
23-08-03 。反對者稱,新法案將導致人力成本上升、讓業者受面臨倒閉威脅、迫使企業遷至外州。新澤西工商業協會(New Jersey Business and Industry Association)、新澤西人力派遣聯盟...


21-06-10 的组织则警告称,这一新规对新泽西州内的整体经济、就业机会增长将有严重后果。新泽西商业工业联盟(New Jersey Business and Industry Association)主席西克卡...

美东特例 墨菲坚持室内口罩令

21-05-21 Industry Leaders Association)表示,业者会尽力遵守各州的地方法规,但可能会引起商家困扰、顾客抱怨。墨菲则表示,全面摘口罩现阶段为时尚早,目前没有时间表,但也不会一直如此。还有很多人尚未...

居家办公更效率、更灵活 疫情或永久改变工作方式

21-03-25 ~2018年,改数字只有2.5%。新泽西州商业工业联盟(New Jersey Business and Industry Association)主席米歇尔·西克卡(Michele Siekerka...


21-01-11 将对新泽西州内的就业机会增长与整体经济造成严重的影响。新泽西商业工业联盟(New Jersey Business and Industry Association)主席西克卡(Michele...

新州人均公债全美最高 长期财务连6年倒数第一

20-10-02 的预算计划应该是远离债务,然而新州政府采用的会计手段,却是一边能够平衡预算,另一边还在拼命欠债。新泽西商业工业联盟(New Jersey Business and Industry Association...

公车将重新启动 乘客人数还未可知

20-07-03 可能会进入办公室,但会轮流进去。所以我不认为以后雇主会看到100%的员工同时在工作场所。”另外,NJTV引用一份新泽西工商协会(New Jersey Business and Industry...

Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 that a cottage industry has formed around the reporting of "humiliation incidents", as if...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 the leaders of health insurance industry who have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 construction industry with expertise in reinforced concrete, major foundations and structural steel.He...


19-08-30 退休金节俭投资委员会投资的中国公司相当敏感,触及到国家安全和人权问题。中航科工(AviChina Industry and Technology)在香港上市,其母公司——中国航空工业集团有限公司主要替中共...


19-05-02 ”(American Automative Industry,简称AAA)的执行总裁Robert Sinclair给机动车司机提出如下建议:观察水中潜伏的道路坑洼;减速行驶,但在遇到路坑时不要急刹车;不要追尾其他车辆。...

庆祝三·八国际妇女节 纽约市展览异彩纷呈

19-03-07 艺术家作品集 Industry City's collection of work by female artists几个女性艺术家的作品都在工业城的许多走廊上展出,包括:安布尔·维多利亚...


17-07-24 图书馆(Grand Central Library)。2、科学工业商业图书馆(Science, Industry and Business Library)。3、53街图书馆(53rd Street...

纽约市街名的故事 The Stories Behind NYC Street Names

17-07-05 the best-known New York City thoroughfare. A synecdoche for the financial industry, the...

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 1 percent.Crackdown on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance SectorXi Jinping has made reforming the financial industry a core focus...


17-06-08 户外休闲是美国最大的经济部类,拥有成千上万的社群,创造了数百万个工作岗位。近日,美国户外产业协会(Outdoor Industry Association)发布了最新的“户外休闲经济报告”。报告显示...

Chinese P2P Lending Bubble Quietly Bursts

17-01-16 fraud and the industry faced a slew of compliance regulations to weed out unqualified firms.P2P lending...

Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments No matter what career one has or what industry...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 October 2016.“Of course, increasing capacity would not be easy. One caveat is that many of these industry...


17-01-01 州大麻业协会(Maryland Cannabis Industry Association)执行董事卡林顿(Darrell Carrington)对这些公司以不法行为欺骗病患表示很沮丧与不满。...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 VankeBeijing has cracked down on domestic insurers, suppressing the industry over what regulators have recently...

医生: MGM赌场将导致赌博问题剧

16-12-15 American Gaming Industry)并不同意这种可能加剧成瘾的说法。美国博彩协会(American Gambling Association,简称AGA)新闻公关主任多蒂(Steve Doty...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 workers.Consequently, the U.S. steel industry took a big hit; U.S. producers posted net losses of $1.43 billion in the...

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 , 2016. The billboard highlights communist China’s increasing influence over the U.S. movie industry...


16-11-14 12日2:30PM~10:00 PM。   地点:工业城Industry City,工厂楼Factory Floor。   地址:233 37th Street, Brooklyn, NY。   路线...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 banking as a core state industry and limits control and economic exposure foreign banks can hold. Wall...

China Capital Outflows Are a Vote of No Confidence in Economy Companies and people are moving money out, the currency under pressure

16-11-08 insurance industry regulator, an increase of 116 percent over the same period of 2015.The regime also...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 estate industry has an important position in China’s economy. As early as 2009, Yu Bin, the Macroeconomic...


16-10-10 Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.1:45pm-02:00pm 香港Hong Kong-主讲人:Ralph Chow, Regional...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 Jinping’s hard stance on corruption in the ranks of the Party, state, military, and industry resonates...

美国超市系列|走进好市多,我就不想走~ 美国 Costco 买虾米?

16-09-06 ; City of Industry两间 )~大家记得底下留言分享讨论你们心目中的经典好物、或是其他家店的爆款啊拜托拜托|  ✅ 生鲜食品• 肉品:牛肉的品质相对好而且划算,价钱合理选择多。两种等级 Prime...


16-04-09 。但参加该计画的客户可免去昂贵的系统安装前期成本。据太阳能工业协会(Solar Energy Industry Association)的说法,太阳能发电系统的平均安装成本大约介于一万五至三万美元之间...

美国调高H-1B及L-1签证费 印度IT业哗然

15-12-26 Chambers of Commerce and Industry, FICCI)在一份声明中表示,“扎德罗加法案”涉及的健康及边境安全议题,完全与IT产业无关,将两者连结对IT产业不公平。签证申请费的提高不仅冲击...


15-11-04 Industry Classification System, MAICS)基本一致。除了少部分行业采用年营收额作为衡量标准之外,大部分都以雇员人数为准。后者除了批发行业的分界线是100名员工,也有少数把标准定在...

TPP美国内引争议     奥巴马:不让中国制定全球经济规则

15-10-08 ) (TXN-US) 等大型科技公司的美国半导体公会 (Semiconductor Industry Association) 同样欣然以对。尤其在 TPP 排除市场准入限制以及其他新规范,系科技业持续成长所乐见...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 working experience in the industry, I am expecting a payment like xxxxxIn regard of the average salary in...

日美开发巨型机器人 明年首次对决

15-07-08 )公司的联合创始人马特‧奥黑林(Matt Oehrlein)和桂‧卡瓦尔康蒂(Gui Cavalcanti)披着美国国旗向日本机器人制造商水道桥重工(Suidobashi Heavy Industry...


15-06-08 等数字播放平台售出,但销量已经开始下滑,而流媒体音乐服务则日益受到欢迎。  根据国际唱片业协会(International Federation of the Phonographic Industry...

美国罕见原版一分钱拍卖 价格翻涨1亿倍

15-03-29 ‧柏奇,正面是自由女神头像,周围刻着“自由 科学和工业之母” (Liberty Parent of Scienceand Industry),背面是“美利坚合众国”和“一分钱”,下面是“1/100...