车  谁搅乱美国

18-10-28 团体都主张,应该把来自第三世界的穆斯林安置到欧洲。[1]2015年,天空新闻台(Sky News)记者在希腊莱斯博斯岛(Lesbos)上找到了“移民手册”。调查得知,这本用阿拉伯语写成的手册,是一个名为...

Father Clears Unjust Charges, Son Becomes Top Scholar

18-10-20 the nation’s capital. On his way there, he heard a voice from the sky, “'No-don't' will...

Corrupt and Sinful Official Punished by Heaven

18-10-11 article, a piece of white silk with words written on it suddenly fell from the sky onto his desk where he...


18-09-09 RiverThe river scatters moon and sky, congeals them, light and wavering.A bamboo flute brings spring by...


18-07-19 rising sky, lined up, a thousand passes!Weaponed suits, in furs, on armoured horse, no easy...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 2)

18-06-26 six tips pointing up to the sky and green glazed roof tiles. The words “Yue Wumu Pavilion” are...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 sky is high above, why the earth is deeply beneath, why everything exists as it naturally does, they...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 star moved across the western sky in wintertime. Early this month, a tender breeze passed by while...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 , you will see the sky is blue and so is the sea, the hills are green and waters clear, the weather...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 heaven and earth, the sky being light and clear, is considered Yang. The earth, being heavy and turbid is...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 1)

17-11-21 fell asleep. He seemed to see a heavenly being descending from the sky, who was wearing a multicolored...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 clear sky; my aspiration as pure as the autumn chrysanthemum." (From "Re-visiting the...

法拉盛房市火热 康斗成交最活跃

17-07-27 景豪苑二期(The Grand at Sky View Parc)以及法拉盛137街32-18号的PARKSIDE TOWER等公寓楼盘销售业绩的带动。曼哈顿的合作公寓(Co-op)销售量上涨,上东区...

Timeless Music that Touches Nature and Heaven

17-06-18 continued, auspicious clouds appeared in the sky and the singing of the cranes harmonized with the music of...

说好的制裁呢?金正恩将派人赴北京 或与这些元首会面

17-05-11 展开外交攻势的理想场所。在公开场合,朝鲜仍坚持强硬路线。据英国天空新闻(Sky News)报道,朝鲜驻英国大使在接受该媒体采访时表示,朝鲜将忽视国际社会对朝的警告,继续实施其弹道导弹和核计划...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 , Shi Xiang felt a gentle breeze and auspicious clouds in the sky gathered towards them. He felt as...

让未来提前到来 2017 New Tesla Model X

17-03-19 all glass panoramic windshield in production, providing an unparalleled view of the stars and sky...

法拉盛Sky View旁将建19层商住楼 获社委会通过

17-03-01 目前,永丰房地产集团(Wing-Fung Group)计划在法拉盛40路131-02号,即法拉盛Sky View旁,开发19层高的商住两用综合搂,名为Flushing Point Plaza。项目...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 , and sighed to the sky with both anger and sorrow, "How despicable! Cui Zhu killed the king...


16-07-24 数字巡天-III(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,缩写SDSS)的数据,大约绘制了体积达6500亿立方光年的宇宙3D地图。特勒里欧博士表示:“过去10年间,我们已经准备好对宇宙...


16-07-21 THE SKY ﹞,由Dai Sil Kim-Gibson自拍自导她自己的亲身经历。故事回朔到七十年前,二次大战期间,前苏联政府将朝鲜半岛分割成南韩和北韩,而出生于北韩的Kim-Gibson,则目睹...

英国脱欧卡梅伦辞职 欧洲何去何从

16-06-24 :07  SKY新闻记者推文:卡梅伦会马上发声明,呼吁稳定。05:56, 10个“脱欧”投票最高和10个“留欧”投票最高的选区。脱欧:Boston – 75.6%South Holland – 73.6...


16-06-20 已经超越所有物理学的解释了。这气体球无法用肉眼看见因为他有38亿光年远。他们利用全天自动化超新星探测系统(All Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae/ASAS-SN...

Gods See to It That the Wicked Suffer and the Good Avoid Disaster

16-06-18 voices replied in the sky: “Yes! We will follow your orders!” Hearing those voices, the local residents...


16-06-02 制作工艺之精良证明在公元前14世纪存在成熟的铁锻造技术。”这个发现也能很好地说明大约100年后,埃及使用了“天空的铁(iron of the sky) ”来描述铁。“这个新术语的引入表明,古埃及人在公元前...

蓝月亮和火星冲日 周末天文奇观齐登场

16-05-20 月球偏蓝。芬威克说,冬天的夜空,月球可能显示出青色,那是因为空气中的冰晶造成。〝蓝月亮〞这个词汇首次出现在1946年3月发行的《天空和望远镜》(Sky and Telescope)杂志中,其中一篇文章...


16-05-17 ·墨菲(Tammy Murphy)育有四个孩子。7.他是新泽西州足球队股东。墨菲曾任美国足球基金会和美国足球世界杯申办委员会的董事会成员。他也是职业女子足球队Sky Blue FC的股东之一,该队...

Not Practicing Favoritism

16-05-08 friendship. The procurator said happily about their friendship, "Other people have one layer of sky...


16-04-11 dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For...


16-03-12 。        网址:ShenYun.com/NYC。        2、本周新片速递 《天空之眼》 Eye in the Sky        在《天空之眼》中,海伦•米伦在片中饰演军事情报官员科洛内尔•凯瑟琳...


16-03-05 沾上褐色、蓝色和白色颜料,勾勒出西澳大利亚库吉的褐红沙滩、白色浪花和碧蓝海水,在涌动中变幻着色彩,不同色系调出和谐的抽象美。摄影:Sky Photo也许你从来都只是一个座位席上的观众,却从来没有发现换个...

很多巨大星体神秘消失 原因不明

16-03-03 (WISE)、林肯近地小行星研究中心(LINEAR)望远镜、卡塔利纳巡天观测(Catalina Sky Survey)等,对SDSS J1011+5442进行观察。科学家发现,这颗类星体的亮度在几年间持续变暗...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 two most observable objects in the sky, thus neither of them could be ignored. The ancient Chinese...


16-01-26 Development)部长格林宁(Justine Greening)说,政府正在考虑是否能为3000名独自逃难到欧洲的儿童难民做得更多。当被天空新闻(Sky News)问及是否和慈善组织关于接纳这些儿童的谈判接近尾声时...


16-01-12 这些作品来自纽约的摄影师Eric Cahan,他的摄影作品灵感来自色彩、大自然与来自身边一切的一切。Sky Series Selected Works 2011 是Eric Cahan纪录...