
19-01-03 (大纪元)作者∣柏川我在墨尔本某大学孔子学院网站看到过一篇研究文章《Chinese Culture and The Law》——这篇文章以儒家思想的名义,讲述的完全是共产党的理论和实践,并试图把中共...

Art Dealer Says Shen Yun Has ‘Never Been Done Anywhere’ Before

18-12-27 Chinese dance company, has just kicked off its 2019 tour that will span four continents and over a hundred...

Xuan Zang's Compassion Overcame Ruthless Bandits

18-12-27 spent another 19 years translating the Buddhist scriptures into Chinese so the public could read them....

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 seen in China today. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took control of the nation, traditional...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 mid-2010s, many people thought the Chinese system would collapse completely. It did not.Diana Choyleva is...

Bad Deeds Foretold Ill Fortune; Good Deeds Reversed the Outcome

18-12-24 Bad Deeds Foretold Ill Fortune; Good Deeds Reversed the Outcome There is an ancient Chinese saying...


18-12-23 斯坦福大学胡佛研究所11月29日发表213页的重量级报告,即“中国影响与美国利益,提高建设性警惕”(Chinese Influence & American Interests: Promoting...


18-12-05 at Sunnylands)11月29日在华盛顿共同发布《中国影响和美国利益:推动建设性警惕》(Chinese Influence & American Interests: Promoting...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 Stories of Tolerance (Part 1) An old Chinese saying states, “Ancient gentlemen are strict with...

A Virtuous Mother From the Three Kingdoms Era

18-11-12 (151-230), the founder of the regular Chinese calligraphy script known as kaishu, was married to Zhang...

How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

18-11-12 courageously wrote a petition to the Emperor 2,000 years ago. Ban Gu (A.D. 32-92), a Chinese historian and...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 Beijing considers halving taxes on vehicle purchases to spur sales growthThe Chinese automotive...

Zeng Shen Sincerely Complied with Confucius’ Teachings

18-10-25 respect to one's teacher are traditional values found in ancient Chinese culture. Sayings such as...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1)

18-10-25 contributions to the development of Chinese pottery. In order to make a living, Shun worked as a potter in...

Mencius: One Prospers in Calamities and Perishes in Comfort

18-10-20 hardship earlier” is a good thing.Ancient Chinese Government Officials From Humble BackgroundsAccording to...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been using a variety of methods to infiltrate the Hollywood film...


17-02-03 的影響深遠。本次展覽由偶戲達人史蒂芬•凱派林(Stephen Kaplin)及中國戲劇工作坊(Chinese Theatre Works)所策劃,內容包括寶琳班頓的生涯事業,以及她對美國偶戲發展的影響...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 , and Zhang Xian on the eve of the Chinese New Year in 1142 AD. People were in tears when they heard the...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 “ghostwriting”.  However, the literal wording in Chinese is “holding a scimitar”, not holding a pen. It...

A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 Content that would be strictly blocked on a Chinese website sometimes could be found inside mobile...


17-01-23 ,造访法拉盛文艺中心,享受现场表演、品尝精致点心、浏览手工艺品,同庆鸡年。元月28日(大年初一,周六)上午11点与下午2两点,法拉盛文艺中心将举办第三届中国新年庙会(Chinese New Year...

万物皆有灵 意念可相通

16-04-02 Chinese Medicine),曾经刊登过一份研究报告描述:“Chulin Sun是一位拥有特殊能力的女士,为中国人体科学学会的成员之一。她是一位外气(Waiqi)气功师。而外气指的是一种气功,它教导气功师...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 ! A vat of vinegar!” [Note: In both ancient and modern Chinese expression, vinegar is a metaphor for...

Everyone's Fortune Is Predestined

16-03-27 young. One Chinese New Year's Eve while all the families in town were celebrating the New Year and...


16-03-23 1、拉弹吟唱宋词明曲 Chinese Literature, Music, and Opera胸藏文墨怀若谷,腹有诗书气自华!这期特别的节目将呈现宋词名曲之蕴,丝竹吟唱之幽。文学之初来自民间千百年来...

A Brief Discussion on the Chinese Character "Ren" (忍, Forbearance)

16-03-05 A Brief Discussion on the Chinese Character "Ren" (忍, Forbearance) The Chinese character...

新泽西新海中文学校 2016年第一场华语测验

16-03-03 语文评量,很高兴纽泽西的中文学校能参与这项测验,评量的回馈将有利学校掌握学生学习的成效”。“华语文能力测验” (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language,简称TOCFL...

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens Filial piety is one of the Chinese traditional...


16-02-20 人不计算卡路里? 》(Why the Chinese Don't Count Calories)一书中指出,虽然很多西方人觉得中华饮食过于油腻,不利健康,但事实上,真正的中华饮食不仅健康养生...


16-02-18 ,或者,就在端详现场展览的同时,回味专属于您甜蜜记忆吧!展览日期:2月14日(周日)至2月28日(周日)逢周末中午12点至下午5点。建议票价:$5元/会员及学生免费。⑵中国新年庙会(Chinese New...


16-02-13 权力搞权色交易。美国《国家利益》(The National Interest)2月10日发表一篇名为〈中国98%的‘老虎’有一共同特征〉(98Percent of Corrupt Chinese...

中餐业在美面临三老危机 业界忧引发倒闭潮

16-02-12 蓬勃发展,成为一支独秀。据纽约邮报(New York Post)引述〝中餐通讯〞(Chinese Restaurant News)的统计资料,截至2007年1月,全美共有43,000多家中餐馆,大大超过...


16-02-11 Chinese New Year!马来西亚家庭及社会发展部副部长拿汀巴杜卡周美芬,又是马华副总会长,希望读者新的一年充满干劲,她祝愿:元宵月圆,代表团聚与圆满,更是新春佳节后,收拾心情,全面冲刺的开始,它代表了一...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 Many westerners question why the Chinese New Year's Day is not a fixed date in the calendar....


16-02-09 that the Chinese team won the Olympic champion.  The fact that the money has gone does not mean it was...


16-01-26 承认自己有过失,表示忏悔,他们的表态引起人们各种揣测和质疑。达林在被捕前是总部位于美国的人权组织"人权卫士紧急救援协会"(Chinese Urgent Action Working...


16-01-25 :美国华人博物馆 (Museum of Chinese in America)。  地址:215 Centre Street New York, NY 10013。  地铁:N, Q, R, J, Z...

A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade

16-01-14 A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade The Chinese and the modern western science view...


16-01-13 (灰姑娘)”,力争让外国影迷都能明白其中的奥妙:《大话西游之月光宝盒》 A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box《大话西游之大圣娶亲(又名...