富翁乐善好施却九子夭亡 菩萨解惑方知原由/Rich Man to Poor Man: An Inspiring Story From the Qing Dynasty

20-12-31 misfortune continued as one by one, his nine sons died over the course of a year. Wang Weng and his wife were...

康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30 family including 35  sons,  20  daughters,  and  97  grandchildren.  So  how  did  Kangxi  educate  his...

如何避开瘟疫之眼  转危为安

20-04-24 中向中共“输血”总额约为三万亿美元。而再早的2016年,摩根大通银行曾被联邦政府处以巨额罚款,原因是摩根大通于2003年开启了一个名为“子女”(Sons and Daughters)的项目,聘请中共高官...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 film Saving Private Ryan featured the Omaha Beach assault during the Normandy landings. Three sons of...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 , profligate, good-for-nothing sons of the wealthy do to seek pleasure. It didn't affect the general...


19-03-16 ——Anthony Carter。这位仁兄专营中国及亚洲工艺品30余年,自立门户前在伦敦著名古董商Bluett & Sons工作,由助手一路攀升至常务董事之位,专业知识亦是在此期间累积而成。今次上拍,冉父丙盉...


19-03-03 ,接受外国政府官员、客户和潜在客户的推荐,提供实习和就业机会,为公司换取不正当的利益。美联储说,弗莱彻同意接受终生禁业的决定。美国司法部2016年公布的文件显示,摩根大通制定了所谓“子女项目”(Sons...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 , who lived with his three sons. One day the old man said to his sons, “I have always taken care of the...

How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

18-11-12 her honor in “Yong Shi”. He wrote: “Many sons are useful, but only I have a daughter like Tiying!”一个勇敢...

苏富比纽约亚洲艺术周收官 你错过了哪些大漏?

18-10-06 严重,而美国汇聚了各大古董商,所以他大部分藏珍均购自当时美国及英国最为知名的古董商,诸如:卢芹斋、Bluett & Sons、W. Dickinson & Sons、H. R. N....

2018纽约秋季亚洲艺术周 中国古董再测水温?

18-09-13 、青铜器、书画及佛教造像,他曾于二战时期建防空洞以保存其中国古代艺术品收藏,藏品大多来自20世纪中叶最著名古董拍卖商 Bluett & Sons 和 Sparks、山中商会、卢芹斋、芝加哥的长谷商会...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 3)

18-08-05 gave birth to three sons and four daughters. She died on the 10th year of the Zhenguan era (636 AD...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 have to sell their sons and daughters to pay the grain taxes. Your sin was enormous and hence your...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 virtuous officials to the royal court. He lived to the age of ninety-three, and had five sons and thirteen...

  Sima Guang's Views on Talent and Virtue

17-05-16 self-indulgent emperors, treacherous officials, and prodigal sons were all talented people who lacked virtue....

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 ; someone who passed the once every three years provincial-level exams). Yu Du had five sons and four...

Ancient Stories of How Virtuous Mothers Educated Their Children

17-05-06 ;A virtuous mother raises virtuous sons! Now that I know you have a virtuous mother, I no longer need to worry...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 appearance of corrupt officials or prodigal sons has been due to this. The reason behind the biggest...


17-03-18 通过一项内部名于“子女”(Sons and Daughters)计划,雇用中共权贵子女222人,多为实习生。文件列出所有举荐人,涉及内地银行、证券与保险三大监管机构以及各大国企高管,乃至中共省级至国家级高官...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 you have been given the State of Lu!" The Duke of Zhou also told his sons, "A virtuous...

美联储就摩根大通声明 提供了刘云山之子犯罪证据?

17-03-15 特定推荐计划雇用中共企业与政府高层亲友,当中涉及75%在香港上市的内地公司。报导引述美政府调查部门一份文件称,摩根大通在2004年至2013年间,于全球通过一项内部名于“子女”(Sons and...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 believed that he would open a back door for them. Many candidates for the examination, including sons of...


16-11-24 ,在全球通过一项内部名为“子女(Sons and Daughters)”计划,雇用中共权贵子女“太子党”多达222人,且多为实习生。据报,多达四分之三涉事企业的高管“亲信”曾进入摩通任职,而推荐人更包括中共...


16-11-15 : Donald Trump (C), his sons Eric F. Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Season 13 contestants attend the "...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 determining everything. Doing bad deeds will be punished. I found that all the sons, daughters, sons-in-law...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 , foreigners began to refer to the Chinese people as "sons of Tang." Even in current times, some...

“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble

16-08-21 Marquis" was conferred upon him. His sons and grandsons inherited his modest and contented qualities, and...


16-02-25 恐怖组织“伊斯兰国”的支持团体日前发表视频,扬言取下脸书和推特创办人的性命,以报复这两个社交媒体删除IS相关组织的帐号。这个自称为“哈里发军队之子”(Sons Caliphate Army)的团体...


16-01-17 2,800美元。不过,现在克拉夫特餐厅已经停止营业了,取而代之的是“Colicchio & Sons”餐厅。松露松露是一种比较昂贵的食材,其中最昂贵的当属意大利的阿尔巴白松露。这种松露非常难种植...

Virtue Brings Prosperity to One's Family 积德家昌

15-12-31 very poor. The ancestor Zhang had two sons and both studied traditional teachings and cultivated...

视频:他独坐教堂清唱圣诞歌 动人歌声热传

15-12-24 on water?Mary, did you knowthat your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?Did you knowthat your...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 sons were honest, hard-working people who barely made a living. In the sixth or the seventh year into...


15-09-13 Chorus、和 Sons of Severn 。免费入场,现场有食物贩售。欲了解更多信息,请联系公园、康乐暨文化事务部,网址http://www.gaithersburgmd.gov/government...

曼哈顿 Meatpacking吃喝玩乐全攻略 (一)

15-08-15 他自己私藏的餐厅——Colicchio & Sons丶Santina丶Barbutto,Budakkan和Cook Shop。如果你想要歇息一下喝杯咖啡,你可以到西15街(West...

Filial Piety Fosters Kindness  以孝养善

15-08-07 sons are Li Jun and Li E. They have been serving as government officials away from here for over 20...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 integrity, and all of her three sons were very successful.Once, an old wall behind her house collapsed after...

法律窗口: 邦联旗真会从公共视野中消失吗?

15-06-25 ,亦即6月18日,联邦最高法院恰巧就一起涉及邦联旗的案子作出判决,案子的名称是“沃尔克诉邦联退伍兵之子得克萨斯州分部”(Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 remembered each character of the books by heart. Later he required his sons to read these books over 100...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 my sons the titles of duke. It is supposed to happen. You are so modest. Do you want me to be an...


14-09-29 family members, including several sons and daughters-in-law came down with the disease. They could not...