
20-06-05 (Capital Region)。2、纽约州中部(Central New York)。3、西部地区(Western New York)。4、北县地区(North County)。5、手指湖区(Finger...

Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 They would then correct their mistakes and improve themselves. Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty...

Things You Need to Know About the 2020 Chinese New Year/2020中国新年小知识

20-01-24 assigned to it as a zodiac symbol. Just like in the Western zodiac, the Chinese zodiac also has 12 symbols....


19-10-13 、英伟达(Nvidia)、安霸(Ambarella)和西部数据(Western Digital)和希捷(Seagate)供应的部件。消息传出后的几个小时后,安霸股价下跌了12%。八月分,川普政府发布了一项...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 , had gone on to make history by becoming the first official diplomat to the Western Regions—the regions...


19-04-23 租用的私人车厢,由蒸汽火车头拉著在长达400英哩的Delaware, Lackawanna & Western铁路上往返于水牛城、纽约市和霍伯肯之间70多年。车厢在1912年启用,是著名...


19-03-22 463-7700 x222(中文x228)。网站:flushingtownhall.org。8.全球混搭风之二:西方摇摆音乐&巴尔干铜管音乐 Global Mashup 2:  Western Swing...

警防电话诈骗 纽约MOIA提供华人服务信息

19-02-13 耆老普及防诈骗知识。 
莫斯托菲提醒称,接听陌生人电话时,切勿透露个人信息。切勿通过西联汇款(Western Union)、速汇金(MoneyGram)或任何其它电汇服务方式向陌生人汇款。中国大使馆...

新疆拘禁营增3倍 数十知名美企或遭制裁

19-02-13 【看中国2019年2月10日讯】西部数据(Western Digital)为海康威视设计硬碟,后者生产的监控设备安装在新疆的再教育营和清真寺中。 甲骨文(Oracle)的资料库一体机为乌鲁木齐社保局...

市移民办提醒华人 警惕电话诈骗

19-02-08 的对象。为此,市移民办公室非常重视向华人社区,特别是对耆老普及防诈骗知识。
莫斯托菲提醒称,接听陌生人电话时,切勿透露个人信息。切勿通过西联汇款(Western Union)、速汇金(MoneyGram...

香肠内含碎骨 美召回700万磅肉食

17-07-24 和香肠,品牌包括:— Sabrett— Papaya King— 1906 Premium— Western Beef— Stew Leonard’s此次召回的产品还包括提供给一些热门餐厅使用的热狗...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 of Western society.The postmodern philosophy “came into vogue” in the 1970s, according to Jordan...


17-06-29 。最后,我们都是打包走的,因为没人告诉我们多大一份餐。吃完午餐后,我们继续走到国家牛仔和西部文化遗产博物馆National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum Store参观...

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 foreign assets. Before its activities were curtailed, Anbang had become well-known among Western private...


17-06-14 Western Reserve University)前生命伦理学教授、现石溪大学教授(Stony Brook University School of Medicine)史蒂芬?波斯特(Stephen Post...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 China of Western “spiritual pollution”—to curb political liberalization. Hu was a controversial figure...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 , the leader of all the western dukes. Later he was given the respectful title of Zhou Wenwang. When...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 Emperor Xiaowen and His CourtOn the western wall of the  Met Museum’s Sackler Gallery for Chinese...

The Rarest of Buddha Statues at the Met Museum

17-03-24 (476 – 221 BC), and became popularized in the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC – 8 AD). Artisans first...

Solving the Secret Behind the Chinese Gold Market

17-03-18 Western demand is strong when the price goes up. In April 2013, the gold price collapsed and a lot of gold...


17-03-11 Postal Service),西联 (Western Union) , 7-11 便利店,大多数加油站也提供Money Order服务。其好处是发行银行(机构)保证每一张Money Order的有效性...

申请更新美国护照要加紧 否则要等6个月

17-03-09 预计,在未来几个月内美国护照的需求量很可能会激增,从而会导致护照处理积压问题。美国政府从2007年1月23日起开始执行“西半球旅行计划”(Western Hemisphere Travel...


17-02-27 或罚款。1803年肯塔基州农夫Francis Flournoy,以笔名“西部美国人”(A Western American)在当地报章发表文章,鼓吹美国西部脱离联邦政府独立,与法国结盟,但最后控方...


17-02-21 使用旅行支票 此方法适合旅行者本人使用。在开户行购买旅行支票,有可能免费。AAA会员在AAA可以免费购买。在中国的银行兑现旅行支票,要支付0.75%的手续费。 9. 使用Western Union汇款 此方法...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 faction.Chinese and Western media had widely reported Xiao, a Canadian citizen, going missing from his luxury...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 Ji Hu) was the tenth Emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty and reigned for almost sixteen years. He was...

Report: China Tests Long-Range, 10-Warhead Capable Missile

17-02-06 China and flew into the “western Chinese desert,” according to the Washington Free Beacon, which has...

If a Ruler Is Amiable and Approachable, the People Will Submit to Him Willingly

17-01-28 (also of the Zhou Dynasty) younger brother. In the first year of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046 –  771...


16-03-14  $                                49,804  $            7,196 Western New England UniversityMA $                                55,100...


16-03-12 ),西海岸地区(the Western United States)。其中西海岸地区还可以分为太平洋沿岸各州(Pacific States)和山地各州 (the Mountain States)。美国的...


16-02-24 Western Europe and South Korea for the purpose of containing Communism. Sometimes the price of defending...


16-02-10 该研究的西澳大学(University of Western Australia)天文学家李斯特(Lister Staveley-Smith)教授表示,令人惊讶的是之前从未发现这些近距离的星系。他说...


16-01-28 )、大西部银行(Great Western Bank)、汇丰银行(HSBC Bank)、PNC银行,以及U.S. Bank银行。...


16-01-27 ,2006年和2007年发行的10年期护照延期申请在今年会暴涨。2007年,美国开始推行西半球旅行倡议(Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, WHTI),即美国公民从墨西哥...

刘正窍门专栏 : 如何从北美向中国汇款

16-01-23 。这个方法的特点是省钱,但很慢,而且支票被寄回核实,增加丢失的机率。西联(Western Union)汇款你可以在westernunion.com网上操作,也可以到提供西联汇款服务的银行。如果你在加拿大...

A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade

16-01-14 A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade The Chinese and the modern western science view...


15-12-19 western China to cultivate in Taoism under Zhang Daoling's tutelage. In order to confirm Zhao...


15-11-05 )138.All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 西线无战事7.9/10 (4691)139.Young Frankenstein (1974) 年轻的科学怪人7.9/10...

【英文对照赏析】心诚敬畏 可感苍天 Sincerity and Reverence Can Touch Heaven

15-10-11 Western Taiyigong." Wang Su asked the Emperor to issue the order so that the common people would know...

每周一书 《古典传统》希腊—罗马对西方文学的影响

15-09-20 原作名:THE CLASSICAL TRADITION : Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature作者:[美]吉尔伯特·海厄特...