黑客入侵 “太阳风”席卷全美

20-12-17 Software in China of 2020》一文中可见“太阳风”公司。“太阳风”的主要股东是银湖投资公司(Silver Lake Partners)。银湖在中国的投资达数千亿美元,是蚂蚁金服在2018年最新...

中南海内斗升级 习借党媒抨击“投降派”

20-12-17 将另外4家中共企业——中芯国际(SMIC)、中国海洋石油(CNOOC)、中国建设科技有限公司(China Construction Technology)以及中国国际工程咨询公司(CIECC)列入企业黑名单...


20-11-28 内部的不安全感和脆弱性。本身是美国智库企业研究所亚洲研究项目主任卜大年在新书《中国噩梦:一个摇摇欲坠政权的远大野心》(The China Nightmare:The Grand Ambitions of...

Signals in the Fog of War

20-11-27 to Andy Huang & screenshots from LinkedIn indicate Huang used to work for China Telecom.” US...

Election Fraud Rabbit Hole Goes Deep(已校对)

20-11-27 Gohmert revealed in a web conference that the US military had seized a server belonging to electronic...

美拟出台抗共蓝图 需完成十项任务

20-11-25 ,但许多人仍没有认识到中共为重塑世界秩序主导全球的野心。” 智库Brookings China Strategy Initiative专家多希(Rush Dosh)认为,该蓝图著重于中共的世界观如何塑造...


20-10-01US Citizenship and Immigration Services)表示,今年早些时候,由于疫情大流行,导致该机构收入急剧下降,并曾一度计划将其一半以上的员工安排无薪假。与大多数联邦机构...

美国司法部 起诉五中国骇客

20-09-28 。他们被认为是中共支持的骇客组织APT41的成员。美国司法部2018年11月启动旨在应对来自中国的安全威胁的“中国行动计划”(China Initiative)专案,这次是又一起对中国骇客的调查案件。...

火箭飞台 专家解析:正常

20-09-20 ”助理研究员舒孝煌曝光关键称,火箭飞行的大气层不在领空概念内,因此经过台湾上空是“蛮正常的”。火箭飞过“台湾岛上空” 陆委会:无助和平稳定根据自由时报报导,中国“CHINA航天”微博14日晚间发布最新讯息...


20-09-17 视听:https://music.apple.com/us/album/take-down-the-ccp-single/1530859183中美关系近几个月来已跌至40年来的最低,川普政府近期对中共...

澳洲成功撤离两名驻华记者    揭外国记者境遇

20-09-11 (Foreign Correspondents'Club of China)于9月8日在推特上发推文称,“强烈谴责中国政府通过阻止两名澳大利亚记者离境对其进行的骚扰和恐吓”,表示这严重侵蚀了媒体自由...

2020, 人口普查两重天

20-08-26 病毒》(How President Trump Uses The Defense Production Act to Protect America From the China Virus...


20-08-18 说话。”他举例说:“你比如说,我有一个同事他是《CHINA DAILY》(中国日报)专门负责海外广告投放的,他之前是个记者,后来转去行政负责广告投放了,它们都能投到华盛顿邮报,时代广场。尤其是在关键时刻...

遭美制裁 传中兴通讯裁员3000

17-01-10 比较成气候的中国大陆智能手机供应商,在美市占率为10%,排名在苹果、三星电子及LG电子之后,居第四位。美国四大移动通讯运营商当中,美国电话电报公司(AT&T)(T.N)、T-Mobile US...


17-01-06 NW US Highway 19, Crystal River, Florida501 N. Beneva Road, Sarasota, Florida19400 Cochran Blvd....

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 gateway between Northwest and Central China). There was no one in the royal court that could defend the...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 US can find a solution for most vulnerabilities; China cannotPresident-elect Donald Trump talks...

六四密电曝光 详述屠城后的北京

17-01-05 时,施拉姆表示自己从中国消息人士处获悉,邓小平曾对天安门广场上的情势表明「杀200人可保20年稳定」(200 dead could bring 20 years of peace to China...


17-01-05 一个问题,通常是在您给司机评分后,才能得到乘车的收据。如果丢失的是手机,可以点击「联系我们」(contact us)页面,直接与Lyft联系。您需要向Lyft提供:可以与联系您的电话号码、您的司机名字、乘坐...


17-01-02 。居民有任何信息方面的需求,可先奔图书馆。此外,公共图书馆还经常举办各种文化讲座、文化聚会以及社交活动。 可介绍一下美国邮政服务? 美国邮政服务 ( US Postal Service )是一家独立...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 In a recent court hearing in southwestern China, a public prosecutor indirectly stated that he...

Taiwan Says With Chinese Warships, Aircraft Carrier Represents a Growing Threat

17-01-01 China’s aircraft carrier fleet appears in offshore areas of the US one day, it will trigger intense...


16-12-31 据德国之声报导,2016年的最后一周的星期五,中国国际电视台(中国环球电视网)开始运行,英文是CHINA GLOBAL TELEVISION NETWORK,简称CGTN。CGTN包括6个电视频道...

纳瓦罗入阁 经贸国防战略一条鞭

16-12-31 ,他一系列对中国议题的著作包括《致命中国》(Death by China)、《卧虎:中国军事化对世界的意味》(Crouching Tiger:What China's Militarism...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 troops all over China to end rebellions and invasions. He departed for battle every spring and did not...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 3 percent in the week ended Dec. 15.It’s a move that further cements China’s “Wild West” business reputation...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 ; official of high moral standards. (Explanation: In ancient China, people used their sleeves to carry things...


16-12-25 、Target、Toys R Us、Under Armour和Urban Outfitters等零售商仍然提供免费送货,而且没有最低购买量要求。据这些零售商称,其他零售商只为忠实顾客提供这项福利或只涵盖了部分精选...

对华强硬派〝纳瓦罗〞入阁 将参与重要决策

16-12-22 University of California-Irvine)的经济学教授,他长期批评中国对美国的贸易政策,曾着有《即将到来的中国战争》(The Coming China Wars)、《中国制造:最后的告诫标签...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 tears. "Please don't leave us," cried all his citizens. "Please don't quit....

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 may bring wide-ranging impacts to China’s own economy and monetary policy.The Chinese economy has...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 diligently. Now is the time for us to serve our country diligently." Kangxi was very strict with himself....

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 that the president-elect was fully aware of U.S. relations with China and Taiwan, and had planned the...

中国经济堡垒战 保卫外汇储备

16-12-12 。北京最痛恨的「中国崩溃论」,今年又以各种预言形式相继出现。美国《国家利益》3月2日发表《世界末日:为中国的崩溃做好准备》(Doomsday:Preparing for China’s Collapse...


16-12-06 ://www.explorerocklandny.com/china/。(加二维码)...


16-12-06 see our About Us page. ...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 It has been a year since China’s Communist Party announced that it would be ending its notorious...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 reign, China became the world's largest and strongest nation, with the largest population, the...


16-12-02 censorship policy in China and another internationally)的研究报告。研究指,大陆电话号码注册的用户,微信会对其发送的内容进行敏感字审查,即使该用户之后身处海外...

频出国护照被留言 美绿卡持有者须知事宜

16-12-01 。通常遇到绿卡持有人返美时间超过6个月,第一次的话,海关及边境保护局(US Customs and Border Protection,简称海关)的官员会质疑“为什么绿卡持有人不办理回美证”。如果碰上第二次...