Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 covering the country, China joined the WTO in 2001. But it continued to control the price of capital as...

黑色星期五与网络星期一 节日购物季省钱有窍门

18-11-19 stores)El Dorado FurnitureFleet FarmGander OutdoorsGardner-White FurnitureGuitar CenterH&MHalf Price...

Oil Price to Rally Sharply Amid Supply Shortage, Says Expert

18-11-08 course, according to Phil Flynn, analyst at Price Futures Group in Chicago.The West Texas Intermediate...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 share price peaked in January this year.Volkswagen Group, the world’s largest carmaker, cut its sales...


18-11-01 school system.  2018 greatly reduced price sales event will take place at 105 North Stonestreet Avenue...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1)

18-10-25 remained meticulous about his products from the beginning to the end. He would not even raise the price and...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 the price issue only.”The alleged spy chip has “amplified concerns over Huawei’s 5G equipment...


18-09-20 )。超过45位艺术家,游行乐队,舞蹈团体,艺术花车和穿著节庆服饰的表演者将进行“艺术游行”,从乔治亚大道向北行进,从Prichard街到Price大道。看游行的观众最好在乔治亚大道东侧观看。艺术节庆将包括...

Doing Good Deeds Earns a Deity's Respect

18-09-14 the regular price when it was ripe. I then sold it at the original price to people the following year...

Chinese Education Consulting Firm in New York Accused of Fraudulent Scheme to Place Chinese Students at Top Universities

18-09-06 pay $48,000 to help her enroll at Boston University, but after long negotiations, he reduced the price...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 many twists and turns, and that increases uncertainty for buyers.”The price of ZTE’s bonds due in...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 attempt.The offer represents a small 5 percent premium over EDP’s May 10 closing stock price, and it values...

打击药价两步骤 川普履行竞选承诺

18-05-16 ;<p lang="en" dir="ltr">Without binding arbitration or ability to fix price...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 unwarranted.In 2017, bitcoin’s price rose from approximately $1,000 to $20,000, an inflating bubble. However...

A Chinese Washing Machine Can Clean Both Clothes and Vegetables

17-10-27 clams at an affordable price of 848 yuan. The 10,000 units manufactured in the first lot targeted at...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 the dollars from state merchants, driving up the price of the dollar. This makes American products...

The China Bitcoin Ban Explained

17-09-29 cryptocurrencies and tokens in initial coin offerings (ICOs).Although the price of the largest cryptocurrency...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 prosperous lives. The price of rice dropped to historic lows. Signs of prosperity such as the sounds of...


17-09-22 Florence Price: Classical Music Revolutionary在这场免费音乐会当中,圣路克管弦乐团将演奏女作曲家佛罗伦斯普莱斯的作品。总是力排众议勇往直前的普莱斯...

奥巴马健保暂不变 对民众买医保的6大影响

17-03-27 Price)已鼓励州长适应联邦豁免条款,对白卡申请人增加工作要求、保险费等要求。所以未来各州可能会自行决定是否沿用这些条款,修改各州的白卡计划。第三,你仍面临必须买保险或交罚金的选择。奥巴马健保要求人人都投保...

新消息! 美共和党撤回新版健保法案

17-03-24 普莱斯(Tom Price)以及所有同事的努力,并许诺将把提案做得更好。他说:“虽然现在的提案不完美,但最终会有选择。还有很多机会,故事没有结束”。接下来是问答环节。众议院原计划在周四就这项法案进行表决...

Solving the Secret Behind the Chinese Gold Market

17-03-18 points out a peculiarity regarding Asian buying: “Asian demand is strong when the price goes down....

新健保评分出炉  保守派盼完善 

17-03-16 ‧莱恩(Paul Ryan)和(卫生部)普莱斯(Tom Price)部长回去,重新搞一个自由市场的方案。”然后他提出了几个与数周前川普总统在国情咨文中的主张雷同的建议:1. 免除跨州保险的限制。让保险公司...


17-03-06 的一些悬而未决的问题。卡特说,众议院议长瑞恩(Paul Ryan)、卫生与公共服务部部长普莱斯(Tom Price)和莫凡尼于周六参加了一个电话会议,商讨如何解决问题。周日早些时候,共和党议员誓言很快就可以审查...

为医保改革平稳过渡 川普请保险业协助

17-02-28 (Medicaid)计划,川普未来将如何改革,目前仍不得而知。川普说他已指示卫生及公共服务部(HHS,简称卫生部)部长普莱斯(Tom Price)和他们共同合作,以“确保平稳过渡到新的医保计划”。卫生部已于2月15日...


16-08-08 。譬如,以「.99」为尾数的价格,相比以「.97」或者「.49」结尾的价格,它们之间的含义大为不同。一、以「.99」为尾数的价格:商品为未打折的「原价」(full price)以.99为尾数的商品基本是没有再打过折的...


16-07-22 of Realtors,简称GCAAR)表示,上个月的中位价格(median price)为$560,000,是有史以来价格最高的六月。从去年六月以来,平均价格上涨了1.8%。五月销售的中位价格...

社区问答 543‘

16-07-19 信息系统,简称为PLU码(Price Look Up code),供作零售业者发展数据库的基础及为生鲜产品订出符合实质价值的价位。PLU所用的四位码一般皆以「4」开头,编码由4011起至4959止,每组...

卖寿司和高档奶酪 沃尔玛图转型

16-06-06 长久以来,沃尔玛一直以“天天都便宜”(Everyday Low Price)的策略吸引消费者上门,但近几年这一策略开始失效,随着美国中产阶级空洞化,许多原本忠实顾客的消费能力降低,为了吸引更多...

从威尼斯到鲁凯族石板屋        经文处建筑保护讲座发人深省

16-06-01 。侨务委员戴松昌、日前获颁克莱门特人道尊严奖(Clement A. Price Human Dignity Award)的罗格斯大学林伟如博士(Dr. Karen W. Lin)与夫婿林宗儒博士也出席论坛...


16-05-27 严重后果”的普遍问题.抗生素抗药性行动中心主任、乔治.华盛顿大学教授Lance Price说:“对于美国公共卫生健康来说,这是很难想像的更坏消息(首例超级病菌)。我们可能很快将面临这样一个局面,CRE感染...


16-05-05 PRICE)放得极低,银行本身损失过高。第一、二种SHORT SALE,银行批准会花比较长的时间,一般在45天到60天。最长的,我遇到有4个月的。而第三种SHORT SALE,由于银行已经批准了价格...


16-05-04 会以MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price)为准,虽然你只是租车,但也请以买车的心态去杀价。●汽车市价折抵项目 Capitalized Cost...


16-05-03 (Profit)?A:卖房利润是调整以后的卖价(Adjusted Sale Price)减去调整后的成本(Adjusted Cost Basis)。调整后的成本是买价(Purchase Price)减去销售佣金...


16-04-24 的,有的是以便宜为取向,像是BIG Y,PRICE RITE等等;有的是以有机食品为取向,像是WHOLE FOOD等;有的是以特殊食材、微波、油炸等快速食品为取向,像是TRADERJOE’S等等;有的是以种类繁多...

美议员提案 无证移民汇款至海外罚7%

16-02-28 ,美国共和党参议员维持(David Vitter)及众议员普莱斯(Tom Price)为了解美国向海外汇款的情形,要求GAO提出报告。GAO系根据世界银行的资料统计。依其数据,2014年美国向海外汇款最大的接收...


16-02-24 Western Europe and South Korea for the purpose of containing Communism. Sometimes the price of defending...


16-02-16 的买房全过程知识来源。三、确定房价范围 (Price Range)你要知道你能买得起多少钱的房子。一个简便的计算方法是最高贷款额为家庭年收入的四到五倍(假定贷款利率是6%到8%)。如果你家的年收入...


16-02-16 purchase price:购买价offer accepted:购买协议被接受(协议接受价)open escrow :进入过户过程/环节cancel escrow:取消合约(终止转户过程)contingency...


16-01-30 ”的。3、通过标签号码来识别你注意到超市很多食品上面都贴有椭圆形的小标签了吗?一般来说是几个数字组合,记住, 那个小标签叫PLU码(Using Price Look-up Codes),用来标明产品的生产类型...