
18-12-27 York, NY 10014。费用:$38。网站:tinyurl.com/yamackrs。4. 快乐除晦日 Good Riddance Day每年纽约时代广场联盟举办的“除晦日”,俨然已成为新年倒计时预热...

Not Keeping the Money Found, Abundant Wealth is Rewarded

18-12-25 wife made a living by growing silkworms and operating two silk-weaving machines. One day, Shi Fu was on...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 , who lived with his three sons. One day the old man said to his sons, “I have always taken care of the...

Bad Deeds Foretold Ill Fortune; Good Deeds Reversed the Outcome

18-12-24 fulfill it with care. Don't ever be slack!” The next day after he got up, he felt freshened and...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 border grew better day by day. The Chu people thought it strange at first. They secretly investigated and...

Mencius (Part 2)

18-11-28 Mencius (Part 2) Every Day I Was Hoping the Lord of Qi Would Change His Mind! Mencius went to the...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 lost by 38,197 votes amid post-election day ballot counting.Arizona was expressly named in the Open...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21  While working on the land one day, Xu heard someone approaching and yelling “Teacher.” Xu looked up and...

Florida AG Bondi Orders Investigation of Election Irregularities

18-11-15 come to precincts with ballots inside on Election Day, but are then filled with “supplies” and returned...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1)

18-11-09 Xu the next day, he was gone, and no one knew where he went.帝尧、帝舜师事许由 (上) 许由是上古时代一位高洁清节之士,《庄子•天地》篇云...

美国报税季开始 今年报税时间有变

17-01-24 ,美国报税截止日为每年的4月15日午夜12时,如遇假日或周末,可顺延到隔周的星期一。今年的4月15日是星期六,原本应顺延到4月17日,但当天是华盛顿特区的〝解放日〞(Emancipation Day...


17-01-23 。         费用: $20起(Day Pass),18岁以下免费。   ...

4月活动汇集 | 纽约 • 约会春天...

16-04-04 ://www.hellenicsocieties.org/PARADES.html地球日EARTH DAY地球日设有一个绿色车辆展示,展览,家庭活动,音乐,娱乐联合广场时间:4月17日费用:免费地址:Union Square (North Plaza...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 a Xiu Cai. One day he called upon a friend to exchange writing skills. He wrote an essay titled, “Wise...


16-03-31 被欺骗的愚人之象征,而金羊毛星座(白羊座)所在的4月1日就成了Argo愚人节(Argo Fool’s Day) 。后来Argo的希腊文Ἀργώ被误传为April,这一天就变成了四月愚人节。5.愚人节从时间...

Everyone's Fortune Is Predestined

16-03-27 that said, "On a certain month, day, and year, He Rushen borrowed 50 taels from Heaven." The...


16-03-20 服务项目与资源,几个机构联合起来,在盖城举办一个超级报税日(Super Tax Day)。超级报税日是4月2日(周六)上午11点到下午4点,在博尔公园(Bohrer Park)的活动中心举行,地址是506...


16-03-12 (可乐)。3. 每年3月17日的爰尔兰节日圣帕特里克节(St.Patrick’s Day),芝加哥市内的芝加哥河都会被染成绿色,纽约的第五大道也会举行大游行,全国各地的人们也都会穿上至少一件绿色的衣服...

被批评像希特勒 川普回应:荒谬

16-03-08 ·惠特曼,也在CNN晨间节目“新的一天”(New Day)中,对女主播卡梅洛塔(Alisyn Camerota)说,川普暂时禁止穆斯林进入美国的计划,让她想起了希特勒的那种言论。川普以往对这种类比不屑一顾...


16-02-22 ,就会通过电话或电邮与申请人联系,如此往返,直到批准或拒绝房贷申请。一旦美国买房贷款申请被批准,贷款机构就会准备好各种文件,在过户那一天(closing day or settlement day)将美国...


16-02-14 ,在西方国家里就被称为Valentine's Day ,用以纪念那位为情人做主而牺牲的神父。传说二:为罗马众神的皇后设计的节日在古罗马时期,2月14日是为表示对约娜的尊敬而设的节日。约娜是罗马众神...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 Many westerners question why the Chinese New Year's Day is not a fixed date in the calendar....

5家公司想抢经纪约 子瑜传身价涨3倍

16-02-06 和 Girl's Day 的惠利,韩媒也特别看好她能度过危机,成为亮眼新星。有趣的是,由于JYP社长朴轸永的行事风格相当铁血,树敌不少,当周子瑜跌入谷底时,许多同业都等著看好戏,在传出JYP有意开除周子瑜之际...

One Stray Thought with a 600 Year Consequence

16-02-06 upside down on his hands and leaned against a wall to rest. One day he met a Taoist who told him, "...


16-02-02 2月2日,是北美地区传统节日土拨鼠日(Groundhog Day)。宾夕法尼亚州著名的土拨鼠费尔(Phil)上午7点20分由洞穴中出来,“告诉”土拨鼠俱乐部(Groundhog Club)主席...

Right Here Waiting,我会一直等你

16-02-02 高尚、古典,越是能忍受,就越是能坚定地爱。歌词:Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日and I slowly go insane.我一步步走向疯狂I hear...

Sharp Words Inflict More Pain Than Swords

16-01-30 temper. On the first day, the boy hammered more than 30 nails. Afterwards, the amount of nails gradually...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 second day, Zhang Liang was late again and the old man told him the same thing. On the third day, Zhang...

美国报税季启动 勿忘几个重要日子

16-01-30 ,可顺延到隔周的星期一。今年华盛顿特区的“解放日”(Emancipation Day)假日在4月15日(星期五),因此报税截止日顺延到4月18日。请注意4月18日也是展延报税六个月的最后申请期限。10月17日...

古味罗克兰郡 旅游好风情

16-01-30 前排右三:孟昭文、右二:Ed Day、右一:顾雅明;后排右三:郭曼丽和Lucy(右一)。(摄影/陈怡)【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】1月20日(周三),联邦小企业署纽约办公室与罗克兰郡在皇后区法拉盛...


16-01-23 延期缴纳报税表,不包括缴纳税款的延期。  在通常情况下,报税截止日期是在4月15日,不过今年这一天正好是首都华盛顿特区的黑奴解放日(Emancipation Day),因此向后推迟至4月18日...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 , a convicted thief would be thrown into rivers to drown. One day when Bohan passed by a river, a drowning...

美国报税季启动 勿忘几个重要日子

16-01-21 午夜12时,如遇假日或周末,可顺延到隔周的星期一。今年华盛顿特区的“解放日”(Emancipation Day)假日在4月15日(星期五),因此报税截止日顺延到4月18日。请注意4月18日也是展延报税...

古味罗克兰郡 旅游好风情

16-01-20 前排(右三)孟昭文、(右二)Ed Day、(右一)顾雅明,后排(右三)郭曼丽和(右一)Lucy(摄影/陈怡)【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】1月20日,联邦小企业署纽约办公室与罗克兰郡在皇后区法拉盛图书馆...


16-01-20 。通常情况下,报税截止日期是在4月15日,不过今年的这一天正好是华盛顿特区的黑奴解放日(Emancipation Day),因此向后推迟至4月18日。这一天也是2015年纳税人向IRA, Roth IRA...

美退还伊朗昔日冻结巨款 化解久积隔阂

16-01-18 履行核协议义务,西方随即解除相关制裁。美国是在核协议履行日(Implementation Day)的次日做出这项决定的,被外界视为将有助于两个宿敌更进一步化解久积的隔阂。美国总统奥巴马(Barack...

2016年大片盘点 || 欧美大片集结,钱包准备好了吗?

16-01-17 ,但一次事故让她重新记起了之前的家人和朋友,于是她决定重新寻找自己的父母查理和珍妮。Dory与Marlin和Nemo两父子又会碰上什么奇遇呢?No.8 《独立日:卷土重来》(Independence Day...


16-01-14 :ticketmaster.com。9、威科夫农庄免费家庭日Free Family Day at Wyckoff Farmhouse  建于1652年的威科夫农舍(Wyckoff Farmhouse)是纽约市最古老的建筑,活动日...


16-01-13 day”来说这个人物的过去,简单易懂↓↓↓《西雅图时报》的用词就比较凝炼,aging ex-gangster,好像一下子把六爷的时代感突显了出来,gangster可以表示歹徒或者黑社会成员等含义...


16-01-11 :ticketmaster.com。9、威科夫农庄免费家庭日Free Family Day at Wyckoff Farmhouse  建于1652年的威科夫农舍(Wyckoff Farmhouse)是纽约市最古老的建筑,活动日...