维州技术职位多 薪资高一倍

19-05-13 and augmented reality) 以及区块链(blockchain) 等新兴技术相关的招聘数量增加了32%。...


19-04-14 集团Extreme Reality等。而涉嫌替中共从事间谍活动的华为、联想和小米已在以色列设立了研发中心,阿里巴巴也在以色列也进行了大笔投资。根据一份2015年协议,中企将在2021年接管以色列战略港口...

Internal Document Linked to Huawei Reveals Firm’s Nationalist Agenda Amid US–Sino Trade War

18-08-24 company staff.“The reality we are facing now is that our relationship with the United States could become...

Fake News and False Flags Are Political Tools

18-07-22 interest groups, subversive social movements, and political movements.The harsh reality is that wars are...

Learning without Thinking is Labor Lost

18-07-02 deeper meanings that are being presented. Many do not connect what they learn with reality, which means...

2018 纽约自行车休闲展 台湾单车游成风潮

18-05-09 (Cycling Paradise)。当天,台湾观光局纽约办事处的几个摊位,吸引了大量的民众前往参观了解,特别是设置的虚拟实境单车(Virtual Reality Bike)体验区,更是人头攒动, 引人纷纷前往体验...

The Difficulty of Ending Gun Violence in the United States

18-03-18 which firearms were tertiary.Another unfortunate reality is that bombs are easily made at home. The...

Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 2)

18-02-03 , image creation, and expression. In its observation of reality, it adopts the method of seeing what is...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 with the Chinese reality television show “Sing! China.”Students protesting the concert were initially...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 costs (in reality, this deficit was $347 billion in 2016 for goods, and Chinese companies receive...

iPhone 8的独特优点

17-09-29 发布的最快手机)还是体现在某些应用程式的性能上。在iPhone 8上的扩增实境(Augmented reality)是令人兴奋的,领先于任何其他平台,这要归功于新的处理器。例如PlaySide...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-12 one is preserving the righteous principles, but in reality one is preserving one’s own conscience and...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 reality of life for the citizens to insure no one is mistreated. For the leader of a nation, he...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 Zhang behaved like a scoundrel and caused lots of trouble for fellow villagers, but in reality he was...

俄干扰美国大选绝密曝光 泄密人被捕

17-06-11 报道,一名25岁的、涉嫌泄露最高机密情报给一家新闻网站的女子被美国当局逮捕,她是联邦承包商温纳(Reality Leigh Winner),承认是一名间谍。  她是一名来自乔治亚州奥古斯塔的空军退伍军人...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 might think that there were vocal masters only in the west. In reality, this is not the case. There were...

iPhone,iPhone 8,曲面OLED, 苹果iPhone 8

17-02-01 报导,苹果正在积极布局3D摄影的相关技术,外界揣测这或许与布局扩增实境(AR)应用有关。也有外媒揣测,iPhone 8有机会采用集成虚拟实境(VR)和扩增实境的混合实境MR(Mixed Reality...

Xi Jinping Defends China’s Golden Goose in Davos

17-01-20 Kong, Insider SaysBecause of this discrepancy between theory and reality, Donald Trump is now putting...

iPhone 8明年发布?8大传言沸沸扬扬

16-11-28 共同创办人、也是知名部落客史柯博(Robert Scoble)的消息爆料,iPhone 8有机会采用整合虚拟实境(VR)和扩增实境(AR)的混合实境MR(Mixed Reality)技术。外媒先前也揣测,明年...

台湾也疯宝可梦 多起违规被罚

16-08-14 Reality)行动游戏。今年7月,日本游戏大厂任天堂与美国手机游戏开发商Niantic,分别在澳洲、纽西兰、美国宣布推出「精灵宝可梦GO」游戏,很快地,疯狂现象席卷全球。这款由任天堂发表的AR手机游戏...

摇滚传奇大卫鲍伊去世 曾支持诉江

16-01-14 的音乐生涯超过半个世纪,留下无数精彩绝伦的作品。2004年,鲍伊因心脏病发作,被迫中断专辑《真实》(Reality)的宣传巡演,其后在很大程度上远离了公众视野。值得注意的是,鲍伊在专辑《真实...

胡锦涛现身北川伤心地 江阻温救人胡亲撑腰 信号?

15-05-08 Beichuan the reality was not so glorious. Soldiers were conspicuously absent from genuine rescue work in...


15-04-23 who both understood statistics and the medical reality of illness, that she would give me certainty...