
18-11-27 重叠,五行则属。黄帝与炎帝阪泉大战后,炎帝退到南方,主掌神农架一带,南方在方位上也属,因此在属性上是完全适应的。伏羲画的先天八卦,能仰观天文、俯察地理,有了卦就可实现天人合一,通达上天旨意...


18-11-27 、蒜粉、洋香菜适量。鸡高汤:鸡架骨1副、洋葱1个、红萝卜1个。作法鸡架骨浸入冷水,开小火,持续加热到水滚沸腾后关,捞起鸡架骨,用冷水洗净血沫。冷水加入鸡架骨、洋葱、红萝卜,大火煮滚捞浮沫,再转小火煮...


18-11-27 里,既时尚又保暖也让鞋面保持整洁。若想搭配短裤的朋友们,这边就需要注意身材与身高。为避免产生穿搭错误,还是建议身材不够高大的男士直接以长裤为主。明星也常利用此款鞋子搭配在日常穿搭中,让黄靴红到...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21 was afraid that my poor ability and virtue might mislead the people. It was unexpected that Teacher...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 Mencius.”  Mencius once said, “I am proficient in cultivating my noble spirit. It is the greatest and...

Democrat Ilhan Omar Switches Stance After Election, Says She Supports BDS Movement

18-11-21 BDS movement, and has fought to make sure people’s right to support it isn’t criminalized,” her...

Trump’s Drug Pricing Czar Found With ‘Multiple Blunt Force Injuries,’ Ruled Suicide

18-11-21 mind for years, Best’s brother Tim told GoErie.com.“It was a concept he started on in 2005 to be able...

News Analysis: The Rosenstein Memo

18-11-15 this indictment long antedated the appointment of a special prosecutor; that it doesn’t have anything...

Florida AG Bondi Orders Investigation of Election Irregularities

18-11-15 their handling of the Nov. 6 midterm elections.The FDLE previously stated it didn’t start an...

A Virtuous Mother From the Three Kingdoms Era

18-11-12 ’s eyes, if she made a mistake, it could be overlooked simply because she could find a reason to...

How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

18-11-12 executed, he cannot come back to life. It’s terribly sad! Once a man is mutilated, he cannot regrow his...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1)

18-11-09 poor in virtue and weak in ability. When I took over the country, I made a vow that I would rule it...

Ford’s Friend Monica McLean, Ex-FBI Agent, Could Face Charges for Tampering With Witness

18-11-09 account.The Senate Judiciary Committee revealed that it is aware of the alleged pressure and is investigating...


18-11-08 高科技达人所头痛的事情。自由亚洲电台报导,美国IT界名人对手机等电子产品的警惕曾引发广泛舆论关注。微软创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)去年4月接受英国《镜报》采访时曾表示,他绝不允许自己的孩子...

Oil Price to Rally Sharply Amid Supply Shortage, Says Expert

18-11-08 (WTI) came down to $63 per barrel, losing more than 18 percent since early October. It was one of its...

Six Selections from Ren Jing (Scripture of Forbearance)

18-11-07 clearly see your intention.” Wang Shouhe replied, “I heard that it is easy to break hard things. Tolerance...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 ; if everybody buys my pots, I cannot refuse. Please think about it, everyone. We all make pots, yet...

After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value

18-11-02 After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value It says in the Three...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 imported cars from 25 percent to 15 percent. It, however, raised tariffs on cars imported from the United...

Trump Approval Among Black Voters Rises to Record 40 Percent in Rasmussen Poll

18-11-02 “We’re fighting hard. It’s going to make a big difference.”Black unemployment, a powerful talking...

Zeng Shen Sincerely Complied with Confucius’ Teachings

18-10-25 , Zeng farmed during the day and studied in the evening until midnight every day. It was a difficult...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1)

18-10-25 returned and tried his best to help them. It was said that, “The family couldn't kill Shun when they...


18-10-25 了。使新锅煮东西不粘锅的小技巧方法是:把新锅刷干净,上火烧热,加食油少许,转动锅子,使之均匀受,随著锅的转动,锅内的油也在锅内流动一圈,继续加,让周围的油起青烟,锅内加水半碗,烧开,用炊帚用力的刷锅...

With Exit From INF Treaty, Trump Eyes Trilateral Nuclear Arms Pact With China, Russia

18-10-23 none of us develop those weapons.’ But if Russia is doing it and if China is doing it, and we’re...

Father Clears Unjust Charges, Son Becomes Top Scholar

18-10-20 that whenever there is a thought in line with the heavenly principles, one should act on it immediately...

Mencius: One Prospers in Calamities and Perishes in Comfort

18-10-20 a strong will, and it can strengthen one’s mind and help one succeed. In fact, most things that are good...


18-10-20 ,柏林一分为二,迫使企业出走,汽车产业、高科技软硬体产业、生物科技产业也纷纷南迁,著名的BMW、AUDI、西门子等均落籍于此,也还吸引了美国数百家IT产业,被称为欧洲小矽谷。去年一年的工业销售额就已突破...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 routinely demands that Hollywood portray China in a strictly positive light, and it punishes studios and...

YouTube Scraps Most Popular Channel on China Politics From Search Suggestions

18-10-15 of Chinese politics and society. It also regularly picks apart the repression of Chinese people by...


18-10-14 琼斯博斯,批评此一指控并要求阿姆斯特丹给予俄方一个合理的解释。根据外媒报导指出,有4名持外交护照的俄罗斯特工被驱逐,他们隶属于俄军方情报机构格勒乌(GRU),其中的2人是IT专家,另外2名是支持人员...


18-10-13 是“形禁势格,利从近取,害以远隔。上火下泽。”“上火下泽”是易经睽卦的卦象解释。睽卦上卦是“离”(),下卦是“兑”(水),代表水火相克。意指利用远交近攻的方法,让远国和近国相互背离,制造我方予以各个击破的机会...

美副总统揭穿中共假面具 轰动中国社会

18-10-11 冷战”一词来形容,因为冷战是有致命的核武器威胁,双方不敢轻举妄动,一旦交战不是你死我活,就是同归于尽。但中、美贸易战,彼此已经交锋了,不是真的,而是贸易砲,彼此都有损伤,这个本质是有差异的。拆穿中共...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 has also denied that it has sold servers containing the chips to customers.Lim Jong-in, a professor at...

By Doing Good We Benefit Ourselves

18-10-11 on it, and closed his eyes to rest. When the city gate opened, he rushed to the gate with his...

Corrupt and Sinful Official Punished by Heaven

18-10-11 article, a piece of white silk with words written on it suddenly fell from the sky onto his desk where he...


18-10-11 中兴通讯(ZTE)大跌10.99%作收。 此外,香港股票交易所IT硬件行业指数暴跌4.7%。 投资者担忧,中国制造的电脑海外销售量将下降,消费者和企业可能将不再愿意购买中国科技产品。...

工程师转行捡破烂 年收入过60万美元

18-10-11 等美国零售巨头为了更新产品线更新或处理滞销品,每年都会扔掉超过500亿美元的全新产品。 Matt Malon开始有计划翻找各大电子、IT行业相关公司的垃圾桶,他还发现正在搬迁或进行商品升级的商店也是寻找...

天赐洛书 九畴垂范

18-10-10 :一、五行;二、五事;三、八政;四、五纪;五、皇极;六、三德;七、稽疑;八、庶征;九、五福六极。《洪范九畴》第一是“五行”,也就是金、木、水、、土。五行所以被列为第一,是因为我们所生活的空间,从某一个境界...

A Discussion of “Righteousness” (Part 2)

18-10-10 secular world. People recognized that the teachings were of high morality. It brought health and wellness...

Confucius and Socrates: The Courage to Stand on the Side of Truth (Part 2)

18-10-08 from the masses, one will never be discouraged or give in. When Confucius and Socrates were alive, it...