
19-02-10 Capital的数据显示,中国大陆的保险公司、大型企业,以及其他投资者,去年第四季度净卖出价值8.54亿美元的美国商业地产。这是中国投资者连续第三个季度净卖出美国商业地产。从2013年起,中国投资者开始大量买入...


19-01-28 Corp在此期间股价上涨20%。这两支股票的涨幅均远大于基准股指。投资公司Capital Innovations的首席投资官迈克尔•安德希尔表示:“很多人在动用储蓄并寻觅短期流动资金。短期贷款平台起到了填补...


17-08-05 )与美国一家名为Hankey Capital的贷款机构签署了信托契约(Trust Deed)。这一次,贾跃亭质押地产由月初的“两套房+五块地皮”变成了月末的“四套房+五块地皮”。《每日经济新闻》从美国加州...

纽时:安邦等四巨头乌云压顶 或抛售海外资产

17-08-02 (Anthony Scaramucci)的对冲基金投资公司天桥资本(SkyBridge Capital)感兴趣。《纽时》的文章表示,上述遭北京整顿的民企还海外尚未完成的交易可能会面临这样那样的压力,〝想买便宜资产...


17-07-30 ,消费者预计今年下半年目前的经济增长将持续良好。Capital Economics经济研究公司指出,在103.3,预期次级指数与去年11月以来的平均水平大致相符,预期指数在川普获得意外选举胜利之后激增...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 autumn, all the xiucai traveled to Jinling City, the capital of Jiangsu Province, to take part in the...

波多马克河上考虑建 第二座跨马、维州桥梁

17-07-14 50年代以来,这项纾缓该地区交通的措施便一直倍受争论。美国首都地区交通规划委员会(North Capital Region Transportation Planning Board)将于7月19日的会议上...

Unraveling Hong Kong’s Stock Market ‘Enigma Network’        A June small-cap stock crash confounds market watchers

17-07-12 Chinese stockbrokers could also have contributed to the Hong Kong volatility. “As capital was tightened up...

传贺国强之子被捕 由曾庆红亲信宋林供出

17-07-02 ,参与过广杔国际投资信讬公司的改组,创建了私募基金Nepoch Capital,曾与摩根斯坦利、华润集团合作多个投资项目,妻子和孩子已移民美国旧金山,从事房地产和酒店投资。据悉,至2012年10月底...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 empire. However, these fiefs revolted, and Emperor Dezong was forced to flee the capital of Chang’an in...

FICO专家解析 新移民如何建立信用

17-06-26 ,曾任职于FICO、Wells Fargo Bank及Capital One Bank...

未来交通资金短缺 维州或提高各种税率

17-06-24 根据负责解决维吉尼亚州交通项目资金问题小组的最终报告:维州应提高各种税收,并将该笔新增收入用于维持或扩大跨州交通运输系统。据运输资本项目收入咨询委员会(Transit Capital Project...

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 million) of capital and eventually became a behemoth with assets of more than 1.9 trillion yuan ($292...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 , soldiers and tanks of the People’s Liberation Army entered the capital and killed hundreds, maybe thousands...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 was paid $500,000 by Russian investment bank Renaissance Capital, owned by Russian billionaire Mikhail...

金融风暴可能再次来袭 香港经济堪忧

17-06-03 ,美国股市大涨、全球股市迭创新高、亚洲股汇债市到处洋溢乐观情绪,但任志刚说,没有人可以保证这不是大风暴来临前的平静。他表示,最近数周先后出现加拿大最大非银行房贷机构Home Capital Group挤兑危机...

Cultivating Speech and Not Talking About Others' Shortcomings

17-06-03 the triennial examination held at the capital and proctored by the emperor. He had a mother who was...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 bank Renaissance Capital‭, ‬owned by Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov‭, ‬for a speech in 2010...

财新网报导郭文贵海外资金来源 牵出英国前首相布莱尔

17-05-25 ,全部由阿方出资,而该基金的执掌人当初就是郭文贵。2015年3月余建明从澳大利亚背景投行的麦格理辞职后,成为〝阿中资本〞的前台人物,身份是以阿中资本集团(ACA Capital Limited Group...

大华府政府领导人 吁关注类鸦片危机

17-05-17 、麦考利夫与鲍泽共同签署“国家首都地区对抗类鸦片中毒成瘾协议(National Capital Region Compact to Combat Opioid Addiction)”,承诺三个司法机构...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 years later, several people recommended Yu Du to teach at the capital. While teaching at the capital, Yu...

Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous

17-05-01 the capital and gave an extremely negative report about Huang Cong to officials that served in the...

Sacking of Chinese Insurance Regulator Foretells Further Financial House Cleaning

17-04-24 clients’ capital as paramount.But not in China. Sensing opportunity in a low interest rate environment...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 – 195 BC), the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) took over the capital city Xianyang...

朝鲜核危机时刻 肖建华被曝涉三宗军火交易

17-04-20 有关。该三宗交易涉及国际顶级学府哈佛大学、加勒比海小国安提瓜及巴布达,以及肖建华故乡山东的一个小村庄。三宗交易都是透过保利集团控制Pohua JT Capital Partners的关联公司进行。这些关联公司...


17-04-19 唐人制图) 报导指出,1992年由中共领导层与军队创建的保利集团,持有 Pohua JT Capital Partners 32%股权。与 Pohua JT Capital 有关联的公司对涉及肖建华...


17-04-19 投资1,440万美元投资,还向安提瓜提供1,500万美元的贷款,条件是由该国发放120份护照。《华尔街日报》记者拜访了这间香港办公室,但是墙上所示名字仅为Pohua JT Capital。据监管文件显示...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 Luoyang, Henan provinceAfter Emperor Xiaowen relocated his capital from Datong to Luoyang in 495, Luoyang...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 Capital One Financial, two other leading auto lenders, dropped 9.9 percent and 7.7 percent, respectively...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 Dunhuang Caves. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing became the capital city, and the color yellow...

川普下一步将税改 或包括哪些内容?

17-03-29capital gains)。报导称,2016年的税率级距是从10%(个体收入少于9,275美元)至39.6%(收入为415,050美元或更多)。此外,新税改还可能消除对婚姻的惩罚性课税及替代性最低税...

美国个人报税 如何确定你选用哪种1040税表

17-03-28 ,却有可能忽略掉很多能退税的地方。如果是拿H-1B工作签证、非美国居民者则不建议用1040EZ表。如符合以下条件,可使用1040A税表*应纳税所得额低于十万美元*有资本利润分配(Capital Gain...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 relatively small registered capital of 100 million yuan (US$14.5 million).“Your company was set up only...


17-03-18 Lakes Mall: MeridianOxford Mall: Oxford蒙大拿州(2家)北卡罗来纳(6家)北达科他州(3家)Capital Hill Mall: Helena Sidney Main...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 capital for the national civil service examination. He passed the exam and became an official government...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 the people were very grateful. At that time, rice destined for the capital from east of Zhejiang...

美国报税季 报税表格详解及所需材料

17-03-03 a business)。程序单D (Schedule D):报告资金的盈利和亏损(report capital gains and losses)。程序单E (Schedule E):报告补充的收入和损失(report...


17-03-02 公寓中。消息人士说:”现在全家人都歇斯底里了,他之前一直在吃药。”据悉,贝尔从康奈尔大学毕业后,开始在华尔街的投资公司Arrowgrass Capital Partners工作,是信用风险(Credit...


17-02-21 。 信用卡在美国境外消费,VISA/Mastercard网络收1%,这是不可避免的。在此基础上一般还收外汇交易费,但MBNA, Capital One, Wachovia和Fleet不收。 http...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 troops to quickly overcome the capital of the Qi kingdom, Linzi. The Chu general, Long Qie, led an army...