
20-01-07 、Monmouth郡、 Bloomfield、Wall、Mount Arlington、Manalapan及Morristown等镇解聘。其中一位前 Mount Arlington议员和现任Morristown市长...


19-12-24 。他之前是Parsippany市议员,并在2017年角逐共和党州议会提名失败。他的律师说,他的客户“否认这些指控,我们将积极捍卫针对他的指控。”前Mount Arlington市议员约翰‧温迪什(John Windish)共和...


19-11-27 Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat by Simon de Myle(看中国记者李若兰、金唐综合报导)关于诺亚方舟的故事,虽然是来自《圣经》的一个美好传说,没有任何历史...

纽约游民服务局疏散游民计划   全美惹争议

19-11-15 12,482个游民被分配到了全国373个镇市,第一年的房租以及差旅费由纽约市游民局提供。纽约上州的富裕区弗农山(Mount Vernon)已经接受了138户游民家庭。市长瓦雷斯(Andre...


19-09-17 创下新纪录,布朗估计2019年也会打破纪录。公寓,特别是地下室公寓 ,位于哥伦比亚高地(Columbia Heights)、芒特普莱森特(Mount Pleasant)和佩特沃斯地区 (Petworth...


19-06-25 , Gillettehillviewfarmnj.com Wightman’s Farms1111 Mount Kemble Ave., Morristownwightmansfarms.comOCEANEmery's Berry...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 day, Emperor Taizong was again ready to go hunting. At the moment he was about to mount the horse...


19-04-04 星期六,您可以参加这个骑行20英里、看不到一辆汽车、每年举办的骑自行车活动,并欣赏沿途美景。这个活动不是比赛而是娱乐的活动。弗农山春酒节和夕阳之旅(Mount Vernon Spring Wine...

Not Keeping the Money Found, Abundant Wealth is Rewarded

18-12-25 of mulberry tree leaves in his hometown and that they had to cross the lake to get them in Mount...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21 finally located him one year later, farming on the foothills of Mount Ji in the central mountain region....

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 follows: “When Shun was a farmer at Mount Li, the local people gave him their land; when he was...


18-08-21 County3.0865.0534.441$10,679 17. BridgetonCumberland County2.8144.524.418$3,146 18. Mount Ephraim BoroughCamden...


18-08-21 路以南。这项工作不会关闭Mount Vernon 步道, 但是使用该步道的行人,可能会受到影响,造成延误。公园管理部门说,将于周一,周三和周五上午6:30至下午2:30关闭肯尼迪中心附近的Rock...


18-07-26 Site) 地址:897 South Columbus Ave, Mount Vernon, NY。开放时间:1月~6月:周一至周五上午9点~晚上5点;     7月~12月:周二至周六上午9点~晚上5点...


18-07-01 ,导致纪念圆环(Memorial Circle)的乔治华盛顿公园路(George Washington Parkway)的交通流量减慢。甚至行走在弗农小径(Mount Vernon Trail)的行人和...

Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money

18-06-18 Historical Records: Xiaowen Benji.  Emperor Wendi (202 – 157 BC) wanted to build a pavilion on Mount Li. He...


18-05-03 (Mount Rainier),洛基山(Rocky Mountain)和大提顿公园(Grand Teton)等热门公园。内政部长津克表示,需要额外的门票收入来帮助维护公园,并逐步解决116亿美元推迟的维修...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 Ticonderoga-class cruisers, which are decades old and unable to mount next-generation weapons such as the rail gun....

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 a flowing river. When Yu was touring Mount Tai, he encountered a rainstorm. While hiding underneath a cliff...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 reputation: It indeed would have been easier to shake Mount Tai than to shake Yue Fei's army. Among the...

Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 1)

18-01-09 “Yue Army,” and that “It is easier to shake Mount Tai than to shake Yue Army.” This showed how highly...


17-12-02 to travel around the world." He settled in Mount Zhoudi and concentrated on cultivating the Tao....


17-11-11 Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Show),可以选到特色的圣诞节礼物。如果喜爱冬季运动的话,可以到附近的哈里森山(Mount Harrison)山顶或是乘坐缆车到滑雪渡假胜地Ober...

China’s New Leadership Lineup Leaves Out Key Members of Opposing Faction

17-11-02 coup against Xi.   As for Zhang Gaoli, he won Jiang’s favor during Jiang’s sightseeing tour of Mount...


17-11-01 的一起车祸发生在Mount Olive。两部汽车于2月26日迎面对撞,造成坐在其中一车前座的女性乘客遇难。此公路在2015年有3人死亡。15名(平手):322号公路(Route 322)没有人于2015年在...


17-10-27 降落。那里也有餐桌,旁边的草地上还经常有足球比赛。大家可以从 Mount Vernon 车道骑车 前往。 2. 华盛顿住宅万圣节活动:位于 Mount Vernon 的华盛顿住宅将在 10月27日...

天桥投石致人死亡 五青少年被控谋杀罪

17-10-26 ,造成一位经过桥下年轻父亲的死亡。 32岁的肯尼斯·怀特(Kenneth White)是Mount Morris Township的居民。身为建筑工人的怀特当天下班后,在回家的路上经过该路段。当时他坐在同事...

美公立小学排行榜前十 大纽约地区占四席

17-08-19 )、(5)Deerfield(短山)、(6)Lincoln-Hubbard(萨米特)、(7)Princeton Charter(普林斯顿)、(8)Esssex Fells(艾塞克斯)、(9)Mount Prospect(巴斯...

欲在D.C.购屋?  出价或许得高于要价

17-04-27 Northeast)、切维蔡斯(Chevy Chase D.C.)、Columbia Heights/Mount Pleasant、Foggy Bottom/West End与Logan Circl/Dupont...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 , Sima Guang, Liu Shu and others went sightseeing at Mount Wanan. They found an ancient stone monument...


17-04-06 ”(Mount Mantap)下的测试地点进行第六次“从未见过”的核弹试爆。据分析,下次核爆威力恐超过前次14倍。美国国防部长马蒂斯(Jim Mattis)说,朝鲜这种肆无忌惮的行为必须停止。对于被问及美国...

火山频发地震异常增多 科学家找不到原因

17-03-05 我们的地球正在酝酿着巨变吗?注意一下世界各地出现火山喷发及地震次数异常增多,也许会提示我们深入思考这个问题。意大利的埃特纳火山(Mount Etna)近日第二次喷发出滚滚熔岩,令人印象十分深刻...


17-03-04 ,并且重新规划芒特弗农步道(Mount Vernon Trail)。这项工程预计将持续到春末。公园服务局在一份声明中说,除了重新调整步道路线之外,还要垫高与加宽这个步道。另外停车场还要放置新的路石与排水沟。公园...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 a diplomat to the country of Jin, but he was exiled for 15 years at Mount Leng and suffered tremendous...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 army wouldn't be able to mount an attack until the road was repaired. In the mean time, Han Xin...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 on Mount Niutou while protecting Emperor Song Gaozong, and that the situation was very tense, he...


16-08-08 (6,356.89公里),而赤道半径是3,963.34英里(6,378.38公里),严格意义上,地球并不是一个完美的圆球。2、离星空最近的山峰厄瓜多钦博拉索山(Mount Chimborazo),海拔高度...


16-08-06 ’s Master Food Volunteers)的烹饪示范。他们在McCutcheon/Mount Vernon、Herndon、Reston和Lorton markets都有。在每个市场,也包括...

下药ISIS武装分子 12岁女孩成功脱逃

16-04-29 已经与她的母亲和姐妹团聚,但她的两个兄弟仍被ISIS武装分子拘押。雅兹迪人是一个伊拉克古老少数非穆斯林民族。自从2014年ISIS武装分子包围他们的辛贾尔山(Mount Sinjar)故土以来,他们就被当作...


16-03-13 紧急作业中心 (Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center)位于美佛吉尼亚州,这是一个国家遭遇灾难时,可容纳特别人物比如像奥巴马的避难所,根据一封华盛顿邮报的投书...