
19-12-27 27日(周五)~12月28日(周六)13:30~16:30。费用:$40。地点:新泽西皇冠广场酒店(Crown Plaza Hotel)。地址:2055 Lincoln Highway, RT.27...


19-11-17 CROWN(Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) “为天然的发型创造一个受尊重和开放的世界”法案,类似于7月分在纽约和加利福尼亚州通过的...


19-07-25 轻型电动摩托车,分别在威廉斯堡、绿点及布什维克运行。现在他们增设了1000辆电动摩托车,并将服务扩展到皇后区阿斯托利亚(astoria)、布碌仑雷德胡克(red hook)、王冠高地(crown...


19-06-21 的区域。对布鲁克林来说,邓波(DUMBO)是租金最贵的地区;而皇冠高地(Crown Heights)和贝德福德-史岱文森(Bedford-Stuyvesant)则是最近最便宜的地区。那么,今年夏天究竟在...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 righteous behavior. When Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin's elder brother, became the crown prince, Wang Gui was...

社区问答_660_ 简介照明灯及免费LED灯的申取

18-10-15 Gardens)及布鲁克林区(Greenpoint, East Williamsburg, Bushwick, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, East Flatbush...


18-09-23 第70届艾美奖颁奖典礼在洛杉矶揭晓,《冰与火之歌:权力游戏》和《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》抱回大奖,英国女星克莱儿芙伊(Claire Foy)在影集《王冠》(The Crown)饰演英国女王伊莉莎白二世...


18-08-23 /布什维克高谭健康 (Gotham Health, Bushwick)地址:335 Central Ave。纽约市健康及医院/皇冠高地高谭健康(Gotham Health, Crown)地址:1218...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 3)

18-08-10 Dynasty (Part 2 of 2) Empress Zhangsun's oldest son, Li Chengqian (619 – 645 AD), was named crown...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 3)

18-08-05 ), Emperor Li Yuan passed the crown to Li Shimin, who was known as Emperor Taizong, and Zhangsun became the...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 2)

18-07-29 52 AD, 13-year-old Ma Mingde was selected to serve the crown prince, Liu Zhuang (28 – 75 AD). Once in...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 1)

18-07-25 Consorts (the Ladies). At that time, Guo gave birth to a son, Liu Jiang, the crown prince (heir apparent...

Three Stories of the Virtue of Emperor Taizong

18-05-18 a memorial to the emperor, saying that the crown prince was due for the Adult Ceremony soon, and that the...


18-05-17 Beach本片为英国电视影集《空王冠》(The Hollow Crown)的导演多明尼克·库克(Dominic Cooke)的首部长片电影,改编自伊英国作家恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)进入布克文学奖...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 3)

18-05-03 , bestowing it upon the crown prince Li Zhi. The book contained twelve guidelines that a ruler must abide by...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 crown prince, Emperor Taizong set even stricter rules for him. He had to stand up whenever his teacher...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21 the East Palace where the crown prince resided, a rumor came out of the royal palace that the...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 lessons and homework from the previous day. The crown prince was 13 at the time, and he had to get up even...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 bed, Fan was the first to advise the Emperor to name a crown prince, to settle the public's...

泡沫破裂   美服饰零售店现关店潮

17-04-18 。投资机构Crown Realty Services的合伙人Stephen Stephanou表示,Ralph Lauren此次高调关店是向美国其他百货与零售商发出信号,意味著新一轮的关店潮...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 with the duty of educating his son, the Crown Prince. Heng Rong was knowledgeable and honest, so...


16-07-26 by Mike, HackensackLatteria, SwedesboroMilk Sugar Love, Jersey CityRoyale Crown Homemade Ice Cream...


16-05-23 三角人行带上由大法拉盛商会的会员Crown Container公司捐赠的3个垃圾桶。主席Simon Gerson表示,大法拉盛商会努力解决该三角街区丢弃垃圾的问题,捐置垃圾桶,并每天清走。现在,卫生局...

解300年难题 英数学家获阿贝尔奖金70万美元

16-03-17 这个国际性大奖。阿贝尔奖金为600万挪威克朗(合约70万美元)。挪威将在5月举行颁奖典礼,由王储哈康(Crown Prince Haakon)亲自授奖予怀尔斯。今年62岁的怀尔斯,在英国剑桥长大,10岁时...

台湾包 新创意

16-02-20 辨识风“CROWN皇冠”是一家拥有亚洲最大箱包生产及营运基地的品牌,多年来致力于箱包创新设计与技术革新,引领业界高技术制造与时尚潮流趋势。为了超越传统箱包的范畴,皇冠推出全球首款指纹辨识系统行李箱...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 also honored as a grand tutor to the crown prince. Throughout his entire life, Tao Shu was...

女王逼查尔斯放弃王位 威廉凯特年底将加冕国王王后

16-01-14 Crown),皇冠与1661年查理二世的加冕时制作。皇冠纯金制作,红色的传统圆环加4道弓形拱的主体结构,上面的嵌有珠宝球。拱形之间是镶嵌著珠宝的百合花装饰,上有4000多颗各种珠宝,重量达4斤。平时被放在...


16-01-14 Fortwo的轴距1867毫米,Peel P50轴距更是只有1270毫米。最宽的轿车在产车型:兰博基尼Aventador 车身宽度:2030毫米历史车型:克莱斯勒Crown Imperial 车身宽度...

The Allure Group 疗养院集团拜访中华总商会

15-12-11 。The Allure Group 疗养院集团,已创办40馀年,在纽约市区有8家疗养中心,其中包括 Linden center, Hamilton Center, Bedford Center, Crown...

The Allure Group 疗养院集团拜访中华总商会

15-12-10 Linden center, Hamilton Center, Bedford Center, Crown Heights Center, Harlem Center, King David Center...


15-09-07 Avenue,抵达大军广场(Grand Army Plaza)终点。交通:搭乘地铁3、4、5号线到Crown Hts-Utica Ave站。电话:718-467-1797。 网站...


15-09-02 Avenue出发至Flatbush Avenue,抵达大军广场(Grand Army Plaza)终点。  交通:搭乘地铁3、4、5号线到Crown Hts-Utica Ave站。  电话...

澳天文摄影大赛获奖作品出炉 瑰丽宇宙摄人心魄(高清组图)

15-07-28 《Solar Crown》获得太阳系天文摄影类摄影奖。(网页截图)摄影师Andrew Campbell作品获得深空类摄影奖。(网页截图)摄影师Matthew Cherubino获青年天文摄影奖。(网页截图...


15-06-25 英国房地产业的繁荣促使伊丽莎白二世女王的收入大涨。  周三,负责打理王室大部分资产的英国皇家财产局(Crown Estate)公布破纪录利润。该组织在最近一个财年的收入再创新高,达到2.851亿英镑...

来纽约 品尝21道实惠味美的早午餐

15-03-28 嫩蛋、酪梨酱、吐司、辣荷兰酱餐厅:查韦拉的店(Chavela’s)地区:皇冠高地(Crown Heights)官网:http://www.chavelasnyc.com/二、法式吐司这项源自欧洲的面包...


15-03-09 。其中的一条消息声称,这种技术感觉上就像是“用户看到就想按的一个巨大按钮”。用户需要数字表冠(Digital Crown)来放大,因为古尔曼声称Apple Watch并无按钮放大功能。用户只能够操作定向敲击...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 A.D., Emperor Liu Zhuang died. Liu Dan, the crown prince, ascended to the throne. He named Empress Ma...

大雪过后遍地冰 纽约市数万“蜗居”者和流浪者栖身避寒皆不易

15-02-02 New York World的电脑分析发现,截止去年12月31日,27%的“蜗居”公寓至少有两项永久性违规。进一步分析发现,10栋大楼每套公寓至少有3项严重违规,而布鲁克林皇冠高地(Crown...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 families.In 52 A.D, at the age of 13, she was selected to join the court of Liu Zhuang, the crown prince....

纽约市一名男子闯入教堂行凶 遭警察击毙

14-12-09 据美联社报道,警方说,今天凌晨1点40分左右,闯入皇冠高地(Crown Heights)犹太教堂的那名男子同执法人员开始对峙。一名目击者说,那名男子最初放下刀子,随即又拿起来。警方说,那名男子拒绝...