
20-12-24 an eye?"Without lifting his eyes, the monk calmly said, "Have you ever heard of a monk who...


20-09-01 Moon Festival)、我眼中的中国城(Chinatown in My Eye)、疫情下的生活(Life During the Pandemic)。评委老师有:知名艺术家王玉环、法拉盛文化艺术协会华人...


20-02-26 )被确诊为武汉肺炎患者。 独立新闻媒体“中东之眼”(Middle East Eye)报导,2月24日,与政府发言人拉比耶(Ali Rabiei)一起出席的新闻媒体记者会的过程中, 伊朗负责武汉肺炎防疫工作的...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 them ate an eye from the dragons and became a giant. They then picked up the sun and moon and threw...

2019 Acura ILX

19-03-13 的A-Spec变体上找到,现在也可以在ILX A-Spec上找到。ILX的新面孔来自Acura的标志性钻石五角格栅,由7个元素的Acura Jewel Eye™LED大灯和更加锐利的雕刻罩构成。精密概念造型主题...


18-10-24 (pneumonia)、结膜炎(pink eye红眼症)大多是腺病毒感染造成的。因为在Wanaque住院的孩子已经有其他的疾病,他们似乎更容易受到严重感染。“不幸的是,这次爆发定的7号腺病毒株影响到了身体已经脆弱...

The Consequences of Jealousy (Part 2)

18-08-24 than he was, or if any official caught the eye of Emperor Xuanzong, Li would make every attempt to...

Congressional Hearing: US Tech Giants Fueling Emerging Xinjiang Human Rights Disaster

18-08-16 communities because they don’t like things that are happening here, to be okay to turn a blind eye to what’s...

Marriage Is Predetermined – Husband and Wife Should Treat Each Other with Respect (Part 1)

18-07-25 blind eye carrying a three-year-old girl walked toward them. The girl's clothes were worn and she...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 cause eye injury, brain injury, and organ injury. Many details on the tests are redacted in the report...

How Shi Yeguang's False Cultivation Led to Retribution

18-03-24 he had a complete understanding of the profoundness of Buddhism. His celestial eye was open and he...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 kindness; virtue is established on both sides. Turn a blind eye to another's mistake; principles are...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 mistakes, but it doesn't mean turning a blind eye to rights and wrongs. It is the greatest...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 two eyes of Pangu. The Sun God was Pangu's left eye, and the Moon God was Pangu's right eye....


17-09-12 图志愿高中生在庆祝中合照。来源:Seeing Eye8月19日,Morristown的导盲协会(The Seeing Eye)庆祝了其导盲犬抚养计划的75周年。近一千三百人出席了其位于Morris...


17-07-28 供应商Koryolink来进行操作,无法接收外界资讯。而一般平民百姓,则完全无法上网。虽然朝鲜极力阻止民众接受外界谘询,但仍有少数民众通过了网路封锁。2014年,英国《每日电讯报》报导,由Scan Eye...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 to the recent alleged assassination of Kim Jong-nam than with an eye to U.S.-China relations.“Beijing...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 position. It is said that he had "an eye for recognizing virtuous prime ministers." Many famous...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 must not do anything rash or cast a blind eye when it is on the verge of a disaster.  The rumor of an...


16-10-21 。还有如One Rotten Apple Spoils the Whole Barrel,和「一粒老鼠屎,带坏一锅汤」一样的意思。The Apple of One's Eye,指的是某某人的「至爱...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 bat an eye when killing people. If now I take advantage of your difficulty and sleep with you, then I...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 crime has he committed? I cannot look away and turn a blind eye to it. I cannot live without...

Mercedes·Benz GLE——The Classical Heritage of Sports and Luxury 梅赛德斯·奔驰 GLE  运动与奢华之经典传承

16-09-13 。Distinctive LED Daytime Running Lamps catch the eye as their glowing arc sweeps into the sculpted profile....


16-09-09 of the Rings)中代表邪恶势力的索伦之眼(Eye of Sauron)。 ...


16-06-06 ,取名为虎眼(tiger eye)。团队共分5个独立的部门,每个人都有隐藏摄影机的等装备,可以进行独立行动。除了自己团队的有力支持外,他找来了警方(尽管这个做法在欧美新闻界相对来说比较有争议)。因为有警方...

惊人科学实验解释为什么有些人会有预知梦 组图

16-03-24 的,我们仍然期待一个解释。然而很可惜,我们根本就还没得到任何解答。我们知道的是,我们的潜意识在睡眠状态中的快速动眼期(rapid eye movement;REM),也就是作梦状态时,能够获得很大的启示。一个发生在...


16-03-12 。        网址:ShenYun.com/NYC。        2、本周新片速递 《天空之眼》 Eye in the Sky        在《天空之眼》中,海伦•米伦在片中饰演军事情报官员科洛内尔•凯瑟琳...

亮晶晶2016 Acura ILX A-Spec

15-12-31 现时每一汽车品牌都会为旗下汽车制造一些共同特点,Lexus有沙漏型前脸,Mazda的盾牌型前脸,BMW则有驰名的四圆灯及双肾型入风口,而Acura亮晶晶的“宝石眼(Jewel Eye)”头灯,最先由...


15-12-25 恻隐之心,人皆有之。但最近伊拉克民间组织“摩苏尔之眼”(Mosul Eye)披露,极端恐怖组织“伊斯兰国”(IS)下令允许其成员可杀害罹患唐氏症、先天异常或身障孩童等,据悉已有近40人惨遭不测...


15-12-08   Ophthalmology  Deal with the diseases and surgery of the visual pathways, including the eye, hairs and areas...

万圣节采购全美最后折扣秒杀 超划算!

15-10-27 ,这4磅重的袋子已有16%的折扣。对于一些不想选择巧克力的人,可以尝试棒棒糖(Eye Swirl Pops),棒棒糖每打3.98美元。除了糖果之外,还想要其它更酷炫的东西吗?这家商店另有1000件万圣节商品...

赴英中国游客激增 原因何在?

15-10-21 ,一直梦想能参观位于赫特福德郡、对外开放的影片摄影棚。17岁的学生邹俊楠(Zhou Junnan, 音译)一提起英国,首先想到的是多雨的天气,以及伦敦眼(London Eye)、大本钟(Big Ben,又称...

英语口语中最常用到的50个成语 太实用了

15-10-04 tango.19. It's all my eye![字面意思]都是的我的眼睛。[解释]表示不同意或惊讶。大意相当于:我根本不相信;他说的都是骗人的鬼话;胡说八道。也可以说:That's all...

《红楼梦》里,十大稀世古董珠宝 (下)

15-09-07 eye:又名“猫睛石”,以晶莹透明如猫眼而得名,为矿物金绿宝石,莫氏硬度为8.5-8,以金绿宝石猫儿眼最为珍贵。一般重几克拉的优质猫儿眼就非常珍贵,其价格可与优质的祖母绿或红宝石相当,因此猫儿眼常被人称为...

买了还要买 中国人到日本狂购这11种药

15-07-19 批量购买。日本媒体还列举了中国游客购物清单上11种最常购买的药品。1. 滴眼液(Eye drops)2.消炎药(Anti-inflammatory medicine)3. 液体创可贴(Liquid...

手机辐射强!iPhone6 Plus高5倍

15-03-18 、即“比吸收率(SAR)”为标准。香港《苹果》委托本地一间大学的实验室,为苹果iPhone6、iPhone6 Plus、HTC Desire Eye、Samsung Note4、Note Edge及Huawei...


15-01-29 。4.创造音乐现代化:为听觉与视觉而设计Making Music Modern: Design for Ear and Eye  检验20世纪早期音乐文化的可替代性,探索一、二战期间广播的兴起对音乐形式...

香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明

14-12-01 are then locked by handcuffs or strings and then arrested in the dark. Turning a blind eye on the...