「明日之星」 古典与浪漫从纽约传向世界

22-11-03 3000美元;傑出表演獎三名,以及優秀獎七名。前三名獲獎名單是:金獎Baryshevskyi Antonii,銀獎Jiusi Zhang,銅獎Evangeliya Delizonas-Khukhua。經過...

杀生造业亲人减寿/Retribution for Killing and Breaking a Vow

20-10-05 Dynasty, there was an older man named Zhang in Nanhantou Village, Pingyu County, Henan Province. He used...

美国司法部 起诉五中国骇客

20-09-28 :张浩然(Zhang Haoran),35岁;谭戴林(Tan Dailin),35岁;蒋立志(Jiang Lizhi),35岁;钱川(Qian Chuan),39岁;付强(Fu Qiang),37岁...


20-05-05 的事项。武汉居民张如意(Zhang Ruyi,音译)接受自由亚洲电台(RFA)采访时表示,武汉地方卫生官员从2019年12月疫情爆发以来,始终扮演着隐瞒、封锁疫情资讯的角色。他们甚至为了降低感染人数的统计...

A Story of Filial Piety

19-01-25 Zhang Xiaoji was a scholar of Xuchang in the Song Dynasty. When he grew up, a rich man in the...


19-01-19 Zhang (410-926-5845) Mrs. Zhu (301-221-1680) Mrs. Guo (443-562-8008)欢欢喜喜东北年-家的喜庆由东北同乡会主办,黑龙江同乡会、吉林大学...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng Since its formation in the 12th century, Tai Chi has become an...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (1 of 2)

17-01-20 strike Yue Yun with his knife, Yue Yun had already struck him off his horse. The deputy general, Zhang...

美硬盘商希捷关苏州厂 裁员2000人 引抗议

17-01-12 的原因是,因应市场变化,要缩减全球生产规模,优化营运效率。希捷发言人Kelly Zhang称,此次裁员也是希捷去年7月宣布的全球重组计划的一部分。有员工认为,希捷给出的“两倍工资”的赔偿方案较原本承诺的少...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 Gong practitioner Zhang Jun and his defense lawyer attended a court session at the Ba’nan District...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 prime ministers, such as Yao Chong, Song Jin, Zhang Jiuling, and Han Xiu, were personally selected by...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 raised an unworthy son. Gusou was stupid and stubborn, but his son was famous for his filial piety. Zhang...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 and waited for the owner of the gold. After waiting for a while, a businessman named Zhang Jifei...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 , honest, and upright officials, such as Tang Bin, Li Guangdi, and Zhang Boxing. When they governed...


16-12-08 【看中国纽约讯】近日,纽约著名女画家张彤卫(Tongwei Zhang)的佳作《中国京剧》成功入选美国著名专业艺术家协会(American Artists Professional League...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide Zhang Fangping (1007 – 1091 AD) was...

十九大前官场深度洗牌 习近平循六原则布局

16-11-10 annual session, during which they will discuss the development of China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty...

The Story of Li Mi

16-11-08 ;child prodigy." One time, Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling (678 – 740 AD) wanted to employ an official...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 of surveillance.Michael Zhang, a laborer with pro-democracy sympathies who recently emigrated to the...

One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes

16-09-26 from them?" Court official Zhang Xingcheng was at one of the imperial dinners when he heard the...


16-09-26 9/27「公平劳工基准法」讲座主讲人:美国劳工部联邦调查员Bill Zhang。随着华裔人数的增长和华人企业的崛起,理解和懂得劳工法对员工和雇主来说越来越重要。劳工部执法部门的DMV地区总监马克...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 others and repay them unconditionally"). Li Daliang was a person who lived this proverb. Zhang Bi...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 times) in Zhejiang Province was named Zhang Qing. He had a scholarly background and was very...

“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble

16-08-21 张安世“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble Zhang Anshi (? – 62 BC), courtesy name Ziru, was...


16-08-20 依然领先,但半程过后,博尔特开始他经典的后程爆发,在最后几米超越夺冠。伦敦治安法庭开庭审理一名25岁中国留学生张航(Hang Zhang),被控在鞋里暗藏刀子,试图闯入英国王室白金汉宫刺杀英国女王...

惊!中国留学生藏刀闯王宫 欲刺杀英女王被捕

16-08-16 一名中国大陆留学生近日在英国白金汉宫被捕,他被控在鞋内藏刀,欲闯入这座王宫刺杀女王。伦敦西敏寺治安法庭15日开庭审理此案。据英国《每日邮报》报导,这名中国留学生名叫张航(Hang Zhang,音译...

Virtue Brings Prosperity to One's Family 积德家昌

15-12-31 Virtue Brings Prosperity to One's Family Zhang Ying of the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911 AD) was...

Zhao Sheng, the Tao Seeker(2) 赵升求道 摘桃

15-12-25 2. Picking Peaches Zhang Daoling had 201 disciples, but he tested them in order to impart the Tao...


15-12-19 western China to cultivate in Taoism under Zhang Daoling's tutelage. In order to confirm Zhao...


15-10-18 的行动是财政部外国资产管理办公室和辑毒署联合调查行动的最新结果。财政部说,外国资产管理办公室自2014年5月开始,依据《外国毒贩认定法》指认合成毒品制造团伙,去年7月曾依据该法认定中国公民张磊(音译,Zhang...

【英文对照赏析】 朋友相交 以义为重  True Friendship Requires Righteousness

15-09-20 himself to express his aspirations or characteristics. Mr. Zhang’s nickname was Yifu, and his pen name was...

在美当考试枪手 中国女子认罪或坐五年牢

15-08-07 (未公布姓名,被称为匿名共谋者)参加类似考试。邹悦和男友、21岁的张云东(Yundong Zhang,音译)目前表示不认罪。截至8月3日,两人名字仍在弗吉尼亚理工大学网站上的学生名单中。邹悦就读金融专业...

在美替考大学 15中国留学生被起诉

15-08-04 (Virginia Tech)的一名学生,主修金融。邹越的男友,现年21岁的张玉栋(Yudong Zhang,音译)同样涉案,他同样就读于维吉尼亚理工学院,主修一般工程。根据匹兹堡联邦检察官的起诉书,每场考试,童翰...

找枪手代考 中国留学生遭递解

15-07-30 ,他希望返回中国前能拿到学位。  检察官还表示,20岁的邹悦(Yue Zou,音译)及其男友张宇东(Yudong Zhang,音译)分别在维吉尼亚理工大学读金融专业和普通工程学。张宇东被控将邹悦护照的影印件...


15-07-12 。但股价自6月12日达到顶峰后下跌,在本周四(7月9日)和周五A股反弹前,这些富豪的财富缩水1000亿美元。Capital Securities驻上海分析师Zhang Lu表示,这些亿万富豪的财富与股票涨跌...

美国庆期间四千人将入籍 亚裔归化率最高

15-06-30 克利夫兰当地新闻网站Cleveland.com报导,6月14日,41岁的雪莉施(Sherri Shi)和她的丈夫、46岁的张超(Chao Zhang,音译),以及他们9岁的女儿米歇尔一起参加入籍仪式,这对...

15中国学生涉考试和移民诈欺 美司法部起诉

15-05-29 、Yudong Zhang、Yue Zou、Biyuan Li(Jack Li)、Jia Song、Ning Wei、Gong Zhang、Songling Peng、Siyuan Zhao以及Yunlin...

美起诉六名中国人商业间谍 天大教授被捕

15-05-19 Zhang译音)以及ROFS精密仪器公司的中国籍总经理赵刚(Zhao Gang译音)。共有6人被控他们6个人都被控合谋从事经济间谍活动,以及合谋盗窃商业机密。有关起诉书称,张浩和庞慰在美国南加州一所大学修读...


15-03-06 竞争,分析家说越来越多的人在亏本。“商家数量增加,它们变得更加拥挤,”电子商务咨询公司Advangent首席执行官Arron Zhang说。“在中国只有一定数量的平台,更多的商家为了出头在竞争。”在过去...

纽约皇后区7个华人卖假货 被逮捕!

14-12-14 、North face、Michael Kors的鞋和外套。这七人分别为31岁的张纳青(Naqing Zhang,以下均是音译)和32岁的妻子董维维(Wei Wei Dong)、43岁的朱庆奇(Chin C....