South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 English-language business and financial magazine in South Korea, reported widespread use of Supermicro servers...

By Doing Good We Benefit Ourselves

18-10-11 kept it for himself? Mr. Zhang might have committed suicide over the huge financial loss, and in turn...

China’s Real-Estate Sector Faces Massive Layoffs as Beijing Cools Housing Prices

18-09-10 financial institutions have been reducing their balance sheets, real-estate companies in China are having...

Internal Document Linked to Huawei Reveals Firm’s Nationalist Agenda Amid US–Sino Trade War

18-08-24 the memo.On Aug. 16, Cao Shanshi, a well-known Chinese financial news personality and commenter...

The Great Learning in Ancient China (Part 2)

18-08-24 Chuncui, became a financial minister. They were all righteous and were not afraid to speak up. They loved...

Online Censorship in Full Swing as Vaccine Recall Scandal Erupts in China

18-07-30 vaccines is to blame for the persistent problem.Parents who seek financial compensation and legal redress...

Political Uncertainty in Beijing as Annual Seaside Political Meeting Draws Near

18-07-21 trade war with the United States.A protracted trade war could deal a serious financial blow to the...

China’s US Exports Weakens Amid Trade Tensions

18-07-10 export statistics on July 13, according to a Financial Times report.Beijing may have felt the urge to...

投资移民签证时间长 国会将怎么办

18-06-29 这么长时间,投资人的孩子们早就过了未成人的年龄(21岁),对于那些为了孩子的美国身分而投资的父母来说,这个绿卡已经失去了意义。根据美国EB-5服务公司NES Financial的数据,到2020年为止,美国...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 , released June 7, found that Obama granted Iran access to the U.S. financial system despite public claims...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 analyst at Gavekal Dragonomics, told the Financial Times in a June 8 report.“The fate of ZTE has taken...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 of asset purchases by Chinese companies in Portugal.Years of budgetary and financial mismanagement at...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 term “bubble” has been applied to collapses of several financial asset classes, including the 1930s...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 billion. A Financial Times article noted that soybeans have an added political meaning, as the big...

China’s Viral Eye-Rolling Reporter Incident Reveals a Darker Secret

18-03-22 by netizens as Liang Xiangyi, of the Chinese financial news site Yicai, while the reporter-in-red was...


18-03-12 成为理 财专业人士,请来电或亲临我们在法拉盛和布鲁克林分行。Rony A. Nehme,  CLU®, LUTCF  Managing DirectorEmpire City Financial...


18-02-26 【看中国讯】“财富”杂志最近出台的2018年100家“最适合工作的公司”名单中包括了总部位于华盛顿地区的五家公司:排名17位的第一资本银行 (Capital One Financial), 排名33...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 military, economic and financial communications.”The report demonstrates that multiple Chinese front...

Protecting the Environment Is China’s Latest Excuse to Bully Taiwanese Businesses

18-01-21 closure.The company said severe environment regulations had caused major financial losses, leading to the...


18-01-10 金融公司(OceanFirst Financial Corp)等大企业宣布发放员工奖金后,Hunterdon郡的汽车经销商Flemington Car and Truck Country日前也宣布发$500...

Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 2)

18-01-01 said to Zhou, "Since you are in such financial difficulty, how about allowing others to adopt your...

By Snatching Up British Company, China Closes Gap on US Naval Supremacy

17-12-23 2008 in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, was allowed to go through by the Gordon Brown...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 China recently opened its financial system to more foreign ownership, allowing foreign investors to...

Western Universities Are Getting Chinese Communist Party Organizations on Campus—in China and at Home

17-11-25 foreign-funded universities to establish party organizations on campus, according to a Financial Times report...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 (about $196 million).Yang’s poor human rights record, and questionable financial dealings, have fueled...


17-11-10 金融中心” (offshore financial centre),基本上是企业和个人在自己国家适用规范以外的一种金融管辖区,以减少属国对己身获利或资产的课税。通常具备隐秘和稳定特性,也时常设在小岛...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 elections, is now under the spotlight for his actions and financial ties related to Russia.When Mueller was...

普天寿携亚裔商会 助更多亚裔家庭稳健投资

17-09-29 【看中国纽约讯】9月20日,有超过140年历史的普天寿金融顾问公司(Prudential Financial, Inc.)在纽约法拉盛喜来登酒店举办了推介交流会。交流会上,公司代表介绍了公司...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 and moderating the country's financial expenditures. It was recorded in the Chapter on Discipline...

纽约渡轮 悠哉 一日游

17-09-20号码头 Pier 79码头附近是无畏号航母博物馆。顺著42街走下去就进入时报广场了。2.世界金融中心World Financial Center...

Protected by an "Ethereal Sarong"

17-09-18 student and did not seek fame or financial gain. However, by the time he was 30, he was still unable to...

麦慧琪-不断书写传奇的女中豪杰  访中美第一家跨国家族办公室-纽约财富

17-09-16 有实战经验与专业财税知识丰富的认证财富规划师(CFP, certified financial planner)来主导,他们很多都已在相关的保险、税务、金融行业累积多年的工作管理经验,特别擅长于资产配置...


16-08-09 :芬克尔斯坦图书馆(Finkelstein Library),地址:24 West Route 59, Spring Valley, NY 10977。 9月23日(周五)金融理财日(Financial...


16-07-12 )增加经费的法案,在国会众议院通过,现等待联邦参议院的投票。该法案是「金融服务与政府拨款法案」(Financial Services and General Government...

南海仲裁在即 外界关注中菲美三方如何反应

16-07-11 反应。英媒分析中、菲、美三方的可能反应英国《金融时报(Financial Times)》中文网7月11日刊文称联合国仲裁法院没有执法权,不能迫使中方做任何事,北京也不会从任一个新的人工岛屿上撤离。但如果裁决...


16-05-29 来自Brightpeak Financial,

亚洲多家银行被骇 朝鲜或是幕后黑手

16-05-27 Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication ),是一个协作组织,它运营著世界级的金融电文网络,银行和其它金融机构通过它与同业交换电文(message...


16-05-22 出现过,当时也是富有的买主,包括部分外国买主以现金买房,如今已经造成了美国买家和海外买家抢房的局面。全球金融诚信(Global Financial Integrity)2012年12月的数据显示,中国在2010年...


16-04-19 of Treasury)的金融犯罪执法部门(Financial Crime Enforcement Network)。如果30天内,银行怀疑存款人故意每次存款不超过1万美元,有可能牵涉洗钱、逃税或其他...


16-04-17 financial aid):  美国高等教育的高花费是一些国际留学生的一大关注点。对于这些学生来讲,深入调查学费花销和相关经济资助情况是了解美国高校时十分重要的一点。  尽管对于留学生的支持是有限的,并且竞争激烈...