
21-01-11 folklore as having been a remarkable person of tolerance.A symbol of tolerance Han Xin’s early childhood...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 with remarkable generosity and laudable tolerance, and he always regarded the country's interests...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 generosity and laudable tolerance, and he always regarded the country's interests as the most important...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 3)

18-12-24 Stories of Tolerance (Part 3) Guo Ziyi Acted Generously and with Integrity In the Tang Dynasty, Guo...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 2)

18-12-05 Stories of Tolerance (Part 2) General and Prime Minister in Harmony In the Warring States Period...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 Stories of Tolerance (Part 1) An old Chinese saying states, “Ancient gentlemen are strict with...

Six Selections from Ren Jing (Scripture of Forbearance)

18-11-07 Tang Dynasty. He had never had an argument with others. He once wrote a very large character “Tolerance...

A Management Model Based on Morality (Part 1)

18-10-11 honesty, humility, trust, gratitude, sincerity, tolerance, patience, integrity, justice, respect, being...

The Consequences of Jealousy (Part 1)

18-08-16 , generosity, and tolerance, while acts of jealousy bring about shame. When a generous person sees the merits...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 hearts to benevolence, return to their true selves, and learn endurance and tolerance, to cure their...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 ;s tolerance towards Lian Po in the State of Zhao became a well-documented story. Lian Po was...

China’s New Leadership Lineup Leaves Out Key Members of Opposing Faction

17-11-02 , with core principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, as well as a set of five slow...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-12 Strict With Oneself But Treat Others With Tolerance During the Spring and Autumn, and the Warring States...


17-02-20 的调节。同时《欧洲临床营养学》杂志在2015年的研究中发现,患有葡萄糖耐量降低的人(impaired glucose tolerance),通常这也是2型糖尿病的前期,在餐前饮用醋的话,可以增强肌肉的血液...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 and tolerance, Emperor Kangxi united China When Emperor Kangxi acceded to the throne, China was...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 affection and tolerance? If we can treat people straying from the righteous path with kindness, perhaps all...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 4)

16-10-26 minor things. This is not tolerance or forgiveness. In fact, doing so can easily bring complaint or...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness There is an ancient proverb: "Tolerance enables...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24  Using his superior wisdom and tolerance, Zhuge Liang had captured and released Meng Huo seven times and...

A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade

16-01-14 behavior but be tenacious in his heart. A noble man should show great tolerance to others but be strict...

【英文对照赏析】Control Oneself and Suppress Anger 克己制怒

15-11-23 asked him: "Can one learn your tolerance?" He said: "When I was young, I was always very...

美国这27种职业 工作压力最大

15-09-14 护士以及电话操作员。美国财经与科技网站《商业内幕》9月13日刊登职业生涯规划专家罗伦斯‧夏特金博士(Laurence Shatkin)的“耐压力”(Stress Tolerance)工作报告。夏特金援引...