
23-04-20 )近日呼籲,聯邦當局應撥出專門資金,協助州警籌組全國汽車防盜小組(National Auto Theft Task Force),以遏止竊車集團偷車運往非洲的歪風。在最新破獲的一起車輛失竊案中,紐新航港局...

疫情期间诈骗风险依然存在 特别周内聚焦纳税人等 防止身份盗用

21-11-30 。·        在网站:IRS.gov/identify theft 上查看国税局身份盗窃中心的“企业”部分。 ...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 euros (about $68.7 billion) and roughly 289,000 jobs in 2018 due to cyber theft of trade secrets.Germany...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 used for espionage and intellectual property theft, and they have been putting the American people and...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 military security. Since China is notorious for theft of intellectual property (IP), the United States has...

All Eyes on Peter Navarro to Reshape U.S. Trade Relations With China

18-03-18 intellectual property theft against the United States. A senior White House trade official has said that the...

Father and Sons Arrested in New York for $25 Million Worth of Counterfeit Goods From China

18-01-09 a formal investigation into China’s unfair trade practices.Counterfeit goods, pirated software, and theft...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 etiquette are important in everyone’s minds. The nation has no theft and no injustice. The strong do not...


17-10-13 flip-up window from up to 50 feet away. A Sentry Key® Theft Deterrent System makes it virtually impossible...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 regime’s intellectual property theft. and if the investigation finds systemic IP theft, this could result...

U.S. Trade Rep. Declares China an ‘Unprecedented Threat’ to World Trade System

17-09-23 ”Lighthizer did not reveal specifics of the ongoing investigation regarding China’s alleged theft of...


17-09-08 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit)。使用IRS.gov上的可填写表格,印出后附在您的税表上,然后按照指示寄出。继续缴税及报税,即使您必须使用纸张版表格。如果您之前曾与国税局联络...

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 cyberattacks on the U.S. government and U.S. commercial interests.  Intellectual property theft is rampant. It...

美国知识产权遭侵犯 年均经济损失数千万

17-03-04 据美联社报导,美国非官方机构美国反知识产权窃取委员会(Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property)周一(2月27日)发表...

在美报税 不要忘了这三项列举扣除

17-02-04 Theft Losses):2016年如果遭遇天灾(火灾、洪水、暴风雨或地震)或盗窃,导致财产及伤亡损失,且不在保险给付范围时,可以在报税时,将此等损失纳入列举扣除。医疗和牙科支出(Medical and...

Xi Jinping Defends China’s Golden Goose in Davos

17-01-20 competition in the process. It has also engaged in blatant theft of intellectual property at home and abroad....

Chinese P2P Lending Bubble Quietly Bursts

17-01-16 a state-regulated bank to minimize misuse or theft of investor deposits.Authorities also expect to conduct on-site...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 treat U.S. companies in China more fairly, are you willing to stop the theft of intellectual property...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 , take place outside the judicial system, including loss of jobs, theft of property, abduction, forced...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 barriers that the regime imposes on foreign firms, including forced technology transfers, and the theft of...

纯粹越野情怀 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited              

16-11-14 ® Theft Deterrent System makes it virtually impossible for anyone without a valid key to drive your...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 a fresh look at their government.“How will China’s insane system of land theft end?” is the headline of...

The Power of Compassion

16-09-13 began taking other goods and sold them in the market. Finally, the theft turned into sheer robbery. The...

美国报税 身份被盗窃该怎么办?

16-02-12 的14039表,即 “身份盗窃宣誓书”(Identity Theft Affidavit)。国税局收到前述二份资料后,会分送到专门协助受害者处理身份盗窃案件的单位,并送确认信给受害者。如果一切顺利,国税局理论上...

报税季 国税局提醒您: 警惕这些报税骗局

16-01-30 (Identity Theft)身份盗窃就是有人在未经许可的情况下,使用你的个人信息,例如姓名丶社会安全号码(SSN)或其他识别信息,来进行诈欺或其他犯罪。多数情况下,盗用身分的窃贼会利用合法纳税人的身份假报税...

美甲劳工剥削 官员意见相左

15-12-25 (Andrew Cuomo)14日发布的纽约州美甲业的工资剥削(Wage Theft)案件占整个纽约州71%的数据,15日,金兑锡指出此数据,与全国就业法律项目(National Employment Law...

美甲劳工剥削 官员意见相左

15-12-16 。针对纽约州长葛谟(Andrew Cuomo)14日发布的纽约州美甲业的工资剥削(Wage Theft)案件占整个纽约州71%的数据,15日,金兑锡指出此数据,与全国就业法律项目(National...