美国移民局追查假庇护 很多中国人丢了身份

18-03-04 ,我决定要把孩子生下来!第二个也是:不管发生什么后果,我决定要把孩子生下来(英文单词一个字都不差)。4)天哪!连计划生育办公室的主任(主席)都姓“黄”,连他们说的话都一样:it doesn’t make...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 me?" The scholar then said, "Please have pity on me. Just write a note and give it to me....

Claims of United States Being the Worst Country for Mass Shootings are Wrong: Study Shows

18-03-04 ’ But, even if one puts it in terms of frequency, the president’s statement is still false, with the US...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 treasures of a country is that it has people with virtue that are kind to their neighbors." Another...


18-03-04 作者:赵长歌元宵节也称正月十五、上元、元夕。唐、宋时期的元夕夜,“灯”“”辉煌,远非今日能及,从唐诗、宋词中便可一睹唐、宋元夕夜的繁华。元夕夜忆长安 “千门开锁万灯明,正月中旬动帝京。三百内人连袖...


18-02-28 ......”“老美的攻击......首先他们用砲轰炸我们,然后他们有四架直升机以大口径的机枪扫射,我们像在旋转木马上一样......我们的家伙除了突击步枪之外没有任何东西......什么也没有,甚至没有肩驾火箭...

社火:让正义必胜的信念世代流传 (上)

18-02-26 正邪大战的决定性胜利。从它的两个名字来讲,社火起源于远古时代两次非常重要的祭祀活动。社、二字,“社”是土地神,“”是火神。《礼记‧祭法》中记载:“共工氏之霸九州也,其子曰后土,能平九州,故祀以为社...


18-02-24 著作。w书里记录了八百颗恒星的名字,其中121颗恒星的位置已被测定,是世界最早的恒星表。比希腊天文学家伊巴谷测编的欧洲第一个恒星表早二百年。书里还记录了木、、土、金、水等五大行星的运行情况,并指出了...

黄历新年喜庆佳节 纽约各族裔近万人大游行

18-02-24 的《周易》。和谐、对称、平衡、循环、稳定等原理,代表著对宇宙、对人生的深刻思考。以太极为中心,四角的卦分别象征阴阳互相调和,乾卦代表天空,坤卦代表大地,坎卦是月亮和水,离卦为太阳和,各个卦还象征著正义...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 as agents through blackmail.The grandfather understood what it meant to oppose Andropov. According to...

President Trump Orders Federal Ban on Bump Stocks

18-02-23 shooter.Following the Las Vegas mass shooting, the White House said it welcomed efforts by lawmakers to look into...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 dynasties have honored the spirit of inclusiveness. There are good examples of it in traditional Buddhism...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 cables carrying large amounts of data are often overlooked. It details an alleged operation in the...


18-02-19 煮熟水饺,开饭再加入锅中,就可以与其他食材同时食用了。南瓜羹水饺新年食用南瓜及水饺,非常喜气应景。过年前,先用南瓜泥和面团,做些南瓜水饺冷冻备著。新年期间,南瓜水饺加上南瓜等蔬菜,很快就能煮成羹汤...


18-02-19 ”。寅是人出生的时辰,有生必有死,置人于死地的莫过于猛虎,故寅属虎。卯为日出之象,离卦为,内含阴爻,即月亮的精玉兔,卯便属兔。辰乃三月卦,是群龙行雨的时节,故辰属龙。巳时春草茂盛,正是蛇的好日子,故巳...

Admiral Who Pushed Hard Against Chinese Regime’s Aggression Chosen by Trump to Be Ambassador to Australia

18-02-19 in the Pacific, is a noted hard-liner when it comes to countering Chinese military aggression in the...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 interact with each other and with society at large. They exemplify virtue. It was stated in the chapter...


18-02-15 have a chance to be especially inspired by the important values of loyalty, honesty and sincerity.  It...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 would be comparable or even superior to the range of conventional anti-ship missiles such as Harpoon. It...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 China's Tea Culture (Part 3) The "Bitter" Taste of Tea Tea is bitter, but it is...

祝融是谁? 百姓为何尊他为“赤帝”

18-02-11 文:陆真黄帝统治天下时期,有个正官,名叫祝融。他小时候的名字叫做黎,是一个氏族首领的儿子,生就一副红脸膛,长得威武魁伟,聪明伶俐。不过他生性火暴,遇到不顺心的事就会大发雷霆。那时,人们已经会...


18-02-07 国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)在经过一年多的调查后,于6日公布了对两起火车车祸的调查结果:报告发现,火车司机因睡眠疾病导致火车失控,2016年9月底新泽西运输(NJ Transit)车进霍博肯...

葛莱美奖第60届主要得奖名单    火星人入围6项全拿

18-02-05 :LOYALTY.,肯卓克拉玛与蕾哈娜(Rihanna) ●摇滚类* 最佳摇滚歌手奖:“黑暗情愫”(You Want It Darker),李欧纳柯恩(Leonard Cohen)* 最佳摇滚专辑奖:A Deeper...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 regime forced him to “visit” a religious affairs bureau in the city of Fuan.“It’s a shame for the Vatican...

At Table With Trump, 15 European Business Giants Praise Tax Reform and Pledge Billions in New Investments

18-02-03 said that’s what you’re going to do. You built it and we’ll come.”While on the campaign trail, Trump...

Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 2)

18-02-03 Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 2)Landscape painting is a special area of study in art; it...

  China's Tea Culture (Part 2)

18-02-03 ; The tea culture reflects characteristics of eastern traditional culture – it is a combination of "...


18-02-05 最近,大陆谍战片《风筝》起来了,国共谍战的题材近年来在大陆有相当的热度。影片以人类亘古之情感话题——兄弟情、男女情、亲情交织牵动人心,后半部分呈现中共执政后的各种运动,剧中人物命运沉浮、感情挣扎...

公孙圣解梦 直谏吴国命运  

18-01-29 ,经过姑胥台时,忽然打瞌睡,还做了一个奇异的梦,醒来后若有所失。吴王梦见自己进入章明宫,见两口鬲(炊具)在蒸东西却不燃;见二只黑犬,一只向南叫,一只向北叫;见两把铁铧(农具)倚在宫墙上;见流水汤汤,流入...

  Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 1)

18-01-29 It demonstrates the understandings of China's ancient people about nature, society, and other...

Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 last twenty past years the United States really has not acted strategically. The last time it did so...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 ; Even though tea is last on the list of people's daily necessities, it has quite a significant...

海航惊爆 财务违约

18-01-23 的5%。投资对像包括希尔顿酒店集团、IT分销商英迈,德意志银行、货运服务商瑞士空港、飞机租赁商Avolon和CIT租赁部门等,这也使得海航集团在世界500强的名单中得到大幅提升,同时也导致公司高额债务。疯狂...

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 tradition. It has faded and revived many times over the course of history, and it is an important part of...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 die. As it was said in the book Huang Di Nei Jing - Su Wen, the 5th Article, "Yin and Yang is the...

五鬼闹宅之地 全家却大富

18-01-21 闺蜜搬了新家请我去玩,我进门转了一圈儿说,哎呀小梅,你这冰箱不能摆在炉子旁边,一个主水、一个主,水火相克,会影响到财气的。小梅听了赶紧把冰箱挪开,过了一个月小梅打电话给我,说安吉你真厉害,我听了...

China Is Having Its Own #MeToo Moment

18-01-21 bureaucracy, to the education field, to all citizens, it has had a very bad influence,” Liu said.Furthermore...

身在公门不修行 恶报不爽

18-01-12 是好人;谁知你害得我身死家亡,今日相逢,要叫你一一偿还。”张和遂用刀剁断自己的四肢后,又割断自己的脑袋,头颅滚落于地,在众目睽睽之下惨死。不到一年张和的家被烧掉,殃及妻女,可谓报应至极。...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 see the Buddha, we must find someone who can see to lead us. Let's do it this way. We will try...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 enforced this martial law was the Yue army. Yue Fei's army was extremely popular, and wherever it went...