
20-01-27 电影欢迎全家前往观赏。 《美女与野兽(Beauty and the Beast)》(动画版)时间:1月25日(周六)下午3点~下午5点。地点:皇后区图书馆长岛市分馆(Queens Library at...


19-08-05 《选美皇后》(Badass Beauty Queen)正式公映。林耶凡说,2015年加拿大导演柯威尔席普(Theresa Kowall-Shipp)说想拍摄这部影片的时候,她也没多想,就答应了。没想到...


19-05-28 开始的销售主管。从张贴的工作机会中还可窥视一些尚未公布的租户,如Primark、 Ulta Beauty、DSW鞋店、Spencer礼品、Piercing Pagoda、Levi's...


19-05-09 (周五)~5月22日(周三)。地点:时代广场(Times Square)。费用:免费入场。网站:design-pavilion.com。8、《美女与野兽》偶戏工作坊 Beauty and the...

法拉盛文艺中心 呈现经典童话《睡美人》

19-02-15 ,带领观众进入另一个魔幻世界。”大卫·冈萨雷斯《睡美人》Sleeping Beauty by David Gonzalez1、互动艺术工作坊(INTERACTIVE ARTS WORKSHOP) 时间...

Art Dealer Says Shen Yun Has ‘Never Been Done Anywhere’ Before

18-12-27 cities.The art dealer said he was most impressed by “the beauty of the ancient culture of China and the...


18-09-09 、TC Beauty Care提供的发型设计和Mary Kay提供的Naomi Wethje化妆,新娘婚纱秀将于下午3:30开始。无论您是刚开始规划、或是最后确定细节、或是介于两者之间,您都可以在秋季婚礼...


18-07-19 Dream Flower Pen, a tree-soft point.Yellow Emperor made dan inside this Taoist sphere.Full of beauty is...

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 guiding people towards kindness and beauty. The beauty of life lies in one’s inner elevation that allows...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18beauty lies in its nobleness, purity, and sacrifice. Comparing man to the lotus flower, Zhou emphasized...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 awareness about the brutal persecution and at the same time offer a  dash of beauty and traditional culture...

China’s Viral Eye-Rolling Reporter Incident Reveals a Darker Secret

18-03-22 ,” “beauty of Lianghui [common name to refer to rubber-stamp parliament sessions],” “reporter of CCTV and...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 enjoying the beauty of contentedness and tranquility. The "Ordinary Nature" of the Dao of Tea...

Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 2)

18-02-03 , accomplishments, schools and methods, landscape painters could all demonstrate the beauty of nature on paper...

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 beauty that he couldn't sense the taste of meat for three months." Confucius considered “Shao...


17-11-02 使用『多元化签证』进入我们的国家,一个舒默杰作(a Charles Schumer beauty)。我要符合条件(的移民)。”多元化签证即是所谓的“彩票绿卡”,由现任参议院少数党领袖、纽约参议员舒默在1990年...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 a beauty harmonious with nature. The renowned Chinese Medicine doctor Sun Simiao was a Taoist cultivator...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 rhapsodized about the beauty of the city and its citizens' appreciation of art. Despite his exposure to...


17-08-30 :tinyurl.com/y8t9hamg。●《美女与野兽(Beauty and the Beast)》(2017)需要晚7:00前入场,提供有限座椅,先去先得。可带毛毯、水,但不可带玻璃瓶。时间:9月2日(周六 )晚...


17-08-26 )。地址:32-01 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, NY 11106。网站:rooftopfilms.com。●《美女与野兽(Beauty and the Beast...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 elevation of one's moral standard, and the affirmation of one's wisdom. The intrinsic beauty is...


17-07-12 。        网站:tinyurl.com/y7osany2。        ●《最美丽的安排(Collateral Beauty)》(2016)需要晚8点前入场,提供有限座椅,先去先得。可带毛毯、水,但不可带玻璃瓶...


17-07-07 St. and 48 St., Queens。        电话:(718) 393-7370。        网站:tinyurl.com/roekfee。●《美女与野兽(Beauty and the...

  The Beauty of the Guqin: Upright and Profound

17-06-05 reach maturity in harmony with music." The art of guqin focuses on idealistic beauty – highlighting...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 transported me to your world of music and expressed true beauty!" Shi Wen later became the most famous...


17-03-24 呼吁人权作为自己参赛的使命。她参选的主题是“美丽的使命”(Beauty with a Purpose)她希望这样的声音能够被世界各地的人们听到。在林耶凡看来,严重的雾霾和腐败的政治,不应该障碍...


17-03-24 玩具公司的招牌。和禁酒时期的作风一样,这里的鸡尾酒装在茶杯里;而啤酒则被包裹在牛皮纸袋中。本文英文版链接Beauty & Essex146 Essex St, ManhattanLower...


17-03-24 迪士尼再度将1991年华特迪士尼经典童话《美女与野兽》Beauty and the Beast改编成真人电影, 艾玛‧沃森饰演女主角贝儿,丹史‧蒂文斯饰演野兽,凯文‧克莱恩则饰演贝儿父亲,卢克...


17-03-16 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1. 本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week:《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)    《美女与野兽...


17-02-24 《最美的安排》Collateral Beauty威尔‧史密斯、艾德华‧诺顿、凯特‧温斯蕾、海伦‧米兰主演。一位杰出且热爱生命、创意无限的广告人,在痛失爱女后变得厌世。他在最痛彻心扉的时刻重新探寻三个...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 hometown, there are folk stories about her. The mountaintop she sang from is known as "Beauty...


17-02-13 》 Sleeping Beauty ballet家喻戶曉的格林童話《睡美人》改編的芭蕾舞劇,以優雅的舞蹈詮釋著千年的愛情。由紐約市立芭蕾舞團表演的這臺舞劇,卓越優美,華麗佈景與精準巨集大的舞臺設計也值得您流連欣賞...


17-02-12 Beauty ballet家喻户晓的格林童话《睡美人》改编的芭蕾舞剧,以优雅的舞蹈诠释着千年的爱情。由纽约市立芭蕾舞团表演的这台舞剧,卓越优美,华丽布景与精准宏大的舞台设计也值得您流连欣赏。      时间...

2017 捷恩斯 G90 韩国现代旗舰豪华车

17-02-02 ücke (AGR), the modern ergo seats in the Genesis G90 embrace riders with the perfect harmony of beauty...

Shame Leads to Self-Discipline 知耻自律

16-08-14 King Wen’s three loves: his dog, sharp arrows and the Danyang beauty are the three evils restraining...


16-07-30 own egos.When wealth, power, and beauty leave you, you become worthless, and you will be abandoned--...


16-04-02 Lisa介绍本月特价(摄影/陈怡)【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】4月,法拉盛的嘉丽宝化妆品(Everyday Beauty)中心部分保养品半价。创建人Lisa言,将实惠留给顾客。台湾名牌面膜“我的美丽...


16-03-23 。         电话:718-661-1200。2、摄影与中国古建筑之美讲座 Photography and The Beauty of Summer Palace看古建筑学摄影,以颐和园为基础,探访中国传统建筑之美...

偶遇摄影师 四川女孩惊艳全球

16-01-30     (网络图片)27岁的四川女孩张冉,在乐山经营一家服装店。去年9月在成都街头偶遇拍摄美人地图集的罗马尼亚摄影师米哈拉,被摄影师收录到《美人地图集》The Atlas of Beauty 网站上...

不是每个老男人都是大叔,不是每个胖子都是Alan Rickman

16-01-14 beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with  its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that...