Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 2)

18-07-29 52 AD, 13-year-old Ma Mingde was selected to serve the crown prince, Liu Zhuang (28 – 75 AD). Once in...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 1)

18-07-25 the Founding Emperor, Liu Xiu, of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 – 220 AD). She was a descendant of Guan...

Avoid Eloquent Speakers, Employ the Honest and Dutiful

18-07-10 Avoid Eloquent Speakers, Employ the Honest and Dutiful Emperor Wen, Liu Heng (202 – 157 BC), was...

Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money

18-06-18 hard labor on building this pavilion?” Emperor Wendi, whose name was Liu Heng, was a good monarch who...

Confucius, Virtue and Selecting a Place of Residence

18-05-28 Liu Xiang (77 – 6 BC). Living in modern day China, I heard of two stories that validate Confucius...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 (维基百科)The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2) Liu Yuxi’s...

窃取潜艇材料 华男被起诉

18-05-05 United States Department of Justice)官方网站4月27日消息,2017年6月,现年53岁来自美国休斯顿的石山(Shan Shi,音译)和32岁的中国公民刘刚(Gang Liu...


18-05-05 Chu)、初业有(Yeyou Chu)、刘翠英(Cuiying Liu)以及张克平(Keping Zhang)。他们被指控通过使用金融服务机构洗钱,为张健和他的公司进行贩毒的资金运转。除了这四名中国公民...

China's First "Monk Emperor": Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty

18-03-31 Yue later wrote Song Shu (The History of the Liu Song Dynasty covering the period from 420 – 479 AD...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 ’s favor. All are his allies, such as Liu He, vice premier and economic adviser; chair of the...

Taking Delight in Having One's Mistakes Pointed Out

18-03-24 enjoys prosperity. What mistakes can there possibly be?" Liu Ji, a chancellor, disagreed, "Your...


18-03-03 ,如观鸟、划独木舟、钓鱼、远足和运动。)报名日期截止至:3月11日(周日)。夏令营日期:7月9日(周一)~8月24日(周五)。查询网站。2、LIU儿童学院夏令营...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 he was well known in his hometown for his kindness. A fellow in Qihe, Liu Xian, and several other...


18-02-23 (Taylor Wang)、严安丽(Elyse Yan) 、严安梅(Emily Yan) 、潘文意(Vanessa Pan) 、刘艳楣(Connie Liu)、张琨(Andy) 、游乐怡(Angela Yu...

  China's Tea Culture (Part 2)

18-02-03 functioned as a carrier to pass on and carry on the spirit of Chinese traditional culture. Liu Zhenliang in...

China Is Having Its Own #MeToo Moment

18-01-21 2016.Former Chinese professor of historiography Liu Yinquan said that the immorality of teachers and the...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 destroy Liu Yu by sowing discord among his enemies, which dealt a heavy blow to the illegitimate regime....

Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 1)

18-01-09 become head of the Tongtai region. In 1133 AD, the illegitimate Qi government of Liu Yu, who had the...

  About Chinese History

17-12-08 people can use history to judge contemporary affairs. Liu Zhiji (661 – 721 AD), an official historian...

Former Clinton Foundation Executive Tied to Chinese Kindergartens Investigated for Child Abuse

17-12-02 teacher surnamed Liu, who was detained by local police, according to Reuters. Several other teachers were...

China’s New Leadership Lineup Leaves Out Key Members of Opposing Faction

17-11-02 2007.Putting Han in and three Jiang faction officials—Zhang Dejiang, Zhang Gaoli and Liu Yunshan—out of the...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 "Li Shimin Defeating Liu Wuzhou," a grand and majestic showcase of music and dance that...


17-10-13 中国央行在回收流动性对冲未来的降准。(LIU JIN/AFP/Getty Images)【看中国记者李正鑫综合报导】10月9日,高盛集团认为,中国央行可能会再次调整其货币政策,以应对十九大后经济形势...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 calligraphers among all of the dynasties. For example, Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Yan Zhenqing, and Liu Gongquan...

2018 春夏纽约时装周日程表新鲜出炉

17-09-08 Lauren7.00pm Babyghost8.30pm Ricardo Seco9.00pm The Blonds9月13日(周三)9.00am Liu Jia10.00am Michael Kors11.00am...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 example, when Liu Kezhuang (1187 – 1269 AD) became an official of Guangdong during the Song Dynasty, he...


17-08-23 负责人Wendy Liu主讲。她毕业于瑞士ITI旅游管理学院研究生专业,主管联谊假期华盛公司,有丰富的旅游专业知识,对美国市场有著敏锐的动查力和极强的执行力。基于和美国当地及联邦政府一直保持良好的关系,长...

Dying for a Just Cause and  Accruing Virtue with Good Deeds

16-08-14 Liu Yi, courtesy name Zixiang, lived in Yingyin during the East Han Dynasty (25 – 220 AD). He was...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame When Emperor Guangwu, Liu Xiu (5 BC – 57 AD), ruled China...


16-07-31 抽出时间去看电影及参加朋友聚会。平时游泳及参加课外社区活动的刘同学(Justin Liu)表示,人们已了解我们不是一群为了拿到第一名只会读书的学生。我们需要参与更多的活动,可以保有中国文化的同时,融入...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 policies and treated him even better. When Liu An, the Huainan King, rebelled, he was afraid of Ji An. He...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24 The head of Shu nation Liu Chan was abducted to Luoyang. Meng Huo was still grateful for the...

Convincing People with Virtue (1/2)

16-07-19 China was divided into three nations: Wei, Shu, and Wu. The emperor of Shu nation, Liu Bei, left...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 banished by Qin Hui. Whoever spoke up for Yue Fei would be persecuted; Liu Yunsheng, a common person...

毕业季到 留美或回国 中国留学生这么想

16-06-08 。留在美国继续深造或累积专业经验刘远波(Yuanbo Liu,音译),就读米德尔伯里大学(Middlebury College),主修经济学。他认为中国留学生毕业后的就业,不是二选一的问题,很多中国学生...

Deities Cannot be Fooled With 神灵不可欺戏

16-06-05 and more atheists. There used to be a Mr. Chen, a theist, and Mr. Liu, an atheist. They are good...


16-05-28 ©图 | Vickie Liu 甜甜圈不仅仅是一种美味,更可以是一种艺术来自澳大利亚的专业吃货、烘焙作者Vickie Liu制作的这些甜甜圈可爱成这样,怎么下得了口▼ 流口水了吗?没有的话再看一遍! ...

老板接电话口误   华裔移民加拿大被拒

16-05-22 一名中国留学生刘某(CAN HUI LIU)以“焊工”的专业申请申请加拿大经验类移民,而移民官联系他的经理后,发现他是记账员。虽然经理后来改口,但是仍没有获得移民官的信任。刘某随即向联邦法院提出上诉...

The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits

16-05-18 The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits Liu Hongyi lived in Pengcheng (currently called the...

The Influence of Forbearance and Benevolence

16-04-24 ). He married a Ms. Liu from a rich family. Zhang Jin's mother was extremely bossy and envious....