
19-01-03 in China in certain sectors,many multinational firms have assumed they will be able to benefit from...


19-01-03 则各负担5%不到。报导还说,联合国2018∼2019年的运作预算为54亿美元,发展中国家和中国组成的“77国集团与中国”(G77/China)希望,欧盟能以观察员身分承担更多费用,但遭到欧盟拒绝。欧盟...

Art Dealer Says Shen Yun Has ‘Never Been Done Anywhere’ Before

18-12-27 cities.The art dealer said he was most impressed by “the beauty of the ancient culture of China and the...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil In ancient China, there was a successful scholar who was also...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest

18-12-24 world.At first, not many people paid attention to the economic miracle after China joined the World Trade...

Bad Deeds Foretold Ill Fortune; Good Deeds Reversed the Outcome

18-12-24 , that the Divine knows everything and differentiates good from evil at all times. In ancient China, it...


18-12-06 China Fantasy),其中写道,中国那些富有的、有社会地位的中产阶级结果更倾向选择一个威权政府,以此来保护他们自己的经济利益和稳定。孟捷慕的结论是,靠喝“星巴克咖啡”喝不出民主,“美国想用经济合作...


18-11-22 机构的批准。在希腊国家银行提出要求后,Destiny于9月停止了这类交易。中国房地产投资者现在需要通过银行向希腊律师和公证人转帐,由其代表他们完成购房。2017年,中国国有银行卡网络中国银联(China...


18-11-15 未来带来毁灭性的灾难。香港《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)报导,北京理工大学网页显示,该校从5000名候选学生中,选出27名少男、4名少女,参与“智能武器系统实验班...

How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

18-11-12 father, Chunyu Yi, rose from a humble beginning in Shandong Province, China, to become a well-known...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1)

18-11-09 Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1) Xu You was a person of noble spirit in ancient China...

Oil Price to Rally Sharply Amid Supply Shortage, Says Expert

18-11-08 granted temporary oil waivers to China, India, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Japan, and...

Six Selections from Ren Jing (Scripture of Forbearance)

18-11-07 (619 – 682 AD) conquered Duzhizhefu (a region outside China during the Tang Dynasty) he seized...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 the first time in two decades, putting further pressure on economic growth.Last month, China’s car...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1)

18-10-25 Emperors of China in ancient times. His family name was Yao, and his given name was Chonghua. He was from...

With Exit From INF Treaty, Trump Eyes Trilateral Nuclear Arms Pact With China, Russia

18-10-23 is meant to bring China to the negotiating table to seal a trilateral deal among the world’s largest...


18-10-23 ,即使台湾已经民主化,这个政策也没有调整的必要。他说,虽然美国的一中政策(One China Policy)与中国的一中原则(One China Principle)英文名称很接近,都有“一中”(one)也有...

Mencius: One Prospers in Calamities and Perishes in Comfort

18-10-20 modern China, because of the improvement of material benefits, many people have not experienced hardship...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 routinely demands that Hollywood portray China in a strictly positive light, and it punishes studios and...

YouTube Scraps Most Popular Channel on China Politics From Search Suggestions

18-10-15 channels.But typing in “China Uncensored” yields no suggestions, despite the fact that a channel of exactly...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 China in the IT area. It would be difficult to refuse to use Chinese products unconditionally without...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny In ancient China, someone who passed the...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 moral standard is more precious." In ancient China, the number one criterion for assigning a person...


16-03-19 双鸭山矿业集团上万名工人游行示威之后的又一起大规模讨薪事件。美国《商业内幕》网站引述总部设在香港的劳工权益团体“中国劳工通讯”(China Labor Bulletin)的统计数据称,2011年的中国工人...


16-03-17 第二大来源安哥拉,2014为中共国家提供原油4065万吨,占比13%,只略逊于沙特阿拉伯。报导显示,这是神秘大亨徐京华牵线搭桥,其安哥拉成立的公司安中石油(China Sonangol)向中石化出口原油...


16-03-17 不满,美国说为了维护南海的秩序,开始重返亚洲。而明眼人都可以看出,美国重返亚洲主要就是针对中共。从去年开始,美国定期派出驱逐舰到南海巡逻。去年10月份,美国海军舰艇驶入南中国海(South China Sea...

中国神秘大亨徐京华 赚得都是这些人的钱

16-03-15 人都从了商。”发迹史:作为中共进入非洲的中间人徐京华在1998年至2003年期间发迹,并在过去10年间建立起一个庞大的企业网络—“金钟道集团”。该集团拥有安中石油(China Sonangol)及中国...

戛纳酒店设 范冰冰套房

16-03-12 戛纳著名的五星级酒店卡尔顿洲际酒店宣布,推出以范冰冰命名的酒店套房。套房门口已挂上“Suite FAN Bingbing 范冰冰套房”的门牌,房内还摆放了她出席戛纳影展红毯的CHINA瓷、仙鹤装...

国内假货多 中国人买高档货50%购自海外

16-03-07 应有尽有,成为中国人购买洋货的重要管道。根据贝恩谘询公司(Bain and Co.)的数据,去年中国人购买国外高档奢侈品,约50%透过海外代购,金额高达76亿美元。“中国奢侈品谘询”(China...

中国大陆消失的 九所世界一流大学(下)

16-03-05 南京大学。岭南大学岭南大学(Lingnan University)前身为1888年设于广州沙基金利埠的格致书院(Christian College in China),由美国基督教长老会所创办。1903年...


16-03-05 》(The Most Wanted Man in China)一书中写道,自己的一生不仅经历了毛泽东政权时代、1989年天安门事件,还深刻地体会到共产党从1949年夺权篡政到“六四”屠城的残暴与狂妄。方励之...


16-03-05 》(Bloody Harvest)调查报告显示,二零零六年,中国国际移植网络支援中心(China International Transplantation Network Assistance Centre)网...


16-03-01 team up to warn China of concerns over new security laws )的文章称,中国近期通过的反恐、网络安全和外国慈善机构相关的法律遭到了国际社会的严重警告...

加拿大温尼伯电影节公映《活摘》 震撼观众

16-02-25 一年一度的加拿大温尼伯Real to Reel电影节于二零一六年二月二十一日圆满落幕。真相纪录片《活摘》(Human Harvest:China’s illegal organ trade)(又名...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 calendar, but a combination of both. In ancient China, the tai-yin (moon) and the tai-yang (sun) are the...

中化集团老总蔡希有落马 疑涉神秘商人案

16-02-09 Famtosonghiu Sampo Menezes等化名。徐京华是从2003年开始为中石化在安哥拉获取石油区块充当掮客,中石化还从徐京华在安哥拉的安中石油(China Sonangol)公司进口原油,国际石化是中石化...

麦当娜台北演唱压轴披中华民国国旗 引热议

16-02-06 Mary Mac于4日晚8时30分上台,9时28分结束暖场前先喊“I Love Taiwan!”接着冒出:“I Love China!”,全场静默。Mary Mac5日在脸书发文道歉。6日麦当娜晚上唱第2场...

美图片库被中方收购  六四照片命运堪忧

16-01-30 美国微软公司老板比尔·盖茨创建的科比斯(Corbis)版权图片公司把图库中的大部分资料卖给了一家中国的“视觉中国文化公司”(Visual China Group),其中包括六四天安门事件等历史照片...

北大报告罕见发危言 大陆社会暗藏大风暴

16-01-15 (China Family Panel Studies,CFPS)撰写的系列专题报告,以全国25个省市160个区县的14960个家庭为基线样本,探讨民生问题状况、差异、原因和社会机制。据悉,这是中共官方学术机构...


16-01-13 主演给大家留下了深刻的印象,不过,在当时,本君最为在意的还是它英文名字上使用的小技巧:American Dreams in China,配合海报上的图片宣传效果更佳~周星驰的代表作《大话西游》系列就采...