What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 ?  People.What is the number one realm of people's fengshui?  The heart.What is the number two realm of...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 the ancient Silk Road in what is today part of China’s Xinjiang Province, now completely buried by...


19-04-12 V60 Cross Country是VOLVO(沃尔沃)的5门5座中型车。它基于可扩展产品架构(SPA),即VOLVO的先进模块化产品平台,支持90和60系列中的所有VOLVO。V60强调了...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 with remarkable generosity and laudable tolerance, and he always regarded the country's interests...


19-04-11 20人为限,报名额满为止)本会周年庆订于四月二十七日星期六中午十二时在华府中国城海鲜大酒楼三楼(Tony Cheng’s Restaurant,619 H Street 3rd. Fl ,NW...

中国女子持电脑病毒闯川普俱乐部 被搜出中华民国护照

19-04-04 China”(中华民国)护照。这是不是“The People’s Republic of China”(中华人民共和国)的笔误?美国之音向特勤局了解详情,特勤局修正了诉状中的错误,称该女子持的是中华人民共和国...


19-04-04 方面,除来自本地的音乐人外,还有许多来自世界各地的音乐家们。所以,音乐爱好者千万别错过这个越来越受欢迎的民谣音乐盛典喔!时间:4月5日(周五)~4月7日(周日)。地点:圣安教堂(St. Ann's Church...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 generosity and laudable tolerance, and he always regarded the country's interests as the most important...

斥巨资收购技术公司 麦当劳欲推竞争新手段

19-04-02  据彭博社报导,美国快餐巨头麦当劳公司(McDonald’s Corp.)为了向客户提供更好的个性化数字菜单服务,将斥资3亿美元收购以色列初创公司Dynamic Yield Ltd.,这是麦当劳...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 In China’s history, there have emerged many legendary figures. Yet it’s hard to find one that...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 The following is a legend from Taiwan’s aboriginal Thao people.Once there was a loving and...


19-03-22 10013)。  2.纽约梅西百货鲜花展 Macy’s Flower Show(Flickr-CC-BY-ND-2.0)每年春天,百花齐放的时节!纽约的梅西百货花卉展便会缤纷登场,这个历史悠久的花卉展,创立于...


19-03-21s Day Parade(Pxhere-CC0-Public-Domain)圣派翠克节,是爱尔兰人最重要的节日,每年都会隆重的庆祝一番。这个节日为的是庆祝爱尔兰的文化和天主教信仰,纪念一位成功...


19-03-21 上的(原因),最重要的是,缺乏学校的支持,没有给我们为学生做出正确教育方案的自由。”塔科马儿童学校(Takoma Children’s School)的老师特尔福德(Jill Telford)说。教师...


19-03-19 的 农产品和健康零食。Martha厨房(Martha’s Kitchen) 在社区中心和学校举办临时市场,当地人可以在那里选取免费的农产品和食品。“水果和蔬菜”活动将在未来六个月内在Giant食品商店开展。...

2019 Audi Q3

19-03-16 千瓦(230马力)。所有发动机均为带有涡轮增压的四缸直喷。它们功能强大,精致高效。六速手动变速器或快速变速七速的S tronic用于传输动力。越野永久全轮驱动提供卓越的驾驶乐趣、最佳的牵引力和极高...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 dumplings, the crowds rushed to Han’s booth and ate three dumplings without hesitation. Some greedy people...


19-03-13 Mamet)认为在这个情况下处罚家长有点小题大作。在一封公开信中,他称大学录取过程“是一个不幸和腐败的笑话”,而他的朋友只是“过度虎妈”(a parent’s zeal for her children’s...

The Difference a Good or Evil Thought Can Make to Your Destiny

19-03-13 wouldn’t leave me in peace…Well, rich or poor, it’s all predestined. I can’t take things that don’t...

庆祝三·八国际妇女节 纽约市展览异彩纷呈

19-03-07 艺术家作品集 Industry City's collection of work by female artists几个女性艺术家的作品都在工业城的许多走廊上展出,包括:安布尔·维多利亚...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 pouch to buy the birds, and then released them immediately. Zhang saw the merchant’s pouch full of...

Put Down the Butcher's Knife and Become a Buddha

19-03-06 In the modern world, people often use the phrase “Let's put down the butcher's knife and...


19-03-04 County Sheriff's Office图二:女孩的父母看到女儿后喜极而泣,来源:Humboldt County Sheriff's Office图三:两个女孩在医院里享用披萨饼和汽水...


19-03-01 曼哈顿地区检察官办公室(Wiki-CC-BY-3.0)目前,曼哈顿地区检察官办公室(Manhattan District Attorney's Office)的高中暑期实习计划,现已接受...

2020 Porsche 911

19-03-01 。新款2020款保时捷911 Carrera S和4S将于2018年洛杉矶车展前夕在洛杉矶保时捷体验中心举行的活动中首次亮相。992是991世代Porsche 911的替代品和演变版,比传统6缸涡轮增压...


19-03-01 9,425张,得票率2.66%。威廉姆斯的竞选口号是“是时候行动了”(It’s Time Let’s go)。他曾经在去年与副州长霍楚(Kathy Hochul)竞争纽约州副州长一职,他虽然失败,但他在纽约市...

Loyal Hound Gets justice for its Murdered Owner

19-02-27 immediately arrested all the bandits.Later, the coffin containing Qin Bang’s corpse was returned home and the...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 severely."The drunkard’s daughter heard that her father was arrested and determined to rescue her father. So...

把握5要点 远离食道癌

19-02-24 ,因为食道长期被胃酸侵蚀,可能引起食道溃疡、发炎、食道狭窄、吞咽困难,甚至癌前病变“巴雷斯特食道症”(Barrett's Esophagus),增加罹患食道腺癌的风险。肿瘤靠近重要器官所谓“肿瘤位置...


19-02-24 : www.nybg.org。3.纽约国际儿童电影节 New York International Children’s Film Festival(nyicff.org)这是喜欢电影的年轻朋友们的好消息!——纽约国际儿童...


19-02-24 Route 18 S East Brunswick, NJ 08816。联系人:David Chen(chen.david66@gmail.com)、Tina Liu (tinaliu11@gmail.com)。...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 There is a passage in The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (Huangdi Neijing) that...


19-02-24 宴中,我们将选出新会长和理事,承前启后继续服务乡亲。活动时间 :2019年2月24日(Sun) 5pm活动地点 :新财神, New Fortune Restaurant (16515 S...

人不是猴子变的 千名科学家公开质疑进化论

19-02-17 迈克尔·贝赫(Michael Behe)在1996年出版的《达尔文的黑匣子:生化理论对进化论的挑战》(Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 After her husband’s death, Liu lived together with their son. After she heard the government raised...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 The Jiayuguan Pass in China’s north west is one of the region's most splendid landmarks, being...


19-02-08 情侣烹饪班 Valentine’s Day Cooking Class for Couples(Pixabay/Pixabay-License)二人世界,也可以一起下厨,品尝共同烹饪出的美食、体会...


19-02-10 (Sun) 5pm活动地点 :新财神, New Fortune Restaurant (16515 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) 活动费用 :会员:$25...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 to the value of mankind, inspires me more than any other. It's easy to understand that the sky...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 to drag his body forward.  People called him “Dragging Guo”.Dragging Guo’s mother was old and...