
23-01-17 %。 在長島,他們下降了29%。 在韋斯特切斯特,27%——都是GIVE(Gun Involved Violence Elimination)管轄區,」她說,同時承諾讓州警察在打擊暴力犯罪方面發揮更直接的作用...

拜登与亚当斯达成共识 打击枪枝暴力犯罪

22-03-23 亟待解决的问题之一。 据调查,2021年是美国20年来因枪枝暴力犯罪而导致死亡最严重的一年。枪枝暴力档案(Gun Violence Archive)统计到,去年,全国有4万4千多人在枪击案中丧生。纽约市...

扩大保护家暴受害者 库默签署新法

19-08-19 ,并且帮助受害者寻求正义。 如今所取得的新进展,便是这次的新立法。而在今年早些时候,库默也签署了“家庭暴力幸存者公正法案(Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act...

Migrant Caravan Members Are Mostly Male, 90 Percent Won’t Qualify for Asylum: Top US Official

18-11-27 the United States for work or to escape gang violence, neither of which fall under asylum...

Confucius and Socrates: The Courage to Stand on the Side of Truth (Part 2)

18-10-08 side of truth. As long as one sticks to the truth, even when facing power and violence, or opposition...

Fake News and False Flags Are Political Tools

18-07-22 kinetically.”When the groups do act out with physical violence, and after there is a public outcry, Scott said...


18-04-26 ,000成员。防治极端化暴力中心(Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence)的马克西米‧菲塞特(Maxime Fiset...

The Difficulty of Ending Gun Violence in the United States

18-03-18 realities might be useful. There are examples of societies that essentially eliminated gun violence of the...

Claims of United States Being the Worst Country for Mass Shootings are Wrong: Study Shows

18-03-04 violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”“The United States is the only advanced country where...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 mainland while using violence to subdue those the regime opposes.The beatings occurred following...

White House Petition to Designate Far-Left Antifa as Terrorists Gets 180,000 Signatures in 4 Days

17-08-27 House. In just four days, it received over 180,000 signatures.Antifa advocates for the use of violence...

For the First Time, China Compensates Persecuted Victim’s Family

17-08-12 compensation,” said Chu.“Secondly, the perpetrators who directly exert violence, should be held accountable for...

TV Personality: Chinese Children Are Taught to Lie

17-06-18 violence, lack of respect for teachers, etc., but these were immediately rejected as China’s image during...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 two years later.Chen Duxiu, founder of the CCP, was opposed to the use of violence and favored...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 a deep cut to his soul after years of indoctrination and violence that slowly warped his thinking and...

Pro-Beijing Group’s Hate Campaign Includes Fliers, Banner, and Biting

17-02-11 The group has since undertaken a campaign of hatred, intimidation, and violence against Falun Gong...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24 world would be in peace. For those who took power through violence, they could never exist for long and...

洛杉矶加大枪击案 凶手射杀教授后自尽

16-06-02 Garcetti)发表声明称,对枪击事件感到愤怒,并为受害者祈祷。周四,也就是枪击案发生后第二天,是美国〝全国枪支暴力警醒日〞(National Gun Violence Awareness Day),奥巴马总统...


16-04-27 Violence全市各大图书馆都有申请点,具体地址可查询:http://maps.nyc.gov/idnyc/。...

真人图书馆 不借书借人

16-04-16 “真人图书馆”。只要有人乐意讲自己的故事,有人乐意听别人的故事,那里就能成立“真人图书馆”。为增进人们彼此之间的沟通了解。丹麦非营利组织“停止暴力”(Stop the Violence)于2007年成立了...


15-09-14 National Coalition Against Domestic Violence)也是以类似的方法取得基金,该机构约有60%的旧手机被回收后整理,然后转卖;剩下40%的就直接回收。如果你手边有3支以上的旧...


15-09-13 将举办社区野餐9月20日(周日)下午1点到5点,马里兰州蒙哥马利县“仇恨/暴力委员会(Committee on Hate/Violence)”和人权办公室(Office of Human Rights...


15-02-22 超过了美国国会设定的每年1万的名额上限。美国国会于2000年创建U-签证计划,是《人口贩卖和暴力受害者保护法》(Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection...