Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 [the dancers are] to be able to use the fans, scarves, the umbrellas, and the drums. And the...

Jealousy Harms Others and Hurts Oneself (I)  妒嫉之心 害人害己(上)

17-01-16 harm the other person. The truth is, behaving like that will, in the end, hurt themselves. Below are...

跟对老板 让我的移民人生少奋斗20年

15-09-11 辞职信的我有些诧异。不知被老板们在会议上提及是祸还是福。“你总是勇往直前,做一些出乎人意料的事情。你有足够的能力和勇气去面对世界。You know you are excellent. So go out...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 take a look at...Looking at X we can see that...There are a number of alternatives in this case. We...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 about danger when living in peace," and "recruit capable people who are open to different...

视频:英文版《传奇》 耳朵都要醉了

15-09-07 你在夏季离我而去Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim时光飞逝,星辰远去All I have are memories...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 when living in peace, and recruit capable people who are open to different opinions. Other than that, I...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 Zheng said to him, "Your virtues are truly above our ancestors. If I give you money as reward, you...

热帖:她放弃一切嫁到美国 现实生活却令她沮丧

15-08-16 会比较危险。  3、  躺在沙发上读英文小说,年轻的女孩子被一位富可敌国的中年男人求婚,她答应了。母亲问:“Are you sure? Do  you love him?(你确定吗?你真的爱他?)”她如此年轻...


15-08-15 厕所时,就不用到处找地方买纸啦。打招呼在这里,路上遇到陌生人,大家都习惯打声招呼或者微笑一下(在路上视而不见的都是我们黄皮肤的人)而打招呼时,喜欢用“how are you doing”,一般回答...

【英文对照赏析】Good and Evil Retribution from a Single Thought  善恶一念之间 报应毫厘不差

15-08-15 said, "You are bound to be blessed with good fortune. Divine beings know your change of heart....

Windows 10 破窗而入?

15-08-14 /2015/08/在Advanced options, 选择Choose how updates are...


15-08-10 有时据此设下签证陷阱。举例来说明。下面是来自山东的一位女士申请学生签证时的面试实录:签证官: Are you married? (签证官:你结婚了吗?)回 答:Yes, I am. Here is the...


15-08-07 哪儿呢?有一句名言,叫做“wherever you are, be there”,就是无论你在哪儿,好好地享受那儿的风景吧。追求的过程给你带来的快乐,往往比成功多。人生是过客,对生活中的美,去深深地体验吧。精彩...

江泽民曾被一提问逼得世界面前“跳”起来 丑态毕露 图

15-05-20 提问过份简单、幼稚,并且用英文对记者说﹕“You are too simple, too naive。”(头脑太简单,太幼稚)“I am angry!”(我很生气)历时四分钟之久。江泽民大声指香港记者...

苹果CEO库克开微博 超28万粉丝追捧  

15-05-11 5000人,评论超过1000条,截至下午7点多,已有逾28万8千多粉丝关注,评论达3万多个。有不少网友都用“Are you OK”向这个名人打招呼,有大陆网友开玩笑问库克,“第一次来吧 我教你 ,成为网红...


15-05-03  are very crafty”等多个版本,翻译的结果虽然看着不一样,但是意思都一样,那就是:在地上滑行的时候要慢慢的。有网友开玩笑说,人家本来走得好好的,看到这英文标识反倒会笑得滑倒。  有些翻译比较难...

中共GDP灌水 中央地方全造假  

15-04-30 人造的,不可靠(GDP figures are “man-made” and therefore unreliable)。中共国家审计署原副审计长董大胜也在今年两会期间说,中共地方政府形式主义和浮夸...


15-04-23 好,第一句话是how are you today,这时应该很自然地回答good ,她会说nice,然后说if there is any problem please let me know。买东西结账之后要和...


15-04-23 death.” Phrased that way, people flock to Procedure X, even though the numbers are the same. When a close...

北京多处公园英文标识出错 厕所译成tollet(图)

15-03-25 将“protected”错写成“proteoted”。“庙内有袁崇焕石刻像”一句,则将“there is a carved stone image of Yuan Chonghuan”,错写成“there are”。对此...


15-03-19 having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near...


15-03-16 ,终将会出错)”、“笑一笑,明天未必比今天好。”“东西越好,越不中用”、“别试图教猪唱歌,这样不但不会有结果,还会惹猪不高兴!”墨菲定律的原话是这样说的:If there are two or more...


15-03-15 happiness are human relationships. So if you want to be happy, choose to be around people who are optimistic...


15-03-13 there is one."  “目前,全球尚无有关安全锻炼的上限建议,但或许应该有一个。”  Scientists are not yet sure what is behind this...


15-03-06 Don’t interrrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will...

禁止裸睡、倒着走违法 美国各州爆笑法律大全

15-02-27 下午6点以后狗不许叫。  5 California 加利福尼亚州Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern...

美国驾照,路考全攻略  (注意事项,案例,考官指令)

15-02-27 a stop sign; you shouldn't take the right side of the road when you are doing turnabout, blah, blah...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 my sons the titles of duke. It is supposed to happen. You are so modest. Do you want me to be an...


15-02-04 就是任性”等事件性的串联。  美国有一首歌叫“Rich Bitch”,歌词粗俗,所以小编更喜欢另一种译法“rich and willful”。  不要问为什么,有钱,任性。  2.也是醉了。(Are you...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 his body sent home wrapped in horse leather." These are the famous words of General Ma Yuan. He...


15-01-29 管制住,不让其产生负面影响。这是孩子童年时代所需培育的修养。6、“We are all dysfunctional.”(每个家庭都有自己的不正常。)在视野狭隘的时候,我们担心自己的家庭和别人的不一样...

美国习惯用语 - mixed blessing

15-01-27 感慨呢?我们一起来听听。例句-1:Well, my daughter gets a lot of attention because of her beauty, but people are less...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 , "You are a good friend, and I want to be friends with you in my next life. Let us have a plan that...

网传《2014年度中国人渣排行榜 含集体排名》

15-01-05 :新华社社长。渣言:坚决抵制新自由主义等错误思潮。张晓明:香港中联办主任。渣言: “The fact that you are allowed to stay alive, already shows...

香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明

14-12-01 some are our fellow students and alumni. The Union therefore would like to express its greatest...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵  Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 constructive criticisms of Emperor Taizong, as the readers will find in many history books. Here are a few...


14-10-02 Furthermore, you dare to tell the truth and are honest with other people. That is the very characteristic that...


14-09-29 are protecting this courageous woman Qian. We must leave and avoid her!" Within a short period of...


14-09-29 If a person's desires and greed are not controlled, they will enslave and drive him. They will...