庆祝Unity AAPI 社区博览会第二届年度餐会

23-06-30 購買門票參加活動 享受美食聯誼大眾(Meals For Unity提供)【看中國工商記者歐陽駿紐約報導】Unity AAPI 社區博覽會第二屆年度餐會,將於2023年7月15日(週六),在紐約...

3月11「膳食聯盟(Meals For Unity)」派發免費午餐贈長者

23-02-22 (Adobe Stock)【看中國紐約訊】3月11日(週六),非牟利組織「膳食聯盟(Meals For Unity)」將在勿街62號中華大樓前,派發400份免費午餐給社區裡的長者們,數量有限...


23-02-18 華六千元,加州安基山學院黎方濟兩萬兩千元,在華人社區派發食品的機構UA3和Meals for Unity各五千元,共美金二十七萬五千三百元。李磐石和於金山說,希望2023年股市上升,可以恢復以往...


23-01-26 (商家提供) 【看中國紐約訊】非牟利組織Meals For Unity團結派餐與中華公所2023繼續攜手合作,將於本週六28日中午十二時在勿街62號中華大樓前派發400份免費午餐給社區長者,並送上...


19-10-14 【看中国讯】马里兰州蒙哥马利郡行政长官埃里希(Marc Elrich)将于 10月13日(周日)和其他社区宗教信仰组织领袖一起参加 “团结步行和资源博览会”(Unity Walk and...


19-08-19 URGES UNITY VS. RACISM)。 但这些正确无误的词句却激怒了民主党人,因为这些话驳斥了左派的谎言:即“川普是个搞分裂的偏执狂”。 CNN的撰稿人沃尔什(Joan Walsh)为此怒吼道...


19-04-29 4日。纪念币背面图案:枫树、采枫树汁的工人与树汁桶、驼峰山。图案上方的文字是VERMO NT 1791;图案右面文字是FREEDOM AND UNITY(自由与团结);下面文字是2001和拉丁文E...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 political insight and generosity, and helped to bring unity between the Hans and the region's various...

团结号飞出地球 游太空不再是梦

18-12-23 【看中国讯】维珍银河公司(Virgin Galactic)的太空船“团结号”(VSS Unity)日前进行短暂的次轨道(suborbital)太空飞行,机上载著2名飞行员。中央社报导,太空船“团结号...


18-11-24 Theatre&Academy),OASIS(特殊需要人群服务组织),和社区教会组织Unity of Gaithersburg。希望您在冬季灯节期间享受这个迷人之旅。如果您可以花一点时间根据2018年的参观体验,填写冬季灯节...

Chinese Regime Recruits American Communists

18-08-05 Comintern suffered serious weaknesses, especially after Lenin’s death… They are not reason to reject unity...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 1)

18-07-25 traditional Chinese women were derived from ancient people's ideals of the unity of Heaven and humankind...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 (heavenly principles) and unity of heaven and man are where spiritual happiness lies. Cheng Yi wrote...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12 achieve the “unity of heaven and man.” Later Confucian scholars took “what Confucius and Yan Hui were...

Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 2)

18-02-03 before painting. It emphasizes the subjective and objective unity of the artistic image and does not...

  Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 1)

18-01-29 means of composition. By the Han and Wei dynasties, social stability and unity took a dramatic turn...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 unity of opposites is the fundamental cause for things to come into being, to develop, to change, and to...


18-01-10 川普总统签署1.5万亿美元的减税方案后,许多大型企业立马宣布把节省的税金以奖金的方式发放给员工。继总部位于新泽西的美国电话电报公司(AT&T)、联合银行(Unity Bank)和OceanFirst...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 identified nine members of two groups that allegedly beat the students—the Chinese Unity Promotion Party and...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 by the proverb 'Unity of the people with the same purpose is a formidable force.'"...


16-12-06 on Approved Form I–800A385360I–817 Application for Family Unity Benefits600435I–824 Application for...

美计算机工程师空缺多 女性求职者机会多

16-07-24 遭到新闻界及一些团体的围攻。有些聪明的企业,也意识到雇用理工背景女员工的好处。游戏引擎厂商Unity Technologies首席人力资源主任布朗(Elizabeth Brown)表示,女性电玩游戏设计师仅占...

Tang Emperor Taizong Swallowed a Locust for the People

16-07-08 Tang Emperor Taizong Swallowed a Locust for the People The ancient Chinese believed in the unity of...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26 with our sound--In unity, affection, and love--在神明面前,我们放声歌唱,是神谱写了这最优美的乐章愿神继续将我们凝聚,让我们团结、友情和博爱之声,响遍世界...

委内瑞拉变天 反对党夺议会控制权

15-12-11 通货膨胀后最高一次的投票选举。“民主团结反对党联盟”(Democratic Unity opposition coalition)负责人托雷亚尔瓦(Jesus Torrealba)在竞选总部告诉支持者说...

趣事多多 加拿大美国边境那点事儿(图)

15-01-29 Dwelling Together in Unity(团结在一起的弟兄们);  美国一侧的门楣上写着:Children of a Common Mother(同一个母亲的孩子们);  门内侧还有一排字: MAY...