When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 , how could you hide the truth and not report it? Your hiding the truth caused the stricken people to...


17-07-19 期为小企业及商家举办讲座,并且全部免费。●扩展全球市场及政府合约Expand Your Business to Global Market and Government Contracting(中文讲解...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 your administration, then it shows how poorly you have governed! Not only are you unaware of your...

川普普京首会晤 外界高度瞩目

17-07-08 15分。美国总统川普:〝我们期望会有很多积极的事情,对俄罗斯,对美国,也对所有关注我们的人。很荣幸与您(普京)会面。〞两人握手致意,普京称川普总统为〝阁下〞(Your Excellency),并同样对会谈...

Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance

17-07-08 after day. Learning is the same. If you don't do it consistently, your knowledge level will degrade...

The Photographer Who Loves America

17-07-08 photographers is “keep your eyes open,” he chuckled. “Well, to be a good photographer you have to be curious...

  A Noble Person is Principled with Lofty Goals

17-07-06 said, "Master your ideals and principles are at a very high level. That's why it's not...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

17-06-24 your kindness.”Li continued doing business into his eighties. When he was well over 100, he was still...

Two Stories of Virtue from Chinese History

17-06-24 probity while on their posts.The emperor told Zhen, “You are well known for your integrity and honesty...

Confucian Wisdom on the Ways of Treating Others

17-06-18 choose your friends, you words and actions with caution. This is a very grand goal!" The way of...


17-06-13 for Your Business” Seminar        时间:6月16日(周五)12:30pm-2:30pm。“SBA如何帮助商业发展”研讨会 “How SBA Can Help Your...

What the Ancients Believed about Wanton Thoughts

17-06-03 conceiving a plan to have me as your second wife. Of course you are not aware that any thought you entertain...


17-06-01 举办讲座,并且全部免费。如何创业及获得SBA的支援 How to Start a Business and How SBA Can Help Your Business    时间:6月7日(周三...

Companies Recession Unleashed America’s Entrepreneurial Energy

17-05-20 and get business training.“You have to have your heart in it. I am tired, but also happy with what I...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 He immediately asked his subordinates to bury the bones properly. They asked, "Your majesty...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 , "My surname is Zhang, and I came from far away. I heard that your family is going through hardship...

Talented Officials are More Valuable than Auspicious Omens

17-05-06 between heaven and earth, and the virtue of Your Majesty, our Emperor. We really need to celebrate this...

Ancient Stories of How Virtuous Mothers Educated Their Children

17-05-06 the gift to his mother. Tian’s mother was outraged and scolded him, "The gold is more than your...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 question of not joining in. He said: “They will poison your spirit from day one, so you do what everybody...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 passed by and heard him. He smiled and said, "I can tell that your writings must be bad!" Zhang...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 but Wei Zheng blushed upon hearing that. Unable to comprehend, Fang Xuanling asked, "Your majesty...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 , what are you leaving to your heirs?" Diwu smiled and said, "You are being too generous. I am...

Moral Character Is the Number One Consideration in Recommending People

17-04-18 is a distant relation should not be concerned with matters of your close relations.' I should...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 in your excellent collection of books." After Song Cidao took Liu Shu to his private library...


17-04-07 。        地址:华埠亚伦街2号7楼(2 Allen Street)。        费用:免费入场。        电话:212-964-6022(邝小姐)。2、奔跑吧,五分局 Run Your...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 twelve carriages. In your nation that has thousands of carriages, how come you have no treasures?"...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 sighed, “Your words are so righteous.”  钟离意以身试药 民为邦国之本,爱民恤民是中国传统文化中为官施政的做人理念。凡是有利于百姓的事情就要去做,敢于为民请命,扶持正义...


17-04-01 不受制于法律。美国法律强调依顺人性,所以会反复推敲当事人的处境和状态,不会恪守法条。美国三类正当防卫法的原则(一)绝不退让法 (Stand Your Ground Laws) ——任何场所都没有义务退让...

美国个人报税 如何确定你选用哪种1040税表

17-03-28 阅读国税局报税指南──《手册 17,你的联邦所得税》(Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax),也可善用国税局(IRS)网站上的免税报税软件。...

  A Nun Guides a Donation

17-03-25 cloth, put it on the table, and said: "Buddha has already noticed your kind gesture. This is a fine...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 relatively small registered capital of 100 million yuan (US$14.5 million).“Your company was set up only...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 , "How is your playing these days?" Shi Wen replied confidently, "My music and heart are...

Masters of Disguise:Best Hidden Bars and Restaurants in New York City

17-03-24 Japanese cuisine that has people raving. It is located behind a butcher shop in Noho. Time to hit up your...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 willful and you must never give in to your worldly desires. You must be modest at all times because...


17-03-13 signs. 你要遵守所有交通规例及路牌.-Do you have any questions? 你有什么疑问吗?-Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名.-Are you...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 , "Please change your clothes immediately!" Zengzi rejected the offer. The King's...

美式豪华的营造者 2017 New Lincoln MKX

17-03-10 (The perfect complement to a deeply luxurious interior.)Panoramic Vista Roof® (Your window to the...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 ;You have been so loyal to my nation. Your reputation surpasses Su Wu. How can you leave me?" Hong...

实力定义价值 2017 New Malibu

17-03-03 :Compatible with Your LifeWith an intuitive and customizable available Chevrolet MyLink display offering...

心容永珍 大有担当 2017 New Buick Enclave

17-02-25 Alert technology uses radar sensors to help you avoid a collision. When a vehicle enters your blind spot...