Emperor Kangxi's Views of Kindness

18-04-25 a thought is generated, it can be identified in an instant whether it is righteous or degenerated. If...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 issue in China today. Each year, the parade in New York, and others like it around the world, raise...

California Moves One Step Closer to Dividing Into 3 States

18-04-25 make its way onto the 2018 ballot, which means it will be voted on Nov 8.According to the initiative...

自制一瓶高效 无毒驱蚊水

18-04-25 ,以免造成灼伤。而且驱蚊水注意事项明文标识,驱蚊水微毒,孕妇禁用,避使用。驱蚊水有安全隐患,这可怎么办?难道一到夏天就任由蚊子叮咬了?今天就教您自用一毛钱自制驱蚊神器!我们需要的材料是——维生素B1片、一盘清水...


18-04-24 就可以了。搭配上将头发把成马尾或是丸子头,视觉上会显得清爽干净许多。高腰裤或裙高腰设计裤或裙已经占据流行市场数年,个头娇小的女性可用这样的设计来修饰身材比例。近两年得不行的宽裤,也开始有高腰设计出现,连续...

川普大楼7日夺命火警    纽约市消防局:电线走火酿祸

18-04-19 华府,川普的家人当时也不在大楼中。 川普当天在火势受到控制后上推特(Twitter)发文:“川普大楼的灭了。失火范围很小(大楼盖得真好)。打火兄弟(和姊妹)都做得棒极了,谢谢你们!” 今年1月,川普...

Ancient Sages Transforms Others by Acting Righteously

18-04-19 ; rather it is due to the development of bad habits from performing bad deeds too many times. This is the...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 Demelza Hays, courtesy of Epoch Times It looks like bitcoin is taking investors through all of the...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 1)

18-04-18 their parenting ways, and regarded it as the dogma of family discipline. Ancient saints and sages showed...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 harmony" In the book Doctrine of the Mean, it is said, "Keeping to the doctrine of the mean is most...

Beijing Will Launch ‘Short, Sharp War’ To Take Senkaku Islands from Japan, Report Says

18-04-15 tank says that it is just “a matter of time” before the People’s Republic of China launches a limited...

The Foundation of Education

18-04-16 than skill.” He made it very clear that the reason he was able to do this so skillfully was because he...


18-04-15 。’宝物对于我身,没有任何关系,这样已经很久了!我身上,有最可珍贵的宝物,它的价值,还不止数十万呢。这宝物,水不能沾湿淹没它;不能烧化它;风不能吹走它;太阳不能烤灼它。它的名字,就叫良心!用好了良心...

One Prospers in Calamities and Perishes in Comfort

18-04-14 not a bad thing. It enables one to develop a strong will, strengthen one’s mind, and helps one...


18-04-08 有咬合、咀嚼的意思。八卦中每一卦都是一象,不具体指代某一事物,但里面包罗了万物,比六十四象内涵更大。比如离卦能代表、太阳、电、光明、眼睛、夏天、南方、文明……因为包罗万物,所以不可能全部列举出来,但每次...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 ; when you don’t have something, make sure it’s not money.” We frequently see pharmacies along the street...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 aggression.” It has caused an uproar of criticism over the internet. The predicted consequences have been...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 2)  

18-04-06 the entire course of human civilization. It has demonstrated enormous strength in integration and...


18-04-02 【看中国讯】个人理财咨询网站SmartAsset 连续四年将华盛顿特区列为“女性科技人员最佳城市”榜单排名第一。SmartAsset 是根据性别,薪资差距,住房成本扣除后的收入,女性在资讯科技(IT...


18-04-01 【看中国讯】鸿海集团董事长郭台铭在2018中国(深圳)IT领袖峰会表示,任何经济最终要落到实体经济,工业互联网的实质意义是提质增效、降本减存,“网络经济怎么样也不能按(出)一碗泡面!”据澎湃新闻报导...

2018  龙、蛇生肖运程

18-03-31 :蛇是“巳”,属,而狗是“戌”,属土,能生土,处处生机,福星高照。吉星:“紫微”、“龙德”、“禄勋”、“红鸾”。凶星:“流霞”、“暴败”、“天厄”、“天煞”、“亡神”。流年:上上。“紫微星”主福德...

In Landmark Decision, Trump Admin Adds Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

18-03-31 Neil Gorsuch being appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.”“It allows a sovereign nation to know how many...

China's First "Monk Emperor": Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty

18-03-31 tried many times to persuade him. It was only after the officials (from the ministers to those in the...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 time, Yang was the first diplomat to make it into the Politburo in 15 years.Given Yang’s ties to former...

China’s Orwellian ‘Social Credit System’ to Begin Banning People From Planes, Trains

18-03-24 and exact implementation of the regime’s “social credit system” still remains opaque, although it has...

Taking Delight in Having One's Mistakes Pointed Out

18-03-24 essence of Chinese traditional culture. It bespeaks of people of the past who accepted others'...

How Shi Yeguang's False Cultivation Led to Retribution

18-03-24 assistants to find more than ten well-educated monks to discuss the principles of Buddhism with Shi. It...

China’s Viral Eye-Rolling Reporter Incident Reveals a Darker Secret

18-03-22 boasts of its connections to CCTV, stating that it was the first “local television” to have signed an...

华佗教你睡觉方法 一定要看

18-03-22 ,自然呼吸,感觉呼吸像春风,先融化大脚趾,然后是其他脚趾,接著脚、小腿、大腿逐渐融化。3、入睡快的人可右侧卧,右手掌托右耳。右掌心为,耳为水,二者形成水火即济,在人体中形成心肾相交。久之,养心滋肾。睡觉...

The Difficulty of Ending Gun Violence in the United States

18-03-18 United States?Communist States. It is all but impossible to legally own a private firearm in communist...

All Eyes on Peter Navarro to Reshape U.S. Trade Relations With China

18-03-18 and open society that many in the West had hoped for. On the contrary, it has allowed the Chinese...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 So a gentleman has to be careful in choosing who he associates with." It is also stated in the...

A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

18-03-18 ?” Monk Yun Gu said, “It is normal for an ordinary person to have greedy thoughts. Once greedy thoughts...

美味秘诀: 西红柿炒蛋 少一味?

18-03-14 (Fotolia)煮法1 慢炖甜滋味鸡蛋先炒七分熟鸡蛋打散,加一点水和少量的太白粉,可使鸡蛋吃起来更软滑。蛋液下锅后,不能大,以免太快煮熟硬化。鸡蛋煮到七分熟,先盛起来备用。西红柿煮软透 西红柿炒...


18-03-14 闭目静坐等死。他在恍惚间听见屋顶上有人喊道:“东岳王有令,史某一家被豁免!”话音刚落,屋后的墙壁突然崩塌,史某领著妻子,抱著孩子,从海中逃了出来,好像插著翅膀。熄灭后,计算出村中有九人被烧死。邻居们...

美国有一方面比中国“落后” 却让美国人引以为豪

18-03-11 【看中国讯】早前中国IT界大佬、联想创始人柳传志疯狂吐槽美国“联络方式落后”,登上了微博热搜榜。同时也遭到海外网民嘲笑:“柳老板来美国是柳姥姥进了大观园,给人看笑话了。”美国落后吗?其实美国有一...

   A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 1)

18-03-11 from Lin scholar to Gong scholar. It was not until he indeed received 91 Dan and 5 Dou of rice that...

North Korea Willing to Discuss Surrender of Nuclear Weapons, Promises to Not Attack South

18-03-11 particular, is that he made clear that achieving denuclearization is his father’s dying wish and that it has...

Manufacturers and Steelworkers Defend Import Tariffs

18-03-11 , where it is sold at rock-bottom prices. Hence, excess steel creates a destructive ripple effect on...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 everything else, and his mind is filled with minor advantages and convenience. It is mentioned in the...