
19-04-19 就读于明尼苏达大学的女学生刘静瑶(Liu Jingyao,音译),4月16日对京东集团创始人兼CEO刘强东和京东公司提起民事诉讼,状告刘强东去年8月强奸,并要求赔偿超过5万美元。这是受害人首次向外界...


19-04-11 上,他当场宣布捐给工党约26万澳元,当时的澳洲总理陆克文也到场感谢。Xiao Lu曾是姜兆庆旗下墨尔本华人3CW广播电台的主持人,他拒绝接受Four Corners的采访,但是他的好朋友Luxin Liu教授告诉...


19-02-24 Route 18 S East Brunswick, NJ 08816。联系人:David Chen(chen.david66@gmail.com)、Tina Liu (tinaliu11@gmail.com)。...

窃取美商业机密 又一华裔科学家被捕

19-02-21 参与的合谋计划,游晓蓉原打算把从可口可乐合作方窃取的技术转给一家中国公司,这家公司不仅会聘请她,还会帮助她获得中国“千人计划”项目奖金。中国公民刘翔程(Liu Xiangchen, 音)也在此案中...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 After her husband’s death, Liu lived together with their son. After she heard the government raised...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 2)

18-12-05 , left a message for his King, Liu Shan, when he died. He recommended Jiang Wan to be appointed as prime...


18-12-04 手铐(图片来源:公有领域)(看中国记者忆文编译)中国当局正采取扣押家人的方式,抓捕外逃官员。据《纽约时报》11月26日报导,今年6月,当维克多(Victor Liu)和辛西娅(Cynthia Liu...


18-09-29 的概率升至60%。《纽约时报?报导,私募基金投资人刘斯宇(Charles S.Y. Liu,译音)表示,中国人民有心理准备忍受贸易冲突拖长。“中国人较能容忍痛苦,因为我们过去穷了很长一段时间,富有...

Doing Good Deeds Earns a Deity's Respect

18-09-14 AD) to study the past documents regarding the treasure hunt and develop a new plan. At that time, Liu...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 1)

18-08-05 Qingyun Temple, he was accompanied by a member of his staff named Liu. Liu was an old acquaintance of...

涉洗钱数亿欧元 中国工商银行电话记录曝光

17-08-01 及其它证据,去年2月17日上午,数十名警察突击搜查了马德里分行,抓捕了王静及另外四位高级管理人员。在突袭后,警方又抓捕了另两名高管。被抓的人中还包括分行经理刘伟(音译,Liu Wei)和ICBC欧洲分部...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 ordered the head of each county to report the damage to the imperial government. Liu Zao, the magistrate...


17-07-01 可正式、可休闲,可外搭、可单穿。此外,完全没有搭配上的困扰,只要简单一件,就可以出门,如果怕晒或是不想露手臂,简单的搭上一件针织开襟外套即可。模特Angelina Liu为我们展示这一套洋装,干净舒适...

Two Stories of Virtue from Chinese History

17-06-24 Xin Xu, by Liu Xiang of Han Dynasty小事上不贪婪 当官必定清廉南北朝时的南朝齐,有个叫甄彬的人,有德有才。他曾用一束苎麻到荆州长沙西库作抵押换了一些钱用,后来拿钱去赎苎麻...

6/18泛亞劇團《上海迷城》 展現1940年代的大上海兒女情懷

17-06-13 计为Jorge Olivo,舞台设计顾问为Sheryl Liu,制作协调为Sabrina Morabito。请继续阅读下方关于演出人员的精彩介绍,诚挚希望民众们亲临观赏,替这群在美国主流剧场届奋斗打拼...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 chaos of the Cultural Revolution, brought on by Mao in the 1960s, General Secretary Liu Shaoqi was...


17-05-28 纽约讯】夏威夷航空公司美东区刘经理(Jannette Liu) 18日拜访纽约中华总商会,成为中华总商会的最新会员,并欲扩大对华人社区的服务范围,福利民众。当日,刘经理在中美旅游公司总经理文敬森的陪同...

学业体育两不误 中国孩子在美国学高球(上)

17-05-28 。本月11日到14日,美国南加州圣地亚哥举办2015年IMG学院世界青少年高尔夫锦标赛(IMG Academy Junior World Championships)。15岁的凯文‧刘(Kevin Liu...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 and Effect. In the Song dynasty (960 – 1279 AD), before Liu Chang was appointed governor of the...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 respected and feared by the Xiongnu, finally collapsed during the rule of Qin the Second. When Liu Bang (256...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 a perfect blend of indigenous Chinese art and the recently arrived Buddhist art. According to Liu Jinglong...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 long come under the sway of Jiang Zemin’s faction. Zhou Yongkang, Liu Yunshan, and Zhang Dejiang are...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 precious gold that it is. The historian named Liu Shu (1032 – 1078 AD) in the Northern Song Dynasty (960...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 Liu Chan just before he died, Zhuge wrote, "I have 800 mulberry trees [which can be used to feed...


17-03-18 ,座位有限,请用以下连结尽早注册:https://goo.gl/AuRcRu(优先满足主办方俱乐部的会员,非会员按注册先后次序,邮件通知)。 阿刘,本名刘宇(Victor Liu),是旅居加拿大的华裔职业...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 , she painted a picture and handed it to Mrs. Liu, a relative, and said to her, "Kou Zhun will...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 general, Wanyan Zonghan, tried to force Hong Hao against his will to be an official for Liu Yu, a traitor...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 kingdom in 2010. Liu Yunshan, a member of the elite Politburo Standing Committee and another Jiang ally...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 herbs. Liu Han (919 – 990 AD) added another 120 in the Song Dynasty. There were a total of 1558 herbs...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 other money launderers, Xi Jinping could conceivably move against Zhang Dejiang, Zhang Gaoli, and Liu...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2) In August of 205 BC, Liu Bang...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 under Lord Liu Bang. At the beginning, Liu Bang didn't think much of him either and only appointed...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 Account of the Tales of the World”, from the Liu Song dynasty (420-479), Cao Cao, King of Wei, became well...

提升中国学生社交能力 美高中降低招收人数

16-03-31 最大困难,不是语言障碍或者适应美式教育的问题,而是如何融入美国同侪的生活圈。由于融入困难,多数中国同学选择与其他中国同学聚在一起。帮助洪同学竞选班代表的托马斯‧柳(Thomas Liu),来自中国西南部...

台湾6.4强震全台摇晃 已14死484人受伤

16-02-06 ,救难人员在一倒塌的建筑大楼进行救援。(STR/AFP/Getty Images)2016年2月6日,台湾台南,发生6.4级大地震后,救难人员在一倒塌的建筑大楼进行救援。(JOHNSON LIU/AFP...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). He rendered great service to Han Dynasty's first emperor, Liu...

纽约台湾《镜观》 31位新锐热情登场

16-01-26 (Tung, Yen-His) 、蒋幸娥(Chiang, Hsing-O) 、刘纪良(Liu, Peter) 、黄友婷(Hwang, Emily Yu-Ting ) 、张瀚元(Chang, Han-Yuan...

高官持多本护照 习严批不懂“政治规矩”

16-01-25 香港的电子机票,3张由香港飞澳洲悉尼,3张由香港飞加拿大多伦多商务机票。2013年7月初,澳洲外交部新闻发言人证实刘铁男持有的澳洲护照为伪造,外交部证实护照上显示的名字“Liu Yaping”并不在澳洲...


16-01-18 (Haiming Liu)分别在2014与2015年出版了关于中餐历史的专著《美国炒杂碎》和《从广东饭馆到熊猫快餐》,两书各有侧重,但共同展现了中餐在美国兴起并走向繁荣的历史。讽刺中国人吃老鼠的漫画美式中餐史前史...

3留美中国学生 凌虐同学被判坐牢

16-01-14 后将被遣返回中国。两名受害人麦嘉怡(Jiayi Mai,音译)和刘怡然(Yiran Liu,音译)分别向12名涉案留学生提起民事赔偿诉讼。三名被告表示放弃上诉权利,检方也撤销了起诉中的折磨(torture...