Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 eliminated immediately. By then it would be too late to regret." Yang Guozhong took power after Li Linfu...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 tariff is [lower].’ It’s the art of the deal; people don’t understand that about Trump,” However, in any...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 October 1999, four months after the nationwide persecution against it began.According to Minghui, the...

Taiwan Says With Chinese Warships, Aircraft Carrier Represents a Growing Threat

17-01-01 carriers. It added that naval supply bases in South America should be implemented for the carriers.“When...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 the sun and the moon. There is no one else like Xu Da, the Great General." It is sad that many...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 position. It is said that he had "an eye for recognizing virtuous prime ministers." Many famous...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates In traditional Chinese culture, it is believed that a person's...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 $2 billion. Earlier this year, it bought Strategic Hotels & Resorts from Blackstone Group for $6.5 billion...

港媒:北京扫黄两大目标 事关十九大防阴谋家  

16-12-27 ,除了那些准备狂欢作乐的富人贵人IT人突然少了几个窝点,还有围观的网民好奇这些会所到底有多污外,相信发怵的大有人在。文章说,中共十八大后,各种各样的运动一波接一波,然而北京城区居然还存在号称最豪天下人间的藏污纳垢之处...


16-12-19 ,在北京IT行业工作了近四年的刘文平本来准备回合肥买房置业,但经过此轮房价暴涨后,刘文平打消了主意。在一二线城市的选择上,刘文平的选择颇具代表性,他说,我宁愿在北京郊区买房,房价虽高,但是至少工资有保障...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 return it after the work has been done. Now the owner has come to me to complain. You should immediately...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 generally view the CNH to be an accurate predictor of future dollar to yuan direction as it is not...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 All Generations") and hung it in the palace to show his determination to rule the nation by...

防止金融危机爆发 中共政治局突破惯例

16-12-17 上采取更加积极的举措。日前,排名中国民营企业500强第一名的华为发布【2016】094号文,披露了创始人任正非在质量与流程IT管理部员工座谈会上的讲话内容,在本次讲话中,任正非提醒内部:金融危机可能即将到来,一定要...

德系操控,谁与争锋?2017款Subaru Forester

16-12-17 creates uniform stability and delivers an optimal distribution of power for maximum traction. It makes for...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 around with his hands. One day, he found a bag on the road, and it contained two hundred gold pieces...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 territory and instead recognized the People’s Republic of China.“I think it was a terrific message to them...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 ancestor led his army through it, destroying any obstruction. No one could stop them! Therefore, to defend...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 9)

16-12-12 Money and property are what everyone seeks, and they are indispensable. But if one obtains it by illegal...

居家生活好帮手 2017 Honda CR-V

16-12-12 behind the second row. Fold down the last row, and it expands to 70.9 cubic feet....

健康达人亲自做美食  dadam 韩餐: 独一无二新滋味 全天然食材 滋补有秘方

16-12-06 Eventually I learned that kelp root has many nutritional benefits. It could quickly cleanse the body of...

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS 绝对的王者睥睨

16-12-06 自然的书写方式,输入字母、特殊字元及数字。2017 Mercedes-Benz GLSDesignIntroducing the GLS. It gets more than a new letter...

除了买房 看看美国中产阶级怎么投资理财

16-12-06 :房地产是一项长期投资而不是致富的捷径;买房者应该至少将房产保留5年后再出售,这样可以保证有所回报。Jason今年45岁,任职于矽谷一家IT企业,年薪25万美元;而他的妻子Martha,是一位美容顾问...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 and unscientific, but it manifests an important principle. According to the atheist theory, such...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 It has been a year since China’s Communist Party announced that it would be ending its notorious...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 8)

16-12-04 It results from the diversity of thinking and opinions among people. For an ethical and educated man...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 over it personally. During the conference, Kangxi reprimanded Tosheetu Khan for his aggression. Then...


16-12-03 报》刊登广告,但直至到期日仍未支付广告费。因此,香港经济日报有限公司12月1日上诉区域法院,追讨48万元欠款、利息兼诉讼费。乐视在香港多间IT媒体都有刊登广告,但今年传出多起乐视拖欠广告费。香港...

Song Jinggong’s Compassion Thwarts Disaster

16-11-29 Ziwei. He said, "It is most ominous that the Yinghuo Star moved into the region of the Xinsu Star....

明日智 今日能 2017 Mercedes-Benz E300

16-11-28 into the side profile. It all culminates in muscular rear shoulders and glistening LED taillamps.2.0L...


16-11-28 美国主要的技术人才签证计划, H-1B签证计划,可能会受到侯任总统川普及其拟议的司法部长Jeff Sessions的重新审查。IT外包公司可能受到的冲击通常来说,H1-B签证每年有65,000个工人...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 7)

16-11-28 sun as they normally do after the eclipse passes. In this metaphor it is pointed out that every person...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 findings and recommendations and answered questions from the public.“The Commission believes it’s time to...

激进设定的轿跑 2017 Mercedes Benz C300     2017 Mercedes Benz C300

16-11-21 the way it moves you.It's exceptionally sleek yet subtly elegant. Generous with space and safety...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

16-11-20 needed.The fluctuation of the grain prices didn’t matter to him – neither did profits, really, so it seemed....

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 in any industry. It is not being done through quality products or national innovation with which...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 mistakes." Even people known for outstanding merits are not immune to making mistakes. Thus, it is...


16-11-19 occurrence. It is the ultimate home-delivery service.(这就像是一个无限的送餐到家服务。)」  虽然这两位老太太因为语言的障碍,并没有办法愉快的交流。中国温老太太只会说...

纯粹越野情怀 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited              

16-11-14 traction. 3.6L PENTASTAR® V6 ENGINErated at 17 city/21 highway mpg. It has 285 horsepower and kicks out 260...