Not Keeping the Money Found, Abundant Wealth is Rewarded

18-12-25 , “If the silver belongs to someone who is running a small business like me, then his whole family would...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 embarrassed. He bowed to me and then rode away on his horse.” The old man laughed and made the youngest son the...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 killed it.Most people think of me of a China bear. That’s because they started paying attention around...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 2)

18-12-05 tolerant of me!” All resentment between them disappeared, and they became close friends. Being able to...

Mencius (Part 2)

18-11-28 lord might change his mind and ask me to return. If he called me back, I would have to make good use of...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21 to assist me in ruling the country. After carefully thinking, no one is more virtuous than Teacher...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 ?’ The common folk say, ‘How does it benefit me?’ As a result, everyone will be competing for his or her...


18-11-15 的凶嫌落网。近几年,私人业者建立的基因族谱学数据库,在美国变得越来越热门。其中包括23 and Me与 Ancestry.com等族谱追溯网站,还有开放式的基因搜索数据库GEDMatch,由一般民众主动...

A Virtuous Mother From the Three Kingdoms Era

18-11-12 to believe me, then who will help me prove my case? Moreover, Lady Sun now assumes that I will tell...

Ford’s Friend Monica McLean, Ex-FBI Agent, Could Face Charges for Tampering With Witness

18-11-09 have never had anyone assist me with the preparation of any polygraph. Ever. Not my entry polygraph...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 is up to me, yet the choice to buy is not mine. If nobody wants to buy my pots, I cannot force them...

After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value

18-11-02 mountains, but I have never experienced such pain as this. Can you really turn me into a Buddha statue bit...

A Discussion of “Righteousness” (Part 2)

18-10-10 again to do this kind of deed, don't blame me for not being polite.” After saying this, the...

Confucius and Socrates: The Courage to Stand on the Side of Truth (Part 2)

18-10-08 as Anytus bids or not as Anytus bids, and either acquit me or not; but whatever you do, know that I...

One’s Fate Changes with One’s Heart

18-09-10 , “Don’t tell me you were only having a bit of fun. Heavenly gods supervise anything that involves money....

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 Zhou kingdom, King Wen of Zhou excitedly exclaimed, "I have hoped for you to come to me for a long...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 take the boy as my disciple, the townspeople will think of me as one of those people who 'cuts off...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 are a coward. Do you dare to kill me with your sword? If you dare not, you have to crawl between my...

美国电话推销新骗局 千万别答“是”

17-02-02 电话推销虽令人不胜其烦,电话诈骗则令人防不胜防。最近报告发现美国出现一种新型电话诈骗,而且这一骗局呈日益扩大势头,骗局名称叫“你能听到我吗?(can you hear me?)”一旦回答“是(yes...

If a Ruler Is Amiable and Approachable, the People Will Submit to Him Willingly

17-01-28 me three years to eliminate the old customs. That's why it took me so long."At that time...


16-04-03 That's really something。真了不起。9. Excuse me for a moment。失陪一会儿。10. I'm dying to see you。我特想见你。11....


16-03-30 完成!”“额…医生…锯错腿了。” Me: O; wife: A; baby: AB我:O型血  妻子:A型血  婴儿:AB型血I started wearing my seatbelt again.我又开始系...


16-03-23 今天给大家推荐一组魔性的照片,先来一张简单的热热身记住,秘诀是快速摇头看发现了里面藏着的小熊猫吗?这不是我们童年小伙伴皮卡丘吗?△是不是觉得自己超厉害,看这种图简直小菜一碟?excuse me!你敢...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 , isn't that cheating? Would you please prepare another question for me?" The examiner heard his...

A Story about Retribution 善恶迟早有报 怨天尤人害己

16-03-13 does not want me to be good." He began doing evil as he did before, and found a doctor who cured...


16-03-09 的10个州1. 缅因州(Maine, ME):$8082. 俄亥俄州(Ohio, OH):$9003. 威斯康辛州(Wisconsin, WI):$9124. 爱达荷州(Idaho, ID):$9355....

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 master said, "If that's the case, your wife can weave one hundred rolls of silk for me, and...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26 Gorbachev)说的那句话更漂亮:‘请容我告诉您,为何我们对你们不信任。("Let me tell you why it is we distrust you.”)’”“那句话字字坦诚,掷地有声,但对...

黄静茵婚礼 金俊秀唱祝歌

16-02-20 韩剧《她很漂亮》及《Kill Me Heal Me》的31岁女星黄静茵,将于下周五与交往半年多的高尔夫球手兼企业家男友李英敦结婚,准新娘早前在Instagram公开与未婚夫的亲嘴甜蜜照外,日 前...


16-02-19 再说,紧急的事儿要先说一声“excuse me”/“打扰一下”。要扶住门让后面的人通过;电梯来的时候让到一侧,让里面的人出来以后你再进去;进电梯以后如果外面还有人没进来要为人家按住开门键(而不是关门键...


16-02-13 ,这种对空间重视的文化也深深地影响着居住在这里的人们。小伙伴们所知道的什么“I need some space,”或者“Give me some space,” 其实就是“Leave me alone,”和“I...


16-02-09 的时间里,更准确的表达我们的真实想法。例如:That is exactly what I want to talk about todayTell me exactly where he...


16-02-08 (GroverClevelandAlexander)时,电影中他对妻子艾米(Aimee)讲的那句话:“能赐你予我,上帝一定是为我想了很多(God must think a lot of me to have given me you)。”美国前总统...

小小趣味故事 大大安全道理

16-02-03 Sea for Dragon and Me: Water Safety for Kids (and Dragons))。爸爸带着小女孩和恐龙准备到海边野餐,二个好朋友一起搭沙堡、泼水、游泳、追逐着一船海盗...

Right Here Waiting,我会一直等你

16-02-02 可是此刻却无法接近你Oh, can't you see it , baby, 哦 你看不见吗,宝贝You've got me going crazy? 你让我陷入痴狂Wherever...

炎亚纶留言告白“爱妳” 李毓芬甜回:Me too

16-01-30 “爱你”,李随后也甜蜜回应“Me too”,并上传狗狗照片,留言“想我吗?”炎也用狗狗照片回应“想死妳了”,让双方粉丝直呼“超有爱”。前阵子炎亚纶陷入低潮失眠两个星期,师姊Ella关心他给他吃褪黑激素...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 to seek me, I am the yellow stone at the foot of Gucheng Mountain." Therefore, later generations...

2016韩娱乐圈喜事连连 黄静茵金荷娜金延恩将披上嫁衣

16-01-27 见过双方家长,并希望尽快结为夫妻,成为对方一生的伴侣。在此,希望两位白头偕老。”  2015年,黄静茵凭借《Kill Me Heal Me》、《她很漂亮》等热播韩剧成为当之无愧的“收视女王”,达到演艺...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 burglar saw him and called for help, "Please help me! I swear that I will not steal any more."...

不是每个老男人都是大叔,不是每个胖子都是Alan Rickman

16-01-14 有点古怪的英伦绅士“。尤其在《哈7》,Alan Rickman完美的演绎了斯内普内心的挣扎与矛盾,他呈现了一个一直被误会,却坚持着承诺的男人。他的一句“Look at me”,以及回忆中紧紧抱住Lily流泪...