
19-02-24 宴中,我们将选出新会长和理事,承前启后继续服务乡亲。活动时间 :2019年2月24日(Sun) 5pm活动地点 :新财神, New Fortune Restaurant (16515 S...

人不是猴子变的 千名科学家公开质疑进化论

19-02-17 迈克尔·贝赫(Michael Behe)在1996年出版的《达尔文的黑匣子:生化理论对进化论的挑战》(Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 After her husband’s death, Liu lived together with their son. After she heard the government raised...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 The Jiayuguan Pass in China’s north west is one of the region's most splendid landmarks, being...


19-02-08 情侣烹饪班 Valentine’s Day Cooking Class for Couples(Pixabay/Pixabay-License)二人世界,也可以一起下厨,品尝共同烹饪出的美食、体会...


19-02-10 (Sun) 5pm活动地点 :新财神, New Fortune Restaurant (16515 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) 活动费用 :会员:$25...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 to the value of mankind, inspires me more than any other. It's easy to understand that the sky...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 to drag his body forward.  People called him “Dragging Guo”.Dragging Guo’s mother was old and...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 others. At the beginning of the year, the rich man promised to give Zhang a cow for a year's worth of...

加密货币交易所负责人死密码失 1.9亿不翼而飞

19-02-06 ,其中一些可能会丢失,”罗伯森在文件中写道。该交易所称,30岁的科顿在2018年12月死于印度,原因是克隆氏症(Crohn's disease)的并发症。他在印度“开设孤儿院,为有需要的儿童提供家庭...


19-02-01                 3.5LV-6                   295 HP                    7.7 S                      27 MPG           $44,970RX...


19-02-01 : 新财神餐馆,New Fortune, 16515 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.费用: 工作校友$20/人(交会费$17/人),学生$18/人(交会费...

2019  Mercedes  G Class

19-01-28 。非常清晰且完全重新设计的仪表板标配了永恒的管状模拟圆形表盘。换句话说,粉丝肯定不会对新款G级轿车感到失望。与新款E级和S级一样,大型显示器形式的仪表盘可在驾驶员的直接视野中显示数字仪表,中央控制台上方的中央...


17-08-07 鹰头公园(Owl's Head Park, Brooklyn)。        地址:Shore Rd., 68 St., Colonial Rd., Brooklyn。        电话...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 begins to stress the development of one's moral character, it is the beginning of benevolence, the...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 revealed in early July, puts in perspective Elon Musk’s warnings about AI.“AI is the rare case where I...

How a Homely Wife Brought Prosperity to Her Husband

17-08-04 couple exchanged vows and the bridal veil was lifted, the groom saw that his bride’s face was full of...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 and the guqin (an ancient stringed instrument) was incomparable. Kuang's contemporaries said that...

蒙县成帮派大本营 政府亟思打击

17-08-04 、制止帮派。据蒙县的州检察长麦卡锡(State’s Attorney John McCarthy)7月28日表示,蒙县监狱目前关押的犯人中,帮派成员高达26%。臭名昭彰的M-13是所有帮派组织中规模最大...

美国宣布制裁委内瑞拉总统马杜罗 列入独裁者黑名单

17-08-05 【看中国讯】美国财政部长努钦指出,委内瑞拉星期天(7月30日)举行的制宪大会选举是非法的,因为选举结果使得委内瑞拉执政党拥有几乎无限的权力,通过制裁委内瑞拉总统马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro...


17-08-02 China's Forbidden City)的记录片,其中有关故宫在十级地震的考验下,依然屹立不倒的片段,让外界大为震惊。这部日前播出的记录片,对故宫进行了详细介绍,并讲述了作为世界上最大的木质结构建筑...

白T 连身裤 连身宽裤 夏日氛围穿搭

17-08-03 的绝配,此外,在韩星泫雅的穿搭中,也出现过Dr.Martin's 配上黑色袜子;王菲也曾经将乐福鞋搭上小短袜;有些女星甚至连短靴都搭上了刻意外露的袜子。有了袜子的穿搭,才完整;鞋上本来就该...


17-08-03 公司的人都目瞪口呆:That’s insane! 于是房贷公司的人给我推荐了他们自己的保险公司,给我做了 State Auto 的报价,全年 317 美元。三、各大保险公司报价比较我挑了 6 家车险报价...

中印对峙僵局难解 印媒意外曝出撤兵条件

17-07-31 的〝海外〞党媒多维网引述《印度快报》(Indian Express)的消息称,印度正在考虑派出印度外交秘书长苏杰生( S Jaishankar)和负责东亚事务的联合秘书沃玛(Pranay Verma...


17-07-31 :无畏号航母博物馆(Intrepid Museum’s)。        地址:Pier 86, W. 46th and and 12th Ave New York, NY 10036...

万达战略表态的台前与幕后    王健林痛失首富 减持资产

17-07-30 ,没有安排提问环节,孙宏斌和王健林在发布会上全程念稿,王健林笑称说这场交易是“三赢”,并称“要立字为证”。 这场不合常规交易除了让外界费解,国际评级机构标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s...

龙卷风袭击 马州肯特岛似战后灾区

17-07-28 7月24日(周一)上午,马里兰州东部海岸的安妮女王郡(Queen Anne’s County)遭强大龙卷风袭击,肯特岛(Kent Island)上9千户住家与商店损失巨大。根据美国国家气象局的数据...

在美国买二手车  一年中哪些时间最省钱?

17-07-27 (Veteran’s Day)和平均价格相比,可获得的折扣率:32.5%。3.感恩节(Thanksgiving)和平均价格相比,可获得的折扣率:30.6%。4.哥伦布日(Columbus Day)和平均价格相比...

Man Searches for Dead Brothers Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 mutilated body of his brother staring at him from the posters.Mr. Huang’s brother, Huang Xiong, was...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions There was a xiucai (someone who has...


17-07-26 Sicklen Street,345号)。②  288公立初中(位于S大道228号)。③  163公立小学(位于湾15街109号)。④  177公立小学(位于宾臣墟区P大道346号)。...


17-07-25 (Summa Cum Laude)国际青年音乐节和比赛的管弦乐团中荣获第一名。并列第一的还有泰国青年管弦乐团(Thai Youth Orchestra)和西班牙的阿利坎特青年管弦乐团(Alicante’s...


17-07-24 也欢迎)        ●《火星救援(The Martian)》(2015)         时间:8月1日(周二)日落时分开始(7:00pm开放甲板)。        地点:无畏号航母博物馆(Intrepid Museum’s...


17-07-24 Library)。4、施瓦茨曼大厦儿童活动中心(Children’s Center,于纽约公共图书馆旁)。此外,斯蒂芬施瓦茨曼大厦一楼,还将做为借还书办理处,在此并提供电脑技能和编程课的服务,将于8月29日(周二...

《动物园长的夫人》(The Zookeeper's Wife) 动物园版《辛德勒的名单》

17-07-24 The Zookeeper's Wife《动物园长的夫人》根据戴安娜·阿克曼(Diane Ackerman)二次大战同名传记文学作品改编,杰西卡‧查斯坦、丹尼尔‧布鲁赫主演。波兰华沙动物...

2018款Land Rover Range Rover Velar

17-07-24 均配备了8速自动变速箱以及全时四驱功能。根据引擎不同,Velar推出了Standard、S、SE、R-Dynamic SE和R-Dynamic HSE五种不同的版本。Standard版本仅装备在2.0汽油...


17-07-23 。路透社18日报导指出,波罗申科描述自称“顿涅茨克人民共和国(Donetsk People's Republic,DNR)”领导人的扎哈琴科的声明是一场俄罗斯操控的“木偶剧”。扎哈琴科在声明中称...

  The Power of Buddha Law

17-07-23 was in meditation. Niti's karma had almost been paid off, so it was the time for him to break...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 Veselnitskaya.  Trump Jr. quoted Goldstone’s description of it as “the most inane nonsense I ever heard. And I...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 example, Northern Song Dynasty's Han Qi (1008 – 1075 AD), a person of noble character and high...