
20-03-15 商业法(the New York General Business Law)第396-R条款的规定。这份终停函收到后,限商家在5日之内停止上述不法行为。如到期不改,AG办公室可提出民事诉讼,最高罚款为25...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 , last week, I signed into law an $8.3 billion funding bill to help CDC and other government agencies...

塑料袋禁令3月实施 民众购物需自备环保袋

20-02-25 从3月1日起,纽约州开始实施塑料袋禁令(Bag Waste Reduction Law),将在全州范围内禁止所有征收州税的商店使用一次性塑料袋,若顾客向店家索要纸袋,则需要支付5美分,鼓励人们自备...


20-01-14 American Federation, Asian American for Equality, Brooklyn NAACP• Center for Law and Social Justice at...


19-12-15 令外界担忧。法德两国在12月10日国际人权日当天宣布全球15位人权捍卫者获得2019年度法德人权法治奖(Franco - German Human Rights and the Rule of Law...


19-11-26 Over, it’s the law)。今年7月,一辆垃圾车在I-280的一个车祸现场撞上了在场的两辆警车、一辆救护车和一辆消防车。12人被送往医院。一名州警和一名消防员受了重伤,另一名州警则在跳过护栏逃...

‘American Factory’ Sheds Light On Chinese-Style Management at a US Plant  

19-09-26 U.S.-China trade war. Historically, American law and society has tried to improve the conditions and status...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 WTC attacks.”According to the executive summary of the petition,  “Federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 3332...


19-09-03 (Alyssa’s Law),规定学校里必须安装恐慌警报和红色警急灯。其实这个法令在五年前的康涅狄格州Newtown枪击案后即开始立法,但Alyssa的父母在丧女后创立了一个名为“让我们的学校安全”Make...

旅游热点巴哈马出事 加州女孩命丧鲨口

19-07-04 Barn)。来自加州小城托然思(Torrance)的秋丹是洛杉矶洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学(Loyola Marymount University)的三年级学生,该校校长蒂莫西(Timothy Law Snyder...

温哥华看房 港人首超大陆客

19-06-30 ,又因最近的动荡局势,考虑返回加拿大。此外,加拿大移民法修订规定,海外出生的加拿大公民的子女,必须在加拿大出生,才能自动获取公民身分,这一点也迫使回流香港的港人考虑再回到加拿大。温哥华Harvey Law...


19-06-18 如果漠视他们的子弟的骚扰或网络欺凌行为,可能要承担民事责任。该法案还将提高拒绝出席法院命令的网络欺凌课程的罚款。这个法案被命名为《马洛里法案》(Mallory's Law),以纪念在2017年...


19-06-17 ,少了很多。律师同一个协同林国强提出控告的,均出自同一名律师之手。这个律师是THE WEITZ LAW FIRM 律师行的Bradley Weitz 律师,办公室在佛州阿文图拉市(Aventura)。尚未...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 that is unethical and cannot be forgiven.  He will be facing the law soon, therefore, it is not...

〝奉旨删帖〞 微博在美国成为集体诉讼被告

17-08-03 Benzinga报导,美国律师事务所Law Offices of Vincent Wong和另一家律师事务所Klein Law Firm,分别于7月31日和8月1日向美国加州北区地方法院提起集体诉讼,这两家律...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 politics, Shi Kuang advocated a transparent government where morality and law were equally important. The...

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 significant resistance in Czech Republic, where law requires deceased human bodies to be treated with respect...

  The Power of Buddha Law

17-07-23 The Power of Buddha Law There is a story from Buddhism. In ancient India, there was an extremely...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 was actually agitated by it.”Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus, told Fox News that even...

纽约市宣布 计划强制回收餐饮垃圾

17-07-24 的“厨余回收法律”(Local Law 146);而大都会球场就是实施对象的其中之一,由于回收运作良好,受到了清洁局的表彰。清洁局周一(17日)宣布的计划,针对的是以下三类餐饮企业:(1)餐厅等,拥有超过...

美媒曝万达股票暴跌内情 银行抛售因提前知晓排查令

17-06-30 公司的相关头寸,构成了不公平交易。中国政法大学(China University of Political Science and Law)资本金融研究院院长刘纪鹏在写给中国银监会主席的一封公开信中说...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 a decade of economic change and social openness, the Party declared martial law in Beijing. On June 4, 1989...


17-06-10 Investor Pilot Immigration Program ,§610 of Public Law 102-395),以期促进偏远地区和高失业地区的经济振兴。这就是第二种投资移民类别 -- 区域中心。区域...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 federal law enforcement agencies.“What this president has done—his first 100-plus days, even before he...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 administration of the law under which the proceeding was pending.”Newly appointed special counsel Robert Mueller...

Companies Recession Unleashed America’s Entrepreneurial Energy

17-05-20 —vital for life science companies—is provided by a law firm that works pro bono for Biospace clients.New...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 Everyone thought that this was Yu Du's reward for doing good deeds. The heavenly law is absolutely...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 looked into all disputed trials and reversed all unfair sentences. Respect for the law was quickly...

Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous

17-05-01 no law from the royal court that allowed collecting taxes from Taoists, so he did not follow Governor...


17-04-20 有了ITIN就可以在美国报税、缴税或申请退税。不过根据IRS网站,非法移民拿到ITIN,不代表有工作权及享受社会福利的权利。全美移民法中心(National Immigration Law Center...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 by the federal Car Allowance Rebate System (also called “Cash for Clunkers“) signed into law by...

危机暂解除 部分H-1B配偶10月前可在美工作

17-04-04 。此外,司法部表示将每隔60天向上诉法院报告最新进展。“守护美国工作”周一向上诉法院提出请求尽速审理案件。代表“守护美国工作”的“移民改革法研究院”(Immigration Reform Law...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 perform a task. When Wu decided to act according to the law, Cai Jing shouted in anger, “You already have...


17-03-28 问题的严重性,许多移民因为害怕被捕,都拒绝出庭。皇后区法律协会(Queens Law Associates)律师 Lori Zeno说:“我们有客户在走出法庭第一步后,就被逮捕了,我们的法庭系统应该是中立...

想在美国租房 法律知识不可少

17-03-23 一、房屋租赁法概述 美国房屋租赁法(Landlord and Tenant Law)是规范商用与住宅不动产租赁的法令,其主要依据来自普通法与各州相关法律,许多州依其法律体系另拟住宅租赁条例...


17-03-23 (Stuyvesant High School)。根据《公共健康法》(Public Health Law)和纽约州健康厅(NYSDOH)的规定,公校必须测试校内饮用水或可能被饮用的水的含铅量,如果超过10亿分之15...


17-03-23 法学院(Yale Law School)和斯坦福法学院(Stanford Law School)仍然是第1与第2名。但乔治城大学在“兼职法律”(best part-time law program...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 would be punished according to the law with no exceptions. Two days later, Emperor Kangxi once again...

廖怡君路 唤谨慎驾驶

15-10-24 ”(Right of Way Law),增加交通超速监视镜头,减少交通事故发生,让马路更加安全。当司机们看见“廖怡君希望之路”时,可以自我提醒“这值得吗?是否因你赶时间、生气或分心,赔上别人的生命?” 廖怡君父母...

在美国开车 一定要知道的11个交通规则  

15-10-12 ,除了罚款,扣分,视情形还要坐牢。DUI Law,也就是“Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol”,这条法规禁止在使用毒品,造成神志不清醒的药物和酒精...