
18-07-22 或Medicaid)获得保险的人。 州长指出,去年爱荷华州的个人保险的保险费上涨了57%,她将此归咎于“平价医疗法案”(Affordable Care Act)的规定。 她说:“许多爱荷华人面临著选择破产...

Fake News and False Flags Are Political Tools

18-07-22 that they can bring in, mentor, and isolate, but expedite their radicalization to get them to act out...

安全起见 纽约州将实行真实ID

18-07-20 法案》(Real ID Act),旨在建立证件的最低安全标准。国土安全局随后推出了真实身份证样本。这是一种标准卡,既可以当作驾照,也可以作为联邦认可的身份证的证件。真实身份证Real ID实际上已通过多...

Avoid Eloquent Speakers, Employ the Honest and Dutiful

18-07-10 of being humble and kindly to help his superior, he almost replaced him. He failed to act out of...


18-07-09 “Calandra-Hecht Act”法案(纽约州法律2590G),法案规定,“类似这些学校的、更多的特殊高中,完全通过竞争性的、客观的、学术性的测试,来作为这些学校唯一的招生录取标准。在纽约市的每一个八年级或九年级学生都可以...


18-07-07 (Civil Rights Act)第六编(Title VI)。第六编禁止在接受联邦财政援助的计划和活动中基于种族、肤色和国籍的歧视。 哈佛大学表示,其招生政策符合美国法律,并致力提高财政援助,以确保校内经济...


18-07-06 用的送餐电单车,以后要小心了。根据程序法,这个新法律将在公布之后的30天后,即7月28日开始施行。交通局表示,根据《城市行政程序法》(City Administrative Procedure Act...

Former Rolls-Royce Engineer Suspected of Passing Fighter Jet Tech to China

18-06-29 arrested in connection with an investigation under the Official Secrets Act, a British law against...

申请芝加哥大学 不需ACT/SAT  

18-06-24  芝加哥大学 (图片来源:公有领域)【看中国讯】芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)日前宣布,本科申请者不需要再提交美国大学入学考试(ACT)或学业能力倾向测验(SAT)成绩。芝...


18-06-05 将面临削减。新州在2008年通过的“2008年学校资助改革法案”(School Funding Reform Act - SFRA)制定了一个公式,将州政府教育经费优先提供给贫困学区。但为避免一些学区骤然...

重病患者有权尝试实验药 美众院通过尝试权法案

18-05-25 通过的“尝试权法案”(Right to Try Act),5月22日在众院以250对169票过关,现在将送交白宫,由总统川普签署。38个州的州议会已通过类似法律,允许对病得太重、年纪太老、太年轻,或住得...

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 proposal.The message will be under the auspices of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974...


18-05-05 。依据《外国毒枭认定法》(Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act),张健作为毒品贩售集团的首脑成员,执法机构可以追究他在全球的财产和利益。中国公民张健,在香港拥有一间...

社区问答_628_ 简介劳资纠纷的投诉

18-05-03 问:请介绍一下?答:提到劳资纠纷的投诉,首先要说一下美国公平劳动标准法案(The Fair Labor Standard Act, FLSA),它是针对劳资及加班补偿所颁布的法案。规定雇主...


18-05-03 Equal Pay Act。艾伦是一位退休的共和党州参议员和前费城新闻主播,她是首先要求电视台付她和男主播同样薪资的女主播。“我想不出一个更好的法案以我命名。这对我来说太重要了,看到女性前进,”艾伦说。签署...

Bill Gates Backs Company that Plans to Video Record Everything on Earth, All the Time

18-04-25 everyone visually with the Earth in real-time.”Applications include catching criminals in the act, observe...

Ancient Sages Transforms Others by Acting Righteously

18-04-19 him to aspire to change and become a good person, never to perform a shameful act again. Chen Shi even...

川普保护本国汽车车制造商 拟提高进口车环保标准

18-04-16 (Environmental Protection Agency,EPA)及商业和运输部门等其它机构,运用《清洁空气法案》(Clean Air Act)等法规,在进口汽车入关前进行严格的排放标准测试和评估。根据Autodata...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 advocated that one must follow the Tao in his conduct, act according to the principles, direct one's...

Beijing Will Launch ‘Short, Sharp War’ To Take Senkaku Islands from Japan, Report Says

18-04-15 States to encourage Japanese physical occupation of the Senkaku Islands, an act that the report says...

意不在孔子 美国会议员开始关注孔子学院

18-03-22 登记法》(Foreign Agents Registration Act,简称FARA)注册为外国代理人。虽未直接点名,但其中包括了由中国政府出资办理的孔子学院。《外国代理人登记法》是美国政府1938年...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 self-discipline and to not act against conscience. In today's material world, where too many people are...

A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

18-03-18 your term as the Mayor, you reduced the tax money and tax crops for civilians. This single act is...


18-03-11 Regulations) 查看提供服务的公司或人员的执照状况。 马里兰州还有一项“门到门销售法案(Door-to-Door Sales Act”,为消费者提供一些保护。在蒙哥马利郡,您还可以通过郡的消费者保护办公室...

Manufacturers and Steelworkers Defend Import Tariffs

18-03-11 Expansion Act of 1962. Secretary Wilbur Ross released his report in February. According to its key findings...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 them of the consequences and persuades others to act out of conscience. His words come from his heart...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 ancient saying is: "It is an act of following the Tao to help those who are suffering difficulties...

联邦强制健保取消后 新州议会拟立法取代

18-02-23 Insurance Market Preservation Act)的S-1877法案将强制不符合豁免标准的居民购买健保,否则将比照奥巴马政府时期ACA的条款课以罚金。根据ACA的规定,罚金相当于州内个人健康保险市场...

4 Things to Know About Carter Page, the Man at the Center of the Memo

18-02-10 Department of Justice (DOJ) had obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 a deal with the Chinese regime on the other side of the strait, an act that would be seen not just as...


18-01-26 )同意向众议员公开一份绝密文件,涉及到欧巴马政府时期的司法部和FBI利用《外国情报监视法案》(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA),严重滥用权力,对川普...

七年级打响 常春藤名校生死战

18-01-06 设法参加大学、研究所的科学研究。此外,升学顾问还指导学生如何准备标准考试,如:SAT、ACT,包括考试时间、应该考多少次等,并协助学生修改大学申请论文、申请表和简历,把一整套申请材料修改到较为完美的程度...

  Ancient Stories of Unselfishness and Righteousness

18-01-01 stabilize the state. Wasn't that a loyal act?" The Emperor agreed. As Zhao was about to leave the...

纽约州带薪休假新政 640万私企雇员受益

18-01-01 Leave Act),雇主若雇用50名或超过50名工人,必须允许父母享有12周的工作保护假,以照顾新生儿,但是这种假不支薪。对于新政策,各界褒贬不一。纽约州社区服务协会(Community Service...


17-12-08 保护法”(Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, PASPA)的法律违反美国宪法。从他们本周开庭的提问中,最高法院的法官们似乎同情新州的立场...

  About Chinese History

17-12-08 note down every word and act of yours." Liu Ji, who was a Men Shi Lang (an official who was...

涉猥亵儿童  5人美国公民身份被取消

17-12-01 美国人民的宽容,“特别是涉及到性虐待儿童的事件,更是特别令人震惊!” 司法部指出,根据《移民和国籍法》(Immigration and Nationality Act)的规定,在发现入籍者通过隐瞒信息非法...


17-11-25 及增加美国人工作法案》(Protect and Grow American Jobs Act,下简称H-1B签证法案),H-1B签证改革的第一步顺利完成,如果参众两院都通过这项法案,未来依赖通过H-1B...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 legislation for the emperor; 2) a judicial branch, responsible for studying each proposed legislative act and...


17-11-19 Sick Time Act)扩大为“带薪病假和安全法案”(Earned Sick and Safe Time Act),旨在保障遭遇家庭暴力、性侵犯、人口贩卖等受害者在进行举报后,能通过请带薪假来处理冗长...