In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 another location. Foster suggested two possible sources.Corner of 12th St and Greenwich AveThe first...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 “subversion.”Lee is the first Taiwanese citizen ever to become a political prisoner in China, and the case has...

Protected by an "Ethereal Sarong"

17-09-18 story is from the book Taiping Guangji, first published during the Song Dynasty.“纱笼”中人唐宪宗时宰相李蕃,其在任时知无不言...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08 man. According to Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian), when Zilu went to see Confucius for the first...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 provocative.”When Trump and Xi met in person for the first time in April, North Korea was one of the topics of...

Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 Strategy Center, the incident follows a long-running trend.“My first reaction was that it’s similar to what...

President Trump Visits Hurricane-Struck Texas, Praises First Responders

17-09-03 President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited disaster struck Texas on Aug. 29...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 Manchurian teacher, Dahata, and the Mandarin teacher, Tang Bindeng, first bowed to the princes as common...

Tillerson Releases International Religious Freedom Report

17-08-27 , “that upholds religious freedom as a core American value under the Constitution’s First Amendment, as...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 a new post, the first thing they did was head to local shrines to pay their respects. When officials...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 the first MMA fighter decades before the term was coined. He went on to achieve international...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 interest first, and mutually benefit the American and Chinese people.Views expressed in this article are...

Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Disappeared, Says Wife

17-08-20 largest spiritual communities being persecuted in China.Chinese security forces first stepped up their...

Shame Leads to Self-Discipline 知耻自律

16-08-14 of Chu (? – 690 BC), the "First King of Chu State in the Spring and Autumn Time (722 - 481 B.C....

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 Emperor Guangwu appoint Heng Rong as the imperial tutor. On the first day that Heng Rong went to the...

聘请更多移民法官 解决移民法庭过度延期审判

16-08-08 Triangle法案提议在未来3年,为招聘165位新移民法官增加预算。Human Rights First 表示估计需要524个法官团队解决法庭延审问题。整个移民法庭的花费只占总的185亿移民执法预算的4%,考虑到...

The Wise Use of Writing  Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 his mother and himself. At age 20, he was ranked highly in the county examination that was the first...

Emperor Taizong Governed with Five Points in Mind

16-08-07 points.  First, since ancient times, emperors usually were jealous of those whose abilities exceeded...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 dishonesty. I noticed it when he first talked with me. Just now, I saw that he was full of flattery to you and...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 straightforward man. As an official, he always put the welfare of his country and people first, didn't worry...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24 One first has to be a proper human being before doing anything. It is the same principle for...

Prefect Kong Yong Peacefully Resolves an Armed Insurgency

16-07-24 Yong. On his first day as the prefect of Tianzhou he was greeted with big trouble. His troops had been...

Convincing People with Virtue (1/2)

16-07-19 first glance, Zhuge Liang treated his soldiers to a large amount of good wine. As a result, Meng...


16-07-12 信上和纽约美食地图的公众号是合作伙伴,可以帮你推广生意。看中国:请讲一下你们的规模。你们的市场的占有率是不是挺大的?David:我们在纽约有三个地点。我们的总公司FIRST DATA的市场占有率...


16-07-07 恒通银行总栽马克•利卡为纽约中华总商会董事长于金山颁赠「实至名归」奖牌。【看中国纽约讯】为表彰纽约中华总商会董事长于金山服务华埠社区40多年,恒通银行(First American...

Zhang Tingyu Inhibits his Son In Order to Achieve Greater Virtue

16-06-13 decided that such an experience would temper his character and make him more reliable. At first, Emperor...

Deities Cannot be Fooled With 神灵不可欺戏

16-06-05 was very angry. He said, "Each time you summon me, I must first report to the Heavenly Emperor to...


16-06-05 或者Vimeo。没有GPA的要求。  金额:最高奖金为5000美金和一个专业的目标训练课程。   9、Kiss Tiss「初吻」文章比赛(Kiss Tixx 「First Kiss」 EssayContest...


16-06-01 。  路线:地铁D、N、R到36 St站。  费用:88元。  网址。5、伦勃朗的第一幅杰作 Rembrandt's First Masterpiece...


16-05-29 Tiss“初吻”文章比赛(Kiss Tixx “First Kiss” EssayContest)  KissTixx唇膏公司给任一能够说出最精彩的初吻故事(250字)的高中、大学或者研究生提供500美金...

Lang Yi Predicts the Future

16-05-28 emperor adopted his suggestions and changed the policies immediately, it would rain on the first day of...

美华盛顿州两间教堂遭纵火 警方提高教区警戒

16-05-27First Congregational United Church of Christ)在25日早晨遭到纵火,隔日(26日)清晨另一间基督拿撒勒人教会(Nazarene)亦发生火警。警方说,正对这两起疑似...

中共媒体歪曲报导 称蔡英文“说中文有困难”

16-05-26 camera here, I have to say…first I want to say in Mandarin.”(在镜头面前,我不得不先用中文讲话。)似乎在蔡英文看来,说中文是“不得已而为之”。中国数字...

房屋贷款中的closing cost主要有哪些?

16-05-09 ://· First American Title:· Old...

霍比族的神秘预言 高级生命重回地球(组图)

16-05-08 第一批人(The First People),他们所居住的世界被称为第一世界(The First World)。后来,这第一批人中有好多人忘记了Sotuknang的教诲,而不再尊敬造物主,这样一来...

魏则西之死持续发酵 原副国级官员涉莆田系

16-05-03 有语法和拼写错误的英文“CLS Tumor Biotherapy --- First Realized the Expection of Tumor-bearing”。记者致电武警二院肿瘤生物治疗中心无人...


16-05-01 优先类别。家庭移民分为四个优先类别。一般说来,特定国家来的移民只能最大限度地使用分配给该国的名额(First come, first serve)。美国国务院每月都公布签证广告牌(Visa...


16-04-15 ,自己想办法活下去吧……旅行社表示自公司创建以来,这是第一位参加“冒险模式”的女性客户,所以他们给她起了一个名字,叫做为“The First Castaway Girl”(第一位被遗弃的女孩)。然而,等这名...


16-04-12 first sight 乍一看,初看起来 61. at first 最初,起先 62. at hand 在手边,在附近 63. at heart 内心里,本质上 64. at home 在家,在国内 65....

一天十几人自杀 加拿大进入紧急状态 总理〝心碎〞

16-04-11 心碎。加拿大国营媒体CTV新闻网(CTV News)报导称,4月9日发生11人试图自杀未遂事件后,阿塔瓦皮斯卡特第一民族(Attawapiskat First Nation)已宣布进入紧急状态。据报导...